Valentine Gifts Under $20 Sweets for vour sweetheart! Or-, : v . Edible HEART shaped chocolate boxes, chocolate HEARTS or truffles in HEART shaped tins, and other heavenly chocolate gifts. Kuphoria Chocolate Company 6 West 17th Ave & 199 i; 5th St 343-9223 345 1940 CASH FOR BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 E. 13th 345-1651 BUYER AVAILABLE DAILY MON. - FRI. SAT. 9-5 SiZ $5 Is all it takes to let your sweetheart know you care HEART THROBS! Appearing Keh. 14th In the ODE Classifieds •taa Uu I pm >.k IMS! " miner irtiCKLtirs j ntincc riiciimn ICE CREAM & COFFEE PARLOR ALSO SERVING EUPHORIA CHOCOLATES ^ gift certificates available for Valentine s Day ,Wntimn H6l WilUn . 1, 343 2621 M ! ■ ,'«m 6pm Sat l«'Mm or,--. 1 Sun NCX >N r>pm IJ of () ( diiipuk 14th & A-j,it« .144 4418 't/a tenCtne '* 1249 Alder • 344 1960 Open Late Every Day Campus Connection Keep Your V alentine Warm off all white,pink, red. and black sweatshirts. % 720 E. 13th St. j (neit lo Dairy Queon) * Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS ifhhi \k\ \11k\< iions To Place, Cancel or ^ Q Teaser" ads will be hidden lhr»ugh«iut ihr (JrtMifiwI* this COffCCt yOUT 3(j 0 3! 11 O ■ w" * O ■ O mnnlh ( hn k nut < Ussitird house ad* lor mure details_ iBfSMWtf_ ALL ARE WELCOME TO WINTER RUSH AT THETA CHI Thurs. the 7th, 5:00pm Spaghetti dinner house lours toosball, billiards hoops movie refreshments 1125 E 19th A University 345 4651. Andy Bracco __OX_ PHI PSI Winter Rush Open House February 0th 6:00 - 8:00 pm Any Quaaltiina. caa HI *46 < Aak tof Tiaria or CHria Planned Parenthood tor Pap smear*. m taction chacita. birth control and oouneai ing Days and evenings 944+411 REMINDER: Sigma Chit! The sisters of Sigma Kappa ehal brass you wfth their presence at dinner this Wad I Sea you than) Si* • ler ‘ hood m 1 A oommunty or *ocmy of sisters sharing a common bond or letowrthtp 2 A club or Greet sorority of women 3 SIGMA KAPPA ToI along lha Mlkaoa and muting oui dad* ovar lof a lun avan »g « you* plaoal __Lora. I ♦» Conatdafing kboraonT Cona>da> lha •lamMfcaa BIRTHRIGHT. Iraa and conh dantiai 68/ 865! Winter Rush Coma Check Us Out ATA Delta Tau Delta Rush Schedule TTiuraday Ttti: 5.30 Dnna* 6 00 Maar lha Brohan Friday Mi: 5 30 Dinna* 700 Social Function arSororty ATA 18M UnkrarUty 91. laonw o< !