U. NEWS Alabama No Hair. No Bid A 1' of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, freshman claims she was forced to de-pledge from the Sigma Kappa sorority there after she revealed her head is shaved The woman, who wore a wig while attending rush func tions. said she has to shave her head due to a recent medical condition. “This is the kind of situation that is supposed to only happen in the movies," said 1K year old Crystal Thompson. At a large dinner where the pledges introduced themselves, in front of everyone, she revealed that her head was shaved “1 didn't realize that it made that much of a difference." she said The next night. Thompson said she was visited in her room by three Sigma Kappa officers not including the president — who told her that because the chapter was new on campus it could not afford to have its reputation tarnished She said they asked for her pledge shirt back and said her pledge was not official because she was not Sigma Kappa material. Thompson has trichotillmonia, an obsessive-compulsive disorder that causes the victim to pull out his or her hair After investigating the complaint Kathleen Randall, director of student life, said. "We did discover memliership practices which were of concern to us, so we recommended national intervention by the sorority s headquarters ■Hayden Child, lhf Crimson White l of Alabama. Tuscaloosa MASSACHUSETTS Meal Deal . . Official- at Clark C in Worcester. Mass . arc offering students mones hack if thc\ do not like their res idence hall meals The new program is designed Uidispel the notion that all col lege food is bad and to lietter accommo date the individual tastes ol student cus tomers. said Jack Foies, business man ager "It seems to ho a common denomi nator for students at all colleges and uni versities to vs rite home alsiut the qualits of the food.” he said I'ndertheness plan students unhapps with the food on their travs can complain to the food services manager, who vs ill credit a student's uni versitv account for the price of the meal if an adequate substitute cannot Is- pro vided Duka, the Massachusetts food service compans that manage- Clark - cafeterias, intends to "make the refund plan ! available to all of our schools, -aid Ron Cohen, Daka official ■ /Vic /i\ rien 1' of Delaware Georgia Losers Weepers . . Locks on the from doors of nearly every residence hall on campus were changed it Kmor\ 1' this fall, and almost 3,000 new keys were dis tnbutcd to students after a mechanic misplaced a master key, said Robert Stezkorn, the maintenance depart ment's director of operations It took several days to order the new keys because, as one university employee said, they don't "usually carry 3.000 blanks ’ Total costs associated with the loss of the master amounted to $5,000 The mechanic had taken a master key home after completing a late night repair in a residence hall and lost it w hile at home Lock and key hassles are not new to Emmory Last year locks on the doors of every residential building had to be changed at a cost of nearly $90,000 ■ Adam Biegel Th■ Emory Wheel. Emorv l KENTUCKY What s in a Name7 A Western Kentucky 1' freshman's name helped him through fraternity rush Joe Rush was a name most could remember Rut when introducing himself at parties, "a couple people thought 1 was lieing cocky with them." he said "Most just made jokes all week "Rush met memtiersfrom ail the fraternities because of a new pof icy adopted by the Interfraternity Council that made him visit each and even house a police that also made Rush endure even more rush jokes than he would have otherwise Hut he didn’t mind 'I liked the new svstern " said Rush, who finally pledged the Kappa Sigma fraternity ■Raul Baldwin College Heights Herald, Western Kentuckv l MISSOURI Blood U. . . For the record, the 1 of Missouri is the bloodiest place in the world The school established a new world record this year lor a peacetime blood drive, surpassing tin- record set In Southern Illinois 1’ at ('arliond.de in 19*6 According to Alan Klias. manager of the Account Development for the Missouri Blood ( enter. !.99f> units ol blood were donated by 4, t*i 1 donors SIl set the record with .1,706 units The record-breaking pints were donated by steering committee member Amir Jalali and university Chancellor Haskell Monroe "I was completely overwhelmed by the accomplishment "said Stephanie Simmons, chairwoman of the event ■ Karen Brooks Thr Maneater, I of Missouri. Columbia Oklahoma Chocoholics Anonymous People who give in to their cravings for chocolate mat feel a sense of pleasure that goes lievond the taste buds That's tiecause chocolate triggers the pleasure center m the hram, said Koh Holt, assistant phai mornings professor at the l of Oklahoma "It is the same pleasure as u hen one feels love and satisfaction." he said “It's tlie same satisfaction as when \ou see the man tor woman of your dreams” When eaten in large quanti ties, chocolate may he a stimulant because ot its caffeine content, hut the treat has no nutritional value < >nly milk chocolate has any nutritional value, which comes from the small amount of milk it contains ■ Piper 1.argent. Oklahoma I of Oklahoma Plan your future with precision. W Ik-ii it ionics tn planning yixir tailin'. All FTL k-ts voa plan it with precision. Fu st, vi hi can [Tin on applying for an academic scholarship ' and monthly allowance, urnimiw Vim can plan on de wlopiny; leadership abilities. Vxi'll k-am effectiw, advanced m.ui agement skills YbuH be taking tlx lu st step into an exciting, dial kiirouk career with a ptonusiny; tut lire Ami 1 hi ^raduatxHi, ymi can plan mi wearing tlx- yokl txirs tliat corn mand tlx- resjiect, resjxxisibility and leco^nitKHi dm* an officer in the world’s ties! A11 Force. All Force R( ri'C vnves you tile » opportunity to desijjn your own career path. To trawl. To serve yt*ur country. To enjoy tlx- tx'ix'lits of j>ood [xiv with lx mtaxable Ikhis injj allowances. I’lus .’todays of vacation with [xiv each war and aimpldt medical ami dental care. Take tlx- guesswork out of your tomorrows, lalk with vi hi 1 guidance counselor W today. Or write: .^k Air Force R( )TC, HO M AFROTC RR(K)N. U Maxwell AFH. AI. :k)lL’ axkd. & ADI HIGH./*