Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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Blues, rock shows
dominate weekend
Coffin Break, a Seattle-based band, will perform at 9; 10 p in
in the Community Center for the Performing Arts 291 W ttlh
St. The hand will liven up the music hall with their notori
ous hardcore sounds. The Derelicts, also out of Seattle, and
The Detonators, from Eugene, will open the show, All ages
are welcome and alcoholic beverages will be available foi
those with 1.1) Tickets arc- SI at the door, and doors will
open at ‘).
Balafon Marimba Ensemble and More Time will lie perform
ing at 7 p.in. in the EMU Ballroom The concert/dance will
take place as part of Martin Luther King Jr Celebration
Week. Tickets, available at the door only, will sell for $*» stu
dents, $6 general and $2 children under the age of 10
l-ea Jones, singer and songwriter, will return to Eugene to do
a live recording concert at Delbert's Cafe, 525 Willamette St .
at 8 p.m. Advanced tickets, selling for S3.50, are available at
Halladeer Music. 296 E. 5th St.
Margo Tufo Blues Revue, a straight-ahead Chicago blues
band, will perform at 9:30 p.m. in the Community Center for
the Performing Arts, 291 W. 8tli St. Admission is $5 at the
door, and doors open at 9.
Oregon Jazz Ensemble, directed by University Professor
Steve Owen, will perform at the opening ceremonies for the
University's conference honoring Martin Luther King Jr. The
ceremonies will begin at 10 a m. in the EMU Ballroom. Ad
mission is free.
University Jazz Sextet, and other student jazz combos from
the University’s jazz studies program, will perform at 8 p.m
in Beall Concert Hall. 961 K. 18th Ave This show will fea
ture student compositions and arrangements, along with
some jazz standards. The show is free and open to the public.
Turn to EVENTS. Page 10
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Band to perform unique mix
By Layne Lakeftsh
t rncMicI f riser:,i.nmci! I unor
If F.ugene lias fieen waiting
lor .111 oil vour left t mu ert, it's
going In get one next week
I'he Dirts Dozen Itr.iss It,mil
knosvn tm fusing lir.isx Ii.iikI
hi 11 si( ss llll III Ilk llllk .Hill
rlislluu .mil blues sounds sx 111
perform on Mmnl.is |.m .’1 .il
H p m m the ( iinmnmits ( en
ter llll tile Performing Alls .:n I
U 8th St
I'he group's slurs started
h.li k ill 1*177 in the i its ul Ness
The me others met ss h i le
playing in ris.il hands or run
ning into e.ii h other in the i its
From there, lints joined lories
and frequented the stage of a
Ness Orleans establishment
known as the Dirts Dozen So
i lal and (Measure ( lull Heine
the mime Dirts Dozen Itr.iss
Hand even though the hand
only numbers eight
It was around 1077. however,
when brass hand popularits
fell, giving sv.is to funk |.i/z
and even rm k sounds Most
Ness Orleans brass hands slink
svitli their tradition and suhse
queiillv fell bs the wayside, hut
tlu* Dirts Dozen made a ditler
ent dei ision
As a hand willing to trs
something ness and diverge
from tradition, they took the
ness Is popular musii al stsles.
( mutinied them ssitli their ow n
brass hand sounds and ended
up svitli something strn tlv their
"Fai li of us adds his own
soei i a I seasoninu to that yum
1|-' V i. ft.. 11 ■
I'hv Dirty Dozen brass Hand will bring it* uniqut* mix of brass
band, nnk. jo// and funk to Eugene's Community Center for
the Performing Arts un Monday night.