«h 8 UnkfafMy) For mo*» Wo cafl Rob. 3*4-7510 105 PERSONALS Tha bnd# and groom war* quit* a tight Than** for "mock wadding t waa a vary fun night I Lov*. It At KAPPA DELTA Initiates W* know thla la way ovardua. Bui wa want you lo know how happy wa ara to hav* you!! Camto B. ShaMay A. Hata C. Catty F Dawn G. Suaan G Andraa H Kart H Amy H Jannffar C. Kacy D. Joann* F. Laurta G. kAchatta H. Cortnn* H. Laura H. KriaiH K/tattnK. Mantt P. rK. JarWtor P. McoftaS. Lava, Your alalara In Kappa Data AAA IN Steve and Jill Congratulations on your pinning. Wa wish ya tha bast. • Your broa. IN AAA FKW Thank • tor a graal ttm* Wadnaaday mghL Duma* but Tha rottarakatlnfl baatft Lov*. waa lun PBF John H*jpy flrthday to rry ora 4 only Magic Mandt ' You ra tha graataai and l lov* you total Knock la Bockia 110 LOST 4 FOUND FOUND Col. JACOB on lootiof Conor Long hofc, deck coiocod lobby Ploooo coO 5070021 (Wool UrdvocoHy oroo) fowl Nocfcioc*. room 1J3 GFbon. 4m 143 6094 n» lot Adtonno Loot: l onghorrod black lomob col Mh W»I. po«n *nd cfwal 1618 VilonF 40S3617 LOST: Mouvo (1410 two* 1/31 b4*l»0W' 100 * EMU REWAROI CmB Lwrm. S46-B744._ no LOST i FOUND Lost Dae 27. tWO vicinity Wwl Mb ra land atudant houalng. Long hakad tomato cat. 1 yt old Gmy * tan aklpad tabby Tan ehaat. oranpa marUnga on from pom Uc Kara to Cad M2 JIM. _REWARO._ LOST In 123 Gabon. Gold chain wcroao. Mon TgO 4 AHon >44 W73 Ratoard lor Mac* tuxry hat (f found ttoMoa cal 342 JJ ns TYPING SERVCES Punted text to computer hies nanflflnan 7J/JitfO ;:.otu. J • i 'fiViO 344 4510 •OS l 13th Ava Th« WORD SPECIALISTS! * (iriiluk S» h«**>| Approved * * Diucditionil hr «r Vipci ^ * HIM Compatible! >wk i onvfM>m> * la»ct l‘nntmit< »uphhA * I diim&Kctumc* CAROLYN_CtNOV Eva a Typing M3 3466 Raporta, Otoaartakona. rtaaumaa _Laaar friniar FAX IT HERE 346-2853 aand A racaa low coat F ootnotaa l MU Hm B ?1 FOR SALE Wise IIS TYPING SERVCES FLYING FINGERS fypaig *arv»ca Fast, accural*, prafaaaional >1 Oftpaga, uf> OMOM JO. THE TYPING PRO Ml«OM I0M WORD PROCESSINGSCXTING FAST Rt ASONAfllf CONSClf NTIQUS PAPERS OUET NEED HELP? Edting / Typing Word Procaaamg Virginal 341 3366 i**9By * Typ'f’S *•'*'<» Eapanancad typat oAarrvg mkvkjm or (RM corrpoiar »y*tam and laaar prantar Raaaonabia ralaa __ _ Call Paggy 1 U3-Um_ PROFESSIONAL TYPING Alto word prooaaarng. ad (ting Fra* ptcfc upda***<> Rond*. 93S ifttt? TYPING UNLIMITED Bartoara Land 4AS-1343 125 INSTRUCTION FREE MAC WORKSHOP Room 1 n CocTfx/ting Carlar. Thursday. Fato 7. 11 00 am 1 00 pm Tjpa. abort cuta A ut<* Tat tor Mac uaara VIOLENCE WHAT YOU CAN DO TO PROTECT YOURSELF Conlad: FuaaEI, MldOM 130 FOR SALE Aiwa Car Slarao caaaatta dac* pullout. 1 yr old. $4A) ram %?90.otw Nkrtando Actor Sat. wTatne HOGobo fOR SALE NISC Ib4 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon V/401 ,'j0i, 3*3 36U OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Futons •Frames«(;loth in#‘T-shirts CLOSE Ol 7 PRICES! heart Throbs Deadline: February 13 1 p.m. 130 FOR SALE AtMofd tpkw^oQ ahtii ^ooi# A tend carte; MO KmqmI 10 ipwd gkte tew 11t; MO. CaB MA-T74te Canon Typo Star 1 On acraan teapiay. 