INTERNATIONAL Troops begin new countdown: Bush 'resolute’ (AP) — The midnight dead line for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to pull his forces out of Kuwait passed Wednesday and more than 680.000 U S. and al lied troops began a new count down to war. Barring an attack by Iraq, the start of a Persian Gulf war lay in the hands of President Bush and allied leaders. Bush, armed with congressional authoriza tion to drive Iraq from Kuwait, was described Tuesday as reso lute and “at peace with him self.” Iraq declared a "furnace of hell" awaits anyone trying to dislodge its 545.000 troops from Kuwait, taken over in an Iraqi blitz on Aug. 2. What Sad dam faced was thousands of combat aircraft, scores of war ships and some of the world's most sophisticated weapons, spearheaded by 415,000 IJ.S. troops. Baghdad's shouts of defiance combined with a worldwide clamor of last-minute appeals to Saddam and anti-war pro tests. The deadline expired at 8 a.m. Wednesday local time in Baghdad, where the Iraqi gov ernment gave no last-minute sign it was willing to withdraw from the small emirate it over ran in a dispute over land and oil. After the deadline, set Nov, 29 by the United Nations Secu rity Council, U N. members are authorized to drive Iraq out of Kuwait by force. Deadline expiration at mid night Tuesday, Eastern Stan dard Time, did not mean war was inevitable, but exhausted diplomats said efforts to find a peaceful solution were practi cally dead. At a packed news confer ence, UN. Secretary-Ceneral javier Perez de Cuellar made a final appeal to Saddam Hussein to withdraw his troops and avert war. He assured Iraq that once it begins a decisive with drawal, its forces would not be attacked. Perez de Cuellar said he also had promises "from the highest levels of government" that with the crisis over, "every ef fort will be made to address, in a comprehensive manner, the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the Palestinan question." That links the Persian Culf crisis with the Palestinian is sue, a connection the Iraqi president sought and the Unit ed States and Britain opposed. Perez de Cuellar's statement came six hours before expira tion of the U-N. deadline. Bush somberly walked the White House grounds at dawn Tuesday, then met with his na tional security advisers. The Defense Department said Iraqi forces in Kuwait were continuing to dig in against a multinational force that had grown to 680.000 1 including 35.000 troops from Britain. 10.000 from Prance, 150.500 from Saudi Arabia and 38,500 from Egypt. The Pentagon said U S. forces ran battle drills and flew air combat exercises in the TACXIS • BURRITOS »SAI.AUS • i DOS PATOS - * Super Mexican Food ^ ; 1219 Alder > Prices from 75C and up 2 9 4 4tUNHHI-.AI> • -TiMXN> •KICK*' • hours before the (leadline. NBC-TV News said Tuesday night that B-52 bombers had been moved to bases in a gulf country it did not identify. The Air force has never conceded that B-52s have been assigned to Operation Desert Shield, but a detachment is known to have been based at Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean. Lt. Col. Stuart Wagner, a Pentagon spokesman, said he could not comment on the net work report. Iraq's U.S. ambassador. Mohamed Sadiq Al-Mashat. left Washington with several aides Tuesday night on his way to London and then Baghdad. Four other Iraqi diplomats will remain at the embassy. Iraqi state TV said Saddam visited the front in occupied Kuwait on Tuesday lt said he toured military zones around Kuwait and the Iraqi city of Basra, just north of the emirate invaded and conquered by Iraq Aug 2 Saddam met corps and divi sion commanders and repeated that Iraq would not submit to the U.N resolution demanding withdrawal “There will be no compro mise on the nation's rights. The slogan of expelling the aggres sors from the land of Islamic sanctity will be our slogan which we will not give up." he was quoted as saying France said its last-minute initiative to avoid war drew a blank. “There is a fatal moment where one must act." French Premier Michel Kocard told lawmakers Tuesday night “This moment has. alas, ar rived 1 after we have done* ev erything to avoid it." Rare rain fell in parts of the Saudi Arabian desert, where hundreds of thousands of American troops stood grimly ready to do battle. Iti Washington. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said, “I would say that the president is at peace with him self He's ready to make the tough decisions ahead that are necessary,” Fitzwater said a decision on launching an attack against Iraq was likely to come "sooner rather than later" after the deadline. Trading on U S. financial markets Tuesday slowed to a crawl as Wall Street monitored news reports but look little ac tion ponding the U N. dead line The slock market inched higher, oil prices finished low er. the dollar and gold were mixed, bonds declined. In Haghdad. thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in a government-orches trated show of defiance "The holy war is about to begin!” said ono man. waving his Ah 47 rifle. Iruq's army daily. Al Qaddissiya. said of Hush: "last him know that the furnace of hell will be open to the Ameri cans and to their allies when they come." Hut many Iraqis fled the capi tal Shops were closed and parks and playgrounds wen* deserted. Allies in the coalition ar rayed against Iraq were girding for battle. "We are not thirsting for war. though if it comes ... I be lieve it would he a just war." Hritish Prime Minister John Major told Parliament. Canadian Prime Minister Bri an Mulroney said Canada, which has about 1.850 troops in the gulf region, will join in any military attack against Sad dam. :|T vm: RENTALS 13" NO REMOTE 30.00/MONTH 6000/TERM 13" REMOTE 40.00/MONTH 60.00/TERM 19" NO REMOTE 90.00/TERM T9" REMOTE 100.00/TERM $50 DEPOSIT CAMCORDER RENTALS MON. THROUGH FR4, 29.95/ DAY 49.95/ 2 DAYS 64.95/ 3 DAYS 79.95/ 4 DAYS 1QO.QO/ 7 DAYS FRI. TO MON. 49.95 SAT. TO MON. 39.95 WEATHERPROOF (10 EXTRA/ RENTAL EXTRA BATTERY $5 PER BATTERY PER RENTAL TRIPOD WITH CAMCORDER: 5.00/ PER RENTAL ALONE: 10.00/ DAY S50DEPOS1T AT TIME OF RESERVA TJQNj NON REFUND ABLE IF CANCELED AF TER 12PM THE DAY BE FORE THE RENTAL IS TO BE PICKED UP VCR RENTALS DAILY: 4.95 FRI. TO MON: 9.95 SAT. 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