Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS JANUARY AI IKAC TIONS; 4 ♦ 4 ■ SOLDI Run your “For Sata" lumkir tSOO) ad for 4 paid If It do*«n t Mil, call u» and wa ll run It again for 4 daya FREE! "TSAMft AOS’** Oach our cta#a»fnrd» daily to* graat artvartiaing ___ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 HI A XU 80 » lun. •O'* w»'t groot. Bui tho 70 « urn butt. Hootng you n our tfototl Loop, Poo Congrats "Orandma" I’m Finally Haro Lova. Malthaw R _ CONGRA TULA TIONS Linus Finnan on being the first person lo correctly fill out yesterdays crossword puzzle Be the first person to bring the solvod crossword puzzle to the Oregon Daily Emerald Office Room 300 EMU after 0 a m A win a FREE ODE T-shirt & a $5 credit for classified advertising' (1 win per week please1! Congratulations and Best wishes to Ron and Rory on your pinning Warmly, »AO_ Congratulations Julie A Dennis on your engagement! GRUBB STREET WED. 9 PM PEGASUS PIZZA Congratulations a/ lor S successful years! Katherine Q . This is a special weeh for you Enjoy it III be thinking of you Am old frat guy_ KKT As always Margarittaville was a bias!' Can t wait to dance in the sand next year! i*X Phi Delta Theta Winter Rush ‘91 Come by at 8:00 for festive tun and late night broom bell PARTIES & DANCES NFX Production# Mobil# 0 J # are now booking dates tor 1991 NFX •» Available tor a wide vanaly ot events pinning# parties school danca# and tormals1 Video services are al»o avail For more into contact Scott. 4AS 1€§7 (mi)_ Ptannad Parenthood for Pap #maarv infection checks birth control and counseling Days and evenings 344-9411 Because people care Free pregnancy testing Call Birthright. 667 6641 SIGMA PHI EPSILON announces its WINTER RUSH SCHEDULE 1990 Jan 15 & Jan 16 OPEN HOUSE Tun J«i II tpm 10pm OPEN HOUSE tOpm 12 30pm BROOM BAU Wud J«n It Spm 7pm BBOATSHSEPS COME ON OVER & GET TO KNOW US Jan 28 ■ Feb 1 RUSH WEEK Schedule to be Announced All those interested in the Greek System and Sig Eps In particular should plan to come by during planned events or anytime We re located on Alder St between Franklin A 11th 1000 Alder For more intormation call Mike Zook or Eric Schui/ at 46S 9639 Thomas. Mary, and Juliet Julians) We missed you Sunday but It S time for another gathering Leave a Person at in response Mope and Faith Anana Arnai' The Hawk TKK Is Rushing Now! Come by our intormation table at Carson Hail Area Desk Monday 14 Wednesday 16 During Lunch A Dinner To all the John Travoltas Of Phi Delta Theta Ouf Saturday Night lever was cured* Let s do THE HUSTLE again soon,M And don I forget the Y M C A Can ! wad to rage with you guys again soon' _love. Alpha Chi W cokM to* IBM EOA can) and montto* Good condition IWO H7 MB) »IM> ) JO READ IT AND REAP) in tha Orapon Dotty Emarald Class! had* On random day*, in j random classification* you'll find taasar ads containing vaiuabia discounts on classifiod advortisinQ ! Simply cut out tf># •taasar" ad and I turn It in with your ad form to racoivo tha discount daacribad within tha ad (1 - taasar" par parson plaasa ) Road avory issua carafully Our classifiads ara raading #TAKEf CHARGE (VISA or MASTERCARD) Iwcry xfceckiiav >ou can charge Y»HK 4*1 either h> |>h»«nc *»r in perM*T < jii 346*4343, m»w hn K 4 m 5 p in ( hf-fi"i l\i.h EMERALD Room 300. Erb Memorial Union (EMU) HEART THROBS Appearing Feb. 14th! Deadline: Feb. ^3^ l_p_m. Love 'em a little bit with a personal line message 50te«f It s finally true Thi* Valentine Paraonal I* |u«t for you Happy V elan tin# * Day" love 'em a little bit more by adding personalized art above your message Only $1.50! NANCY A foofni* nam«c1 Nancy Seeking par»on*l fancy O'PfwwJ into ft«r *e«>Hh puf thit «n fo« fWMrif’ Love 'em a lot with a heart-shaped message Only $5! (Iru lude% 3 lines and name) Room 300, EMU UO Bookstore EMU Main Desk or roll 346-4343 ill Fo«md rod tramad •y*g«**»*» Cmmt macnpuon OolPa cam 0*00*000 LOST Pura vftlta huffy mate cat Small. «Mlh on# Mm aya and ona yaHoa aya No collar tool noar dlh A Potto* Ptaaao call 4AS-I30S ..iTVHWWIWI APARTMENT HUNTING? Lot our claaaiftada bo your gwda! The WORD SPf Cl AuSTS \ s • (tcadtiate School Approved f\/ • (>tMcrUtamv'IV*cv)'«prr« • IBM ( ompatihlrlhik i'oavrr«h)n« Iaki Pnaliag/OiAplik'* » I dttin&Kc iumc CAROLYN OMOY 'FJVu3 344 4510 WE IMtlAM ’J Printed text to computer files BBommoaB 7j7 J5S1-’ i.o'., . I*..,i *j JO. TMI TVPINQ P*0 M3 6061 IBM WOttO PROCtSSINO/gOlTING fast reasonable conscientious Paggy • T yplng Sorvtca £«paoarvcao 6dft«S0H CALENDARS! CALENDARS! Check out our HUGE SELECTION ot calendars on the main floor of the UO BOOKSTORE! t Jfh *rv1 KincAK) Open Mo" Set FOR SALE Sharp portable electronic typewriter INVobo 344 7259 (eve*) rtkikitm 164 W Broadway hugene. Oregon 9740! (b03) 343 3622 LIVING FUTONS & FRAMES f urnishings # l ighting # Posters # C iothing # Jcvself) GET RELIEF NOW WITH 20% OFF ON OUR SELECTION OF OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS WARM UP YOUR APARTMENT! 20% OFF I Prices Good . Through 1/19/91 | ASSORTED SMALL APPLIANCES. (WHILE i wmm * LAST) % 1 MAIN FLOOR 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6 Sat 10:00-6 346 4331