Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Men against rape to meet tonight
AIESEC will meet today at 7
p.m in Room 310 Gilbert
Call 342-5119 for more infor
Oregon Ballroom Dance
Club will meet at 8:30 p m
in EMU (Century Room A.
011 345-9262 for more infor
Et als
lalin American Support
Committee will meet in HMD
Century Room A at 5:30 p.m.
Call 346-5897 for more infor
Men Against Rape will
hold its weekly meeting in
EMU Suite 1 at 7 p.m. Call
346-4206 for more informa
t ion.
College Republicans will
meet in EMU Century E at
5:30 p.m
Women's Sexual Identity
Group meets in EMU Cedar
Room C from noon to 1 p.m.
Participants may bring a
lunch, and drop-ins are wel
come. Call 346-4095 for more
Native American Student
Union will hold a meeting
and potluck in KMU Room
15A at 5 p m Call 346-3723
for more information.
Iaisbian and Bisexual
Women's Croup wilt meet in
KMU Cedar Room I) at 5:30
Asklepiads will meet in
KMU Cedar Room A from
5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call
345-4434 for more informa
The Survival Center's An
cient Fo rest/I .and* group
will meet in KMU Suite 1 at
5:30 p.m Call 683-4356 for
more information
Academic Advising tk Stu
dent Services will hold an in
formation and orientation
meeting for students interest
ed in National Student Ex
change at 4 p.m in KMU Ce
dar Room C. Call 346-3211
for more information.
Asian/Pacifir: American
Student Union will meet in
154 Straub at 5 p.m Call
346-4342 for more informa
Oregon Institute of Marine
Biology is sponsoring a slide
show with information on its
spring term program at 7
p.m in EMU Cedar Room I)
flail 346-5897 for more infor
A student Mass will In>
said at the Newman Center.
1850 Emerald, at 9 p m. Spe
cial guest will la* Sister Clor
ia Marie Jones, a Dominican
nun from Mission San lose
Call 343-7021 for more infor
OSPIRG is sponsoring an
information table where stu
dents may sign up to attend a
general interest meeting from
9 a m to 3 p.m. in the EMU
15th & Willamette
Full Italian Dinner Menu
Chicken Parmagiano
• Pizza • Calzone
• Spaghetti • Lasagne
• Daily Lunch Specials
Hours: Mon Thurs 11:00 midnight
Fri 11:00- 1:00am
Sat 3:00 1:00am / Sun 3:00-ll:00pm
Delivery Available 342-8111
- f/S t>//€rt//?p /?/”„ . ///MY<
Thursday, Jan. 31, 9 PM
Hilton Ballroom
Tickets go on sale Fri. Jan. 11
Available at EMU Main Desk
only or charge tickets by
phone 346-4362.
'All tickets subject to service charge
Continued from Page 1
diversity and economic equali
ty. committee Chairman Frank
Geltner said
King’s message is still of im
portance today “mainly be
cause what he fought for is still
out of reach.” Geltner said,
adding that he hopes students,
staff and faculty rededicate
their commitment to "ways in
which they can help realize
Martin Luther King’s dream."
Students who cannot or
choose not to attend Monday's
activities should still use the
day to reflect on what King
stood for. said junior Robert
"Remember the things (King)
did. the accomplishments he
did in a short time," Boyd said
Me said King’s message is more
important now than ever be
fore Many of the problems of
inequality that King addressed
are “not as visible now but
they’re still there." he said.
University freshman Mere
dith Maier said she believed
most students probably would
not attend the daylong confer
ence of workshops and speak
ers planned by the University.
electing instead to use the day
"as just another holiday."
"I'm probably going skiing."
she said
Sophomore Heather Wright
said she plans to spend the
weekend at home in Portland,
where she and her family will
go to a local school to attend
speeches about King and his
"It's good we have a holiday
to observe (King), but his mes
sage is something we should be
aware of every day," she said.
"In daily life I try to live up to
the principles King stood for."
Besides Monday's confer
ence. other workshops, speak
ers and events are planned
throughout this week.
Students can pick up yellow
“Celebrate Diversity" decora
tion tape free of charge in the
EMU student activities resource
office area, and Martin Luther
King ]r. posters are on sale at
the EMU Main Desk
University organizations
sponsoring King celebration ac
tivities include the Black Stu
dent Union. ASUO. Students
Against Apartheid, the greek
system. Cay and Lesbian Alli
ance and the Women's Center
Continued from Page 1
made the decision to contract
with C.oca-Cola. Carr "found
the loophole to continue offer
ing Pepsi as a matter of choice
We really did what we could to
offer a choice,”
Carr admitted he was "per
plexed” by the boycott, and
said that campus food service
sales are important to matters
of student employment
"This will only hurt the stu
dents, and student employ
ment Students could lose their
jobs and prices could rise. It's
really not a productive means
to an end
Hut Carr did say that he sup
ports the desires of the Univer
sity's students, and under
stands how "people want to ex
press themselves and the issues
they care aland
Anderson, however, said that
"for such a politically oriented
school. (I'm) surprised every
one's been standing around
about this."
The ASUO, the HSIJ and
SAA an* asking that students
refrain from purchasing any
items today and every Wednes
day from the following facili
ties: EMU Main Desk, Fountain
Court Cafe, EMU Food Vans.
EMU Fishbowl, Skylight Cafe
and F1MI' Catering
Other University organiza
tions endorsing a Coca-Cola
boycott include: Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority. Kappa Alpha
l‘si Fraternity. MEChA, SETA
Student Insurgent and the Uni
versity Day Coalition.
Heart Throbs?
| Heart Throbs (hart throbs) n. 1. the
act of throbbing; strong beats of the
j heart 2. to tingle or quiver with
|! excitement 3. Emerald Valentine's Day
I; Personal Ads, sent from one heart to
> another.
^ Woe my engine t» revving ll
Ikv tor you* /A
HEART THROBS. Only 50* per line! Personalize
your message with art tor only $1.50! Really
impress your sweetheart and surround your Valen
tine message with a'passion red" heart .only $5!
(includes 3 lines and names) Deadline is February
13th, 1 p m Place messages at EMU, Room 300, UO
Bookstore and EMU Main Desk.
OOC TO CAROL: How do I love thea0
Let • count the ways. 1 Uhhhhhh 2 Gaea
3 Mmmmmmmmm 4 Golly wall Happy
Valentine s Day Your Favorite Parson