Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Whtte the mtkm mitts far t war In the Persian
Calf. 0m Unilad States continue* to fond the govern
ment of 0 Sehrador. Involved in its own dvil war.
Bt Salvador hat ana of 0m world's wont human
rliha ncordt. eooordlna to Amnesty Internet tonal.
More than 78,000 Sahmdnmna have bean killed in the
Cl 10 yean, neat of them by the military. Neverthe
, the govommoot reoeivet about $100 million a
year bom the United States, moat of which goes to
Kind the military.
The Faribundo Marti Nattonal Liberation Front, or
FMLN, it the main rebel group. Its cause it similar to
others being fought in Central America — to take the
power out of the hands of the military and the rich
landowners. Mott of the nation's population are peas
ants. who can barely make ends meet.
in 1900 six priests were murdered in El Salvador.
Witnesses said the military was responsible. The Unit
ed States threatened to withhold military funding un
less those responsible for the killings were brought to
justice. Although there have been arrests, no trial is
Last year. Congress authorized the release of $42.5
million for El Salvador, about one-half the usual
amount. The other half may be released if the United
States finds fault with FMLN actions.
The Salvadoran government and the FMLN were
set to begin talks to end the civil war. just when pros
pects looked promising, a U.S. Huey helicopter was
shot down last week east of the El Salvador capitol.
killing three American servicemen.
The helicopter was shot down by rebel forces. But
was it just a blatant act of terrorism as the State Depart
ment believes?
The United States just cut aid to El Salvador in
half. Only last week the FMLN announced it would
cease offensive actions against the government and
participate in peace talks. Wbat would the FMLN gain
by shooting down a helicopter, at the risk of the United
States releasing the other half of the military aid?
There are questions that need to be answered. Why
was the helicopter fired on? Was it engaged in military
activity? The Huey was purposely flying low because
warplanes were shot down in El Salvador last month.
So what was it doing there?
The United States should not release the rest of the
aid to El Salvador. A thorough investigation of the hel
icopter incident must be conducted by neutral parties,
including representatives from human rights groups
C1SPES and CALC, among others.
Something strange is happening in El Salvador.
Will we ever know the truth?
$10 TO «SS HIM?
__ \ _
Men must change attitude toward rape
A ret fill study on campus crime indi
cates that many university-related rapes in
volve fraternities, athletes and alcohol. Re
searchers also i laim fraternity members and
athletes are among the most violent mem
bers of campuses.
The study researchers also say students
who are victims of crime tend to he heavier
users of alcohol and illicit drugs, are more
likely to smoke, be a fraternity or sorority
member, own a car. have a job and live off
Perpetrators of student crime tend to be
even heavier users of drugs, alcohol and < ig
arettes. be males, athletes or fraternity or so
rority members, and have slightly lower
grade point averages.
Campus crime, especially date rape, is
receiving more attention by the media, col
lege administrations and now researchers
This is a much-needed step in the process of
bringing this long-hidden phenomenon into
the open.
However, when studying campus rapes
researchers should avoid blaming victims.
In another finding, researchers said that
in cases of rape, more drug and alcohol use
was reported by both victims and perpetra
tors, and rapes were more likely to occur at
The director of counseling services at
Tovvson State, Charles Malloy, said. "Date
rape should be avoidable if a student is will
ing to restrain her alcohol consumption
around fraternity parties and ath
letes. "(Kmphasis added|
Molloy’s statement is a perfect example
of victim-blaming making the woman re
sponsible tor I he man's behavior. It is up to
individuals to control their own alcohol con
sumption and behavior. Women should be
able to go to any party and enjoy themselves
without fear of compromising their right to
sav no by "dancing suggestively."
Malloy should have said that men
should control their own behavior and re
spect a woman’s right to say "no" at any
time, but until that happens women will
have to take steps to protect themselves
Move the band
As an Oregon basketball fan.
I would like (o express my dis
pleasure about where the tram!
is seated during the basketball
games this year
last year the band was at the
end of the court near the hoop.
This seemed to be an ideal
place They were in good seats
where they could see the game,
and they sounded good. This
year, for some reason, they
have been moved into what
used to be some of the best stu
dent seating available. It seems
to me that the band is there to
entertain the crowd before the
game, during halftime and dur
ing timeouts
We. the students, are there to
cheer for our team and see the
action up close. The entire set
of bleachers next to the court
used to be taken up by stu
dents This was where the most
spirited part of the crowd was
located, and students would
line up early for the chance to
sit there'. As far as 1 can teil.
there is no reason why the Iwnd
needs to be pill in that particu
lar area
Shouldn't students lie enti
tied to these seats?
karyn Brown
Bowl me over
American Bowl continued
The American team comes
hack after the half They re
ceive the kick. America then
proceeds to dominate the sec
ond half.
With deep bombs and a
short-range ground attack, the
U.S. team destroys the Iraqis
feeble defense. The Iraqi team
is so overwhelmed by the supe
rior American team that they
never even have a chance to get
on the offensive.
laid by the brilliant coaching V
of George Hush, the American
team |>ours it on By the end of
the game, the Iraqi team lies
wounded and battered all over
the field while the American
team is still as fresh as when
they came
In the stands are the real fans
of America, while the fair
weather "fans" sit at home in
their easy chairs eating
Twinkles and reaping all the
benefits of the players' collec
tive bargaining agreement.
There are some people out
there who do not like "foot
ball." but it is our team out
there, and we should root for
them regardless
If you don't want to see us
"play." then get out of my
country and go root for another
Matthew Morin
it should be actively pon
aiiftStf that wki* -rtllf "ihfcfihfes
{but is nut limited to) the fol
lowing behavior from U.S. sol
diers to "the enemy." includ
ing old people and children:
Disemboweling • mutilation
• rape in all forms • rape fol
lowed by execution • the peel
ing off of the skin • the slicing
off of the ears • the splitting of
the skull • the slitting open of
the vagina • disembraining
• the hacking off of the penis
• the smashing in of the face
• evisceration •dismember
ment • the cutting off of the
head • the slicing into the
throat • the burning of the flesh
with fire • the burning of the
flesh with chemicals • the
cooking of the flesh with elec
tricity • the pinching off of the
testicles • the crushing of the
bones • the pulling out of the
eyes from their sockets • the
peeling of the scalp from the
skull • urination onto the dead
bodies • cannibalism • the
shooting of a bullet into the
body • the shooting of a bullet
point blank into the body • the
beating to death oia human.be-.
in# • Ihi! slicing off of the
tongue • the pulling off of the
fingernails and toenails • the
hacking off of the breasts • the
breaking of the spine • the
stomping in of the face with
boots • the breaking of the
arms, legs • the driving of the
hot metal rods into the body
• the extinguishing of ciga
rettes into the eyeball • the
slicing off of the lips • the
breaking of the teeth with ham
mers • deliberate starvation
• the stealing of human
This is what is meant by
eliminating “the enemy tar
iff ”
Tim Hughes
Graduate. Philosophy
Where from?
Who authorized all the gaudy
yellow plastic tape that now
covers our campus?
leflrey A. Hawkins
. 4'.^ . .. Eugene