2 typo tacaa. MO Modam ofVko chair Am artjuat abto. f 75 Paa* wlh temp. MO 343 6017 Cor covor tor VW Scmoco 450 oOo —aatti FurnHuro lor aato Kachan tabto o-chaufi. couch, draaaar. O *1 •«*•< tmJ Boat oflor Col A teovo maaaaQa Ml 7542 Moving Soto I Btcycto* turmturo. Sony TV apaoal/ad *wnd tramar and stand rmc aiuWI OavHj. 4AS0661 Praaaura waaNng, houaaa. docks. tancaa. wateway. ale Haaaorufeto __ _ pncaa 344 90/9 Raducad la Sai : Nagto CN 7. 8 12 trpto mortod. gaito'y _ tramod MQOobO 4A4 2081 SacrtAca - uaad tea* man 200 miaa R 175 70 13 Mountad 4 atuddad tvaa A rrra 345 6066 Sharp PA 1060 pod intatHvrnar 6000 word mam 60 cha/adar daptoy A 3 choc— oi typa $69 90 663 5126 av— Woman* M'YATA 24 12 apaad Mountain B>k* Good ahapa «v1 andara $i25robo Cal 61*6 1061 ns BUY OR TRADE MU BUY RECORDS CLASSICAL A OPERA Call Larry al trvtngton Mualc. 1 240 4313 140 PETS frtan#y 9 month* old fad latod Um Capa haatan and mcKa' 4250 o* mak* o> f«» f>89 0341 afiar 6 145 CARS DRUGLORO CARS' 9100 M VW $50. «7 BMW $?00, U S MN/wtf FREE iUhf Hacooling BO' 37B ?930 ««1 JllC r» Dodg* D«rt $400 O' D*4I on*' Mi P6/9 0I 60/ 14435 lo< "w**Ag«* 150 MOTORCYaES SCOOTERS Honda FMia AO Wa« mamtavtod A fun* graat $4?Sot» CaiDava 667 Q7Qt MOPEO Vary good condlion Su/uki. txoa 50 oc Induda* 2 fraa halm*** and h^kat $200 406 0538 1971 Honda 17$ Tain ftacant tuna up. naad caah, 48200 344 96/9 r Heart Throbs j Keep the tradition alive! iss BICYCLES NM*I AiM 21 «p Mi b*m 215 Shtmsno 0*0*9 oomp •« oond 4350 Anttany. 346 92B3 10 spd BlancN: 1/v* inch Rad aac con J«or nawr t40°° Word Procaaao# Smrih Corona PW4> 80 Vary good condition 1300 484 0538 788 12 889* 00 344SX 91384 00 MuRi Ungual sofrwara. French. Span*h. Qornwv w«h sound and mom int t Corryyutar Cantar 830 Qlv, >4? 84 re FREE MOUSE! Computar tystam w*h hard dak. induda*. word processing. spread »nm»r and ddafwtta All lor only $700.00. Computer Systems West 1744 WMarmlO _3434143_ 170 SOUND SYSTEMS NAKAMICHI 240 1190. Car dack 4 moa old, audlophMa quality 344401 7. 175 INSTRUMENTS Malao I2elr acooatic guitar h* CAM. aaac lunar aic thapa 4340 Anthony 3469283 iso RESALE CLOTHING Haad caah? Stop "Wp»nQ %«*» ihoaa tor clothM lo B*ng Charty I’aaca at 87 W I3hl 190 SKI EQUIPMENT MUST SELL! Roaaignaf TotatngOoaa Country akia, bools and polas Rts 4 3 kmke flOO obo 644 M 31. 195 OUTDOOR RECREATION W. Miller Ski Video! A baa irwK't tponsorad by ih# UO Outdoor Programl ?oo TRAVEL A trim# Hckat iugana to San Otago (via SF V March 14*v UKOO 44 S 2945 taava rwaaaaga 1 gray hound R T. Ttckat for Saw 42tVobo tugana to Portland Good 1 yr Cal 343 8317 or »v massaga 2 RT tchatt to Ft Laud bom Ptiand Mar 14 23 or good 4 1 yt 4800 344 4145