Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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    Continued from Page 1
skirls of the city.
"I have driven around a sec
tion of the city and saw no
damage at all," said ('IIS's Al
len I’izzey. "Then; was no sign
anything had happened."
One building that was hit.
according to residents, was a
Popular Army militia budding
in the center rtf the city, caus
ing an unknown number of cas
Traffic was light in the foggy
morning, hut a school hus ivas
seen. and trash was being col
lected. Air raid sirens wailed.
The streets were nearly desert -
The attacks focused on the
"destruction of Saddam Hus
sein's offensive military capa
bilities," Defense Set retarv
Dick. Cheney said in Washing
(Jen. Colin Powell, chairman
of tin; Joint Chiefs of Staff, said
tile offensive met "no air resist
ance" from Iraq's air force
Hush, in an address to the na
lion, said targets included Sad
dam's nuclear and chemical
weapons plants
"Our goal is not the conquest
of Iraq it is the liberation of
Kuwait." Hush said
After the attacks. Iraq's De
fense Ministry expanded its
draft, ordering all men born in
1*154. 11155 and 1956 to report
within three days
CNN said a resolute-looking
Saddam had been seen at the
TV station about *1 a m. (It)
p in, PST), apparently to record
an address
In his radio address to "the
glorious sons of our nation."
the Iraqi president said the bat
tle was one of "justice against
vice, of the believers against
the infidels."
“With the perseverance of
the believers, the dawn of vic -
tory nears as this great show
down begins." he said
"The hypocritical criminal
Hush has committed a murder
ous crime together with the
traitor of the holy shrines."
Saddam said, referring to King
Fahd of Saudi Arabia
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"Palestine will 1m» liberated
and so will the Golan (Heights)
and Lebanon. Every human be
ing on Arab land will l>e free."
said Saddam
"The evil and satanic inten
tions of the White House will
be crushed and so will all the
blasphemous and oppressive
The broadcast did not specify
if he was speaking live or if the
message was recorded earlier.
On Wednesday. Iraq's televi
sion showed Saddam exhorting
his troops in Kuwait to crush
any U.S.-led offensive, and the
state radio broadcast instruc
tions on how to cope with air
More than 540.000 Iraqi
troops are dug in in Kuwait and
southern Iraq in defense of Sad
dam's Aug. 2 conquest of the
emirate, facing about 690,000
troops from the IJ.S.-dominated
multinational force.
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