UNIVERSITY OPS says rally videotaping done to protect students By Peter Cogswell Emerald Associate Editor Students attending a rally Monday to protest higher tui tion levels at the University tn the wake of ballot Measure 5 may have noticed a strange sight. They were being videotaped by the Office of Public Safety. The decision to videotape rallies at the University has been made in order to help pro tect students from outside, offcampus groups that some times get involved in on cam pus rallies, said Carey Drayton. OPS director. Sometimes on-campus and off-campus groups conflict. Drayton said, and the videotap ing will act as a means to deter off campus groups from coming to campus and causing a scene "The whole focus is protec tion," Drayton said. He has instituted the video taping policy at schools he was employed at previously and said it was very successful. Drayton said he had never re ceived any complaints about the procedure Tapes will be reviewed by Drayton or a member of his staff after each rally ends. If there is no confrontation at the rally, the tap*! will be recorded over. Tapes will not be filed away afti!r each rally. Drayton said Sheila Stickel. co-president of the University, said she is supportive of the videotaping if it is truly for students' prole* - tion. but warned that some stu dents may be skeptical ■‘It's wonderful if it truly is for students’ protection but a lot of people might have a hard time swallowing that." she said. Stickel also said she is con cerned the taping will deter some students from turning out for rallies because of a lack of anonymity. "At a rally that is a little more heated (than the one that took place Tuesday) there is strength in numbers and this could possibly deter people from turning out," she said Stickel said she noticed tin* videotaping taking place at the rally but when she inquired into why it was being done she was not given a firm answer Stickel went on to say the ral lies are public and that means that if the Office of Public Safe ty wants to record them it is their right to do so. "It is a public rally and it would be hard to stop them from taping." she said CORRECTION Tuesday's article on the tuition-hike rally should have said tuition and fees for in state students could ap proach $1,000 per term hv 1992. The Emerald regrets the error, and apologizes for any confusion it may have caused \-BESTFISH&™\ l CHIPS IN TOWN * Rose & Thistle i 398 East 11th Ave ^ Orders to go • 343-2244 FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS p_0S TER S RESUMES A N D M O R E LETTER PERFECT Graphics 346-4381 *300 EMU THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE * tMJNOCRUIND * GREAT TOR PARTIES AMO RlRTHOAVS 5^U|nrn Ail GAMES WORM W1TM NtCMElS GAMES ADMISSION '1 so STN STRUT PVtllC MARIIT iUCiSf • M3 M44 Computer have a nervous breakdown? Don't Panic. Call KESTREL COMPUTER SUPPORT 686-9572 Fast, Friendly and Reliable. -\ Instant passport pictures. Flattering passport pictures in lull color in|ust 60 seconds Iqerlach's CAMERA CENTERS Campus store only 849 E 13th 344-8890 Announcing A new computerized insurance rate compari son service that will shop the market to find the lowest Health Insurance & Short Term Major Medical plans available. Call today for a free phone consultation. ORIENTAL BAKE DELI We bake entirely different pastries that are tasty, healthy and energizing. • Special Vegetarian pastries • Meal lilted pastries delicious pork turkey and curried heel or i hlr ken Desserts also • Only HO< *-.i< III 747-6922 5925 Main St. Springfield l ocattrd acioss from t.CC bus stop (brown arra) In Ihf downtown transit Motion Stop h> and %«-«• iis on tint/ way to class* 980 Oak St. 686-2998 Hours: 7:30-6:00 7 days a week For your convenience. TNK FAR SIDS By GARY LARSON Primitive UFOs Oregon milY EMERALD PO MW. OiifuR The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday IhrouQh Friday o«c«pt during e*am Atwk and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon. 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