Oregon DAIIY EMERALD Fugcne. Oregon Frida). Januarv IK. I‘WI Volume *J2. Issue K2 “Speak for yourself” Adilah Barnes of the African-American Drama Company portrayed several black leaders at a one worn an dramatic presentation titled "Sister. Can I Speak for You?" in the EMU Ballroom Thursday night. The presentation was followed by "Speak for Yourself. " a forum on racism in the Northwest for infor mation on events planned for Martin l.uther Ling lr. Day on Monday, see page 4 Photo hv Sean Poston Students active in war protests By Daralyn Trappe and Bob Waite I meiatd Reporters Students plain to walk mil ul c lasses today and Tuesday as ,i protest against the outbreak <>l war in the Persian (lull several student groups an niiuiu ed I luirsday Also Thursday . the Inlei national Student Asso i iation ini hiding students from llie Mnldle Mast, expressed its opposition to the w .11 with a dratl resolution, and other students gathered al an open mike rally in the KMC Courtyard .it noon to liilk puhlir l\ about their re.u lions to the l S al tai k on !rai| I don’t teel I have a plane to talk C diversity student Hrenn.i Hansen told the andieme in the 1 onrtyard She also said she tell ashamed to he an Ainerii .111 on Thursday ill the wake of the I S air sti ike on llaghdad ( hnstopher .Nelson asked ..pie to protest the ai lions of world leaders hut not I S soldiers who lire doing their jobs The enemy is not tile t S soldier, it's not mv friends on the I' S S Midway said Nelson y\ ho rei ently spent two years in the Navy "We have a police force that is acting as a peace force said Ho Allan ol the No (hill War (audition Today 's walkout is being advocated by the No Cull War Coalition and the Martin 1.11!her king |r Celebration Committee Students are asked to leave their c lasses to join a pea< e really in the KMC Courtyard at noon The rally will he lid lowed by the Martin I.other king |r March to clmy ntown Kugenc "Martin Mother king advocated peace and anti war sentiments," said Shelii Romero of MKChA. explaining why organizers had planned to coor dinate the peai e rally yv ith the Ml.k mart h Turn to PROTESTS Page 3 Profs analyze war in gulf By Peter Cogswell ( rn.tr,i d As .ocr.ile ( ditor II Israel i.ntt'rs tin. war with lr,H| mi tin' Mill’ of lilt' United Si,lies tin* results could he dc\ astatine said Anita Weiss as sistaiit professor ol internal ion .11 studies at tile I ’diversity Weiss and many other faculty members have been i losely lol lowing developments in the Middle Hast as scholars ol gin ha! politics and foreign policy "Depending on what the American response (to the Iraqi bombing of Israel) will lie it will play on the world opin ion," Weiss said I doubt that any Muslim country can come out and deleud the I 'nited States when the United States is defending Israel against Iraq "It Israel is going to get in voiced, then the United States u ill lose support on every front." she said "It depends mi Israel's response Weiss said the I hiited Stall’s would lose thi’ support of st>v cral nations it now i mints as al In’s d it enters a war on Ih'Ii.iII ot till' Israelis These allies I III lode i mill tries sin h as MuriH co. lndone sia and Pakistan Pakistan. long an .111 \ ot the United States, has already staged several anti I’ S rallies, Weiss said Mam North African and Middle Pastern countries view the I S bombing raids on Baghdad as attai ks on all Mils lirn nat ions she said "Muslim countries are going to look at this as an invasion." \\ eiss said The ki's to .1 I' S v a tor\ is to disarm Irai) as quit klv as possi ble. leaving Iraqi President Saddam Hussein little time to pull .my surprises. said puhli < a I sni'iii e professor William Haugh on Thursday Our stit li surprise i.ould in t hull' inohilc missile units used in tile attai k on Israel on Thins da\ lie s.iid "It is noteworthv that the president lias said that one o( the war goals lias heen to elinii nate nut.tear and chcmu al war < apalnhties ' Itaugli said Hoi it it al stiience professor lames Monoski s.iid Thursday that lie hopes the war ends soon so that I ' S and allied troops < an return home to then families lie said he was not i aught oil guard In the I ' S ail strike against Iraq. "I was reads for .instiling at anytime.' fie said "Most pen file figured that it was going to happen " Army center bombed Extent of interior damage unknown By Bob Waite E mt-mlri Ri-po'N’f I aiknown subjet ts Iirt