MARCH Continued from Page 1 "to defend the flag and support the sol diers who art' spending their time free ing Kuwait We are already free, why shouldn't we fight to free Kuwait "That’s what we are fighting for. peare.” said one war supporter Matt Coleman, a war supporter who held up an American flag as protesters passed by said. "War’s liegan, and Phuto b> Scoi Potion With a candle in each hand. Univer sity student Julie Hasebe rides on a friend's shoulders as the anti-war marth winds through campus. they're protesting. I'm backing our country and the president." Another war proponent yelled. "It's loo late. go homo After ,i conflict with protesters Tues day night. Kugene Police maintained .1 supervisory position during Wednes day s protest .is they direi ted traffic and diffused conflicts between the two groups of demonstrators Sgt Tim McCarthy said the demon strations had tieen relatively, pear etui throughout the evening He praised the march organizers for working hard to keep the protest non v iolcnt "So far the behavior has boon excel lent." McCarthy said 'There have been a i ouple of cunflii Is but thev were taken care of (The protest organizers! worked hard .it keeping it peaceful "We’re not here to make arrests, just to keep the peaie." said officer William Spulier "They're being verv i ooper.i live \\ ith us " The scene contrasted with Tuesday night's protest, when lour University students were arrested while protesting on the Interstate a viaduct where it i rosses Franklin Boulevard Chris Sherry 22; Anne Howard, lit. Hannah Ueutsch. 1H. and Timothy Hroniatka. IH. were arrested and charged with violating the state's disor derly conduct statute. McCarthy said McCarthy estimated 4(H) to 500 people took part in the protest Tuesday night, which started from the Federal Build ing, the site of an earlier rally where Til demonstrators were arrested McCarthy said about 20(1 people marched onto the southbound lanes ol t*h»to ii» Vttii ik \ »ni The sea of man hers grew la more than £.001) stnmg by the time it turned onto 15th Avenue from Agate Street. Interstate 5 about III pm Tuesday. ( losing all four lanes tor about one hour. KIM) used tear gas to disperse the c rowd Mrdarthv said tilt* arrested were c harged under static law instead ol mu mi tpal law to avoid any question of |ii ri.sdii Hon McCarthy saitl no one was injured in (lit* incident Don I'i’lors also mnlributfd hi tins re /) ort NEW DIRECTIONS: DISCOVERY, OPTIONS & CHANGE This is a new seminar course for people who want lo explore all types of abusive and/or addictive behaviors -- in either themselves or in someone they care about. Offered Tuesday*, 7:00-930 p.m. Jan. 29, Feb. Sand 12 EDPM 407/507 - TLN 470bJ 4707 - Audit or 1 credit P/N lot mart imformmttom toll: ftklDoataport. at J4+OZ27, or faoa* KoktrUom. at 34HIU Sponsored h> the Dean ot Students Oil ice Eugene’s westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special— Friday & Saturday CHILE RELLENOS CASSEROLE with Refried Beans, Rice and Chips & Salsa.$4.50 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p rn Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m Picture Perfect. When You Want s' Quality Photos. O' Fast Service. O' Low Prices. Bring Your Film To The UO Bookstore! 3x5 12 EXPOSURE ONLY 2.89 3x5 15 EXPOSURE ONLY 3.59 3x5 24 EXPOSURE ONLY 4.79 3x5 PRINT FROM SLIDE ONL Y 49 ° REPRINTS 3x5 REPRINT ONLY 25C 4x6 REPRINT ONLY 39C ENLARGEMENTS (from shoe or nig ) 5x7 ENLARGEMENT ONLY 1.29 8x10 ENLARGEMENT ONLY 2.99 IF YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE ANYWHERE IN LANE COUNTY WE’LL MATCH IT! 13TH & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 Jl; i i/l) 4" ■• ■■■ ■» i « »» ■■■ »» ■ ■» n ... n -XV it through the grapevine. In the Emerald Classifieds Advertise today! 1