(><> .mil we like to think it's
the perfect blend.'' said tnun
pel player (Iregors Davis in a
press release
That was I t years ago, and
since then they have made ap
pe,iram es on I'he Tonight
Show Lite Night With David
i.etterman and CHS This Morn
mg They've also released four
albums and done guest appear
am es on three other albums
They've recently released
their fourth alburn, titled "The
New Orleans Alburn.'’ and
they're on tour promoting it
Mondu\ the hand vs ill bring
their energs to Kugene
This is not your traditional
New Orleans brass hand ' said
Alls Wo/.nii k imlilli I si for the
kind s kinking agent "The\
draw on .1 lot of different
sounds, like jazz. roi k and
With all of Iht> elements
fused into their musical stylo,
it's no wonder the concerts
bring audience members to
their feet
"They're so much fun in
concert." Wo/.mck said "They
always go over real well v\ it ft
auiliemes Phis is the kind of
concert where people lire up
and darn ing and singing It's
not like some shows where
people have their bottoms
glued to their seats
I n kels .$ 1(1 in advent e. can
he pun based at the K\ll Mam
I lesk
Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner
hr A. |azz & Blues Records, and Cd-s I
Gift Certificates
In (hi FilrkpiAitl BuildiNc,
FifTh & PiarI • EuqcNC
LarRer... and more inventory!
University of Oregon
hMU.Ml 10
Credit Courses
Basic Playwriting
TV/TH 2 .< JO pm Jan 8 Mar 14
Register at Theater Arts Dept . 2It) tillard
lun ation TBA
Instructor Branko Dtmtlrijevic
Ihis course is often to those interested in
it riling a one act or full length plus based
on an original idea or an adaptation
Grading is based on effort, improvement,
and class fnirtn ifiation
Non-Credit Courses
Homeopathic First
Aid Clinic
.SVt 9am-12 .10 pm Jan IV
Fee $15 Location TBA
Instructor Karen Kunkler. S' I)
Homeoftalhv stimulates the body 's natural
healing process to cure illness and injurs
Come and learn how to use a variety of ho
meoftathtc remedies for common first ant
TV III 7 V pm Jan X Mar S
lee 575 IjHMum IMA
Instructor Wayne Vincent
this non aggressive Japanese nnirtml art
places emphasis on < entering halaru e and
relaxation, as well as on self defense lei h
nupies Training is designed to redui e ten
sum. in< reuse flexibility, and heighten
awareness of inner energs
J. krishnamurti Seminar
W X 6 M) pm Jan V Mar 7
So fee IjH ution 176 Education
Instructor Marels lees
.4 partu t/Kiril led seminar involving the
practical application of Krishruiniuni s
stvle of self observation to the deepening of
our assarenes s Issues to be meditated
u/n m will on hide the role of the teacher,
the roles of fear and pleasure in producing
conditioning and subsequent ctmflicl. the
natures of thought, freedom, intelligence.
meditation, and love
Comedy Writing
!♦ 2 .1 45 pm Jan V Mar I <
let $2A I j nation IRA
Instructor Hranko Dimtlrijes it
Slutlenis in lint course will learn about till
ferent tspes of tin otre t t>med\ arul then
formulate ideas for a t onteds of tins length
and of a media formal dies would like
How to Meditate:
Theory & Practice
hvo sections 114 5 JO pm Jun I Mai
/// 7 X JO pm Jan 17 Mar X
No fee lunation 242 Cierlinger
Instructor Jot H'emer
This is on informative amI ex/nranenutl
clow During each t/ass »u* w ill meditate
its well os learn the advantages of medita
turn No prior expertetu e is nei esstiis lit
gamers and r tpatent ed meditators tir(
welcome Dus «lass i\ non th nomination
'•Hum hint- registered for Aikido and
are a non-student at I of (). pica*? re
member lo arid no additional $15 for a
building pass. He will send it lo u>u in
the mail.
l of O students register at the appro
priate co-sponsoring departments. Son
students must contact ( ommunil} Edu
cation. .146-5614.
Son-credit courses with a fee: Tick up
registration form at Innor. Ed. office.
EMI Met/anine Km. lit), or call
Son-credit courses without a fee: The
locations and limes for non-credit class
es without a fee are printed here, so
just go lo the first class.