Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS IEBK1 \H\ \ II R \( NUNS VNin morr than nomronr » hrart in Ihr 01)1 ( UwifirtK MtAHT THKO©5 COHTP5T Krb 14th? MfAHT TNROC5 dtarfUn* r*bfu*ry 1 5th tuttote 1 pm11 To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 200 TRAVEL And it's Get the best informatofi oo student/budget inteffwonal trsveiever Caiiofccxnebyfo* "* 11T1 JtuOtnt Tfittl (OtftlOS* it’s kidded with *n format rr*m• worlehop cat gel you atarled No •penanca needed We reoru* new guide* from graduate* JW Mere* 17 22 1 MB MSB TRAVEL TO ALASKA. MAW A* ETC l hwhrorli r. Nafonal P*r**?orecu Trey ei. houtng A food expense* p**d P’ote* uonat t'fci»>ng VtWl SCA m EMU by Mir Dee* F at) f> H Tor tmsi cel Student f m ptoyrrmm. M6 32U Over 900 paertxxw eve»» netoneede ?30 HELP WANTED Ded end 2 bo ye 10 end U need non •mexung cheerful. We* Nxeeteeper 25 42. foomfoOBrd’Mtory m bea,cA*u< home tn SotAharet' HA* Our home to be you' home Send epptcehon to Ed Low* 23 15 Wr*Ho# Circle Eugene OR 97406 ■CYCLE REPAIR INSTRUCTOR To leech as E UU C»afi Center begmrMng Spring term ln»t/ucl©n r br*Mr A gee' «%u*iment. teheed lurvmg A overhauling taw r,g sets beared AppteetiOft deadhne Feb 11 For tnlo canted A/tne St breeder !WR-4361 help' wanted 7X HELP WANTED Student Coordinator CultunM for urn A SARO po*«om bagm Spwj T *rrn tar *91 H? HwllAg* Mute V<*u*< Am PapuUr Mu**c l *ci-jrm Fim Portamwg Am E wnt* Orw D** AA arnptoya_ Arbono*, pur* oopMUtMiMd Sw>m Ur c*r» F **lr* it teitj* ta mi ax' *u*t*n< Contact (enem) 741 0280 A**i*l*n» SwWw ComcJi B*g*nnrng M*/Cb lit. Avfmgm A ’0 hOu'OMMA OtJBMUriM *—**Mnfl *v*«MbM» it thi F ig«r» WCA. 20W P*l»*e*on Cta»rg dat* »**> IS ir>Qu»w* Jmr 6H34SS1 A*«Mt 23 yr old mmI* qu*d Irvout o< wtwmtchmk («*■ *Mn) Ri m»*l*, WgM hou**4**p*no p*r *on*4 emm fkmtmtmuarn. Mu*t ttwp over 2 <4*y**wA. Spm W Spm Sun. I147J1 be monthly C*M b>*m 1 1 747*tl7 A GREAT SUMMER JOB SUMMER CONfFRINCf ASSISTANT Annomxxr*9 K*n Cor>i*#*no* A****iant (x> Mont *»Bh Unr**r»»y Mou»nfl Contf •no* Smtvh** fc *m room. bOJtn) wtmK'y fcJtUry *r*C5 v*luMb<* >Ob **p*ri*fw *» T*" to tourtM*« mw* po*««om mvmIMMi t o* my* ntarmation. Po*4®n Dmocicxoti and AppfruMKX- *v*4ab** *1 Ur»*«r»'» ►tau**nQ ConMr*nc* S+rvtam 101 OougldM H*«. r WaAot C*oy*r uomm*t*<5 to cuAur*> atvmntf HELP WANTED 7W HELP WANTED Camp counMlort, walarfror* *nd •drama* a»va •tafl nwdid Mull tjo g’aal a*n tud*. f«{ionWUl. oarng. ana* gate. A Jona fft August !A M6C flftOO piu* room A board B you‘r» maranad m k*M tha out door* and a g <••«*! aipananca. caM Wan am Uvar* G*! Scoot* tor apphcaton 4&*> 54M 1 Dwkwi wan lad. Oaat AAaaAan Bu*h Company f rcaflant monay 1030 tNry 90 Mortft tm 9CP7 Oaaparaiafy —aAtng n*mM Boa for * taaclmg nanry agancy invtaa you to H«*nd • rawanJng and ctukHangng yaar wtn carafuty acraanad profaaaorva! far* *aa CompAata aupport nafwork awarts your arvaJ On* yaar aorrmtmant For • local tmarvana caJ Amartcan AUPAiR. f BOO-2*&> 4771 FvAt ar pan #ma nanny lor my raw young cf'tfcj'ar f ipaano* pratarabta. non *rnokar. naacH oam car. ralaranca* raq Cal taooa or Jim. day* 34>1»7 or avaay^and* 6fl7 AV31 HIGHf R EDUCATION ADMINISI RATION REPORTER Tha Oagor Da»y l mar aid « lookno io ♦J 1 r«|x>nar poador mmadurtaiy lla *pon*fc>4a lor ? 