Winter Sale 762 l. Ill* Ah' uni ft* Ihf iju/i'JC* 141 8667 hftd SI PWlfc Marlwl Amwadm 6812 KM FOLKWAYS IMPORTS TH>f> , Wf v f?> S l < \ » A'. ’ l fA A> ». Nt A' >fA I' Oregon West -fitness BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 1 1 pm 1 (Jays a *eeK 485 1624 y 'anklm Rlv'J -s *t\ »m c am pus G4NtRAi Ao5»VWO»^!HO*T77TraD,'»lJK»r*0 UOO^»ON IAAT t3-»** 4 WO* AlWAfS / BAfH.i*JN ncnty BOO* i ON 1A1 C MO IT* S nCKffTS 111 COOC HAM 77SNS Y **Vi r x> ■ w w»i i )C A UllJUWS RIM THE BEST I NS* MBIT Of THE YEAR IN ANY LANGUAGE ~ *An •nt*rta»nm*frt rtcf» miiy»n and irtoitganoi in* Ijrrtc, !h« come and tha if age m a turn of faaoo-ani corr^aairiy * MAY I'OOL* A At Mr COMIOV BY IOUIS MAUI m i ITCf K8 OML P »•«*>>•* roo An event fur Him lover*. Beautiful Imaginative Stunning Gtorioui" “DRIiAMS it at once uoyant and extraordinarily piaituviatc It hai the feel •f an urgent menage to the living and the dead " U/f/ra Jurc&MSas DREAMS IT. gm:ti:imn.u maMWtrr. if Imto Nile Admittion Th S* |3 So W# »2 SO • BELIE V_E GHOST J2221 A true tidventure more erotic than any fantasy. fWC-l7 HappyJTiSils We pay cash (or used Records, Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one •(tree used let O'd or tape of equal or lessei value) s1.50 OFF ANY CD! expires 1/31/91 NEW LOCATION Now selling basketball, football. 255 £ 13th 485-5351 CDs • Tapes • LPs • Posters • Stickers . La-BBuaiaaa COUPON and baseball cards HAPVEV NDERSON’S SPORTING GOODS SALEM • ALBANY • CORVALLIS • EUGENE | Bring a friend for I u a i c ODIPCI j nMLr rniv/L; j Anderson’s ski i rental special! I (Rent two sets of cross country or downhill I ski equipment and the second one will be § half price!) | expires 2-7-91 I EUGENE • 199 W. 8th St. • 484 7344 ENTERTAINMENT 'Awakenings' rouses emotions thought AWAKENINGS PG-13 Movieland ★ * * * • Don i t* • • Watt t tf • • • 10# lilt* • It* A fTX/V By Christopher Blair ( «H?r.» 'i Manage*} t dMor You iiihv hout Awiikwiinfis It's based on a true slorv but ( htingrs the fat ts Its too emo tional And so on At tu.dlv it's an e\t client film, based on the exponent es of a \ow York dot tor ts ho revived people who hail been "asleep tor dct titles bet dllse of it mvste nous illness Kohin Williams plays Malcolm Saver Saver is a reclusive and sin doctor who tv .nits to spend his life doing research on earthworms and primitive plants hut takes a |oh in a < hrtinit hospital to pat the lulls Tut ked in the various wards, he finds a community of immobile coma lose people; Saver becomes obsessed tvilli them, and. convinted they are aware of then surroundings, tries to tvake them up An experimental drug does the tru k Patient Inonard Lowe (Hubert DeNiro) is the first to awaken, stunned at what has happened to him Mm li of the movie deals with the rest ol the patients anti their own awaken mgs Most wake up with grav hair anti no Irate of the lift1 they left and the movie asks the audience to answer a question Was waking these people up worth it! And although the movie's ending is not the happiest ever filmed, it s not too heart w rent lung, and even has a positive tone to it Awakenings has drawn (ire from crit it s tor liemg too sentimental, but it s really lust a good movie, and the sap py" stuff is powerful without being too manipulative The most emotionally powerful scenes are between Leonard and Paula (Penelope Ann Miller), a girl visiting the institution to read to her fa (her. ( mirlrM photo Robin Williams and Robert lie Niro star in Awakenings, the story of catatonic patients who arc revived to find a different world than the one they left. 1'liis is Ik'Niro's movie, and he does a stellar job This is the same man who plaved Satan in Angnl //car/ and a comic bounty hunter in Midnight Run. In this movie, however, he plays the serious role of a Ixiy who has a few months to grow up. live, and go back to sleep Kolnn Williams does a good job in his role of Dr Saver, although he goes a hit overboard making Ins i haracter timid and shy Hut for someone who was mak ing "Mr Happy" jokes and grabbing himself on stage a few years ago. W il liams' performance is just fine. Those who are miffed I recause the film is only based on fact can get the real sto ry from the book by the same name Kv eryone else will Ire treated to a great movie The University Department of Dance opens its annual performance of Dance '91 tonight in Robinson Theatre. The show will combine ele ments of jazz, tap and ballet. Dance '91 kicks off tonight By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Reporter A melange of contemporary dance takes centerstage tonight in Dance ‘91. the University's Depart ment of Dance's annual winter per formance Featuring works performed by faculty, guest artists and dance stu dents. Dance '91 explores the vari ous genres of modern dance in cluding jazz, ballet and tap. "This is a repertory perfor mance," said Sherry Barr, an assis tant professor in the dance depart ment. "Each dance is distinct in style and statement." "Each is an expression of the personality and experiences of the individual choreographer." she said. "That's what dance is all about. It's not just a series of moves, but an art of creativity with character of its own." Barr herself choreographed a modern dance piece titled "No Passing Zone." Based on a person al experience, it explores the deci sion-making process we all go through in our lives "I was driving on the highway one day and it struck me as a very harrowing experience with all the unexpected turns, twists and peaks along the road." Harr said. "Life itself is very much like that, with its ups and downs, and often we have to make those impor tant decisions that mold make or break us I thought that would make a good dance theme." As if choreographing was not enough. Harr is also one of the 12 dancers in the jazz production ti tied "Suite Bru.” fazz tap differs from musical the ater or show tap in that it stresses complex rhythms rather than high stepping kicks and time steps, she said. "Some of the music and moves resonate with the influence of the dance cultures of the non-western Turn to DANCE. Page 10 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS BLUES TRAVELER an electrifying blues quartet with special guests local band NINE DAYS WONDER Sat. Feb. 23 EUGENE HILTON BALLROOM 8 pm Tickets: $8 U of O Students, $12 General Public, available at EMU Main Desk, Face the Music, Record Garden, CD World & Happy Trails in Corvallis EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS {/V c '>/'(’/////{/ (>/. XY WM //V * ///M VC w/l £///// BOB WEIR & ROB WASSERttAN Thursday, Jan. 31, 9 PM Hilton Ballroom $18.50* Tickets go on sale Fri. Jan. 11 Available at EMU Main Desk only or charge tickets by phone 346-4362. i •All tickets subject to service charge (Ua*f*r i ‘ontat r-. i iiitris complete lab on premises h■ Students! $15.00 off Eye Exam with Student I I). Card rainbow optics S 13th \vt’ one bit* k from l of O I r»i* parking in Kuk 143-3 333 I HourVi 1 ’pni. Sal Vim *pm Offer c \ piles ' L ''Where Your Table Is Our Kitchen' STUDENT SPECIAL Two Complete Dinners For Only... ( hou e <>l: Shrimp & ( hie ken or $1695 NV Sit'.ik