3 stonaa par wad Pta »*x/t wrC. man naadad A3ft 000 polar* al ''**•<* Cai (1) 80ft 96^8000 f»t B964? N a aaaAar man you flank to pay tor your cjoJwga aducaton wortung at jggtaa f *caiaot mrxwy. tta«t:»ia hour* Ca* Nanoaa or Brook tor pantonal tm«r raw, 344 8887. ____ I rtaad your help »w** rod# Mur. uara Mo animat tasting Cal! 686 0934 for into HEIP WANTED lVk£ 3 University of Oregon University Housing presents ]EanfM mto Write UC. PO Bi 52-003. Cor on* Pel M* CA 92626 Phon* CoerdtoMor tor 70 volunteer* proving head injury luppyl Cat be home pob Must bo very nrtMbto tiQCVmo Gal Charto* Webb, 343 3t44 RESEARCH ASSISTANT m»M to work tut lima at the Vaflum tnstlute (1474). Or •pOn Health SCWXW UnNenUty. 3151 SW Sam Jackson Park Road. Portland. OP 97201 B S to btochemetry or taotogy prelerred wth m psrwnce Ming motecutar bo*ogic*ltotocherr*GAl techmque* required. strong interpersonal And com rrvncahon *N>fc needed, inve*tigAlioo» nvoNe ucina recorrtsnant DNA lechnai ogy to Nudy The bmyntheM of bra^n peptide hormonm and therr receptor* Aodre** resume lo Or Phljp Stork An equal opportunty. aftirmatve action #m Ptoyer He etdem Director‘Student ActMtiee Coordkwtor Bacheiore Degree re <*Mred from Accredited ImMuma. Mae tere In Psychology, education or relat ed social services leld beneddel. 12 mo. hJIdme, Mve-in. Ad beneite. AM qualified cendMetee taped lo Apply. Send letter, reeume, oNIcM college iMocrtpe lo David Waggoner, VP lor Student Affair*. ffoithweet CNrteien College. 121 E. lit». Eugene. OR 97401-3727. ApphcaMone doee 22291. Position begins Wltotl. SUMMER CAMP JOSS lor men A women totenrtowtng f etxuary ?7 Make appointment A get I a ther rtlormelion At Student Employment, 12 Hendricks HaM Summer Jobe CounaetorkSummar chtklrene campfc.NorlheA»i Top salary, 'mini-laundry Travel aiowance Must have **uf to one of the foAowmg acikliee archery, a aft*, baaebal. basketball bcycing. dance, drama, drum*, fencing, tootbak got. gurtar. gymnaatce. hockey, horseback Engtoh. toggltog. Aar ale. lacrosse. nature, photography. p«ano. rocketry. roAertMadng. mpee. •aitooarding. satfng. scuba. soccer. track waterski weight* wood Men call or wrte Gamp Wnadu. 5 Glen lane. Manwoneck N Y 10543 (914) 381 6963 Women call or write Camp Vega. P O Boa 1771. Duibury MA 02332 (617) 9 34 6636 Swimming Jobe (WSI)-Surrmer childrens carrp* Northeast Men and women who can teach chAdmn to swim, swim team, beautiful pool and lake* m the Northeast Good salary. room A board, travel eipense Men cal or write Carrp Wlnedu. 5 Glen l ane. Mamaroneck. N V 10643 (914) 361 5963 Women caH or write Carrp Vega. P O Bo* 1771. Duabury. MA 02332 (617)934 6636 _ Term Jobe Summer children* carrpe Northea*t Men and women who can teach children r» the Northeast Good salary. room A board, travel expense Women cal or wme Camp Vega. PO Boa 1771. Duibury MA 02332 (617) 9346636 Men can or wrte Camp Wtoadu. 5 Glen lane. Mamaroneck N Y 10643(914)361 6063. WOMEN Woman * Resource A Retook need* a Co director l Mai be energetic A ded< cased 1615 hr* a week Work study or stipend Apply at Worn •xv* Center. Suite 3. EMU Deadlne Feb 6. 500 pm EQE_ MO.OOtVyr! READ BOOKS and TV Scrpts FR oil srrpta ikwdoni Ike form. EASYl Fun. rotating m homa. beech, vacation*. Guaranteed paycheck FREE 24 Hour Recording 801 37*2*26. Ed JLEfi 230 Houses FOR REHT Cut* 2 bedoe* Avan Immediately $626 • dsposl 2623 Potter 486 6223 ttS APTS/DUPIEXES ALDERWOOD MANOR I860 Alder ftbeet Accepting apptcehon* for studio. 1. 2 A 3 bdrm apartmanta in eac. campus complex Mika. 344 5696 tor deads Jennings ♦ Co.68U21I ?3S APTSPUPLEXES Log* 1 Mo«n. inkanlahad, taANJn ->*iO* apac*. lot* ot atoraga Prtan* U