” V \ ! V T " HEY YOU FOREIGN INVESTORS.. C'MON DOWN! YIEGOT BIG BANKS. LITTLE BANKS. YOU NAME IT/ HERE'S ONE JUST IN PROM NEW ENGLAND/ THEY DON'T MAKE 'EM LIKE THAT ANYMORE /" LETTERS ion statements in Eugene an* as diverse or alternative as New Kids on the Block fans. These people claim to be fighting for human rights. Tim Hughes calls for a restrictive speech code while whining about his own inalienable, spe cial interest rights. Lesbian groups attempt to ban “objectionable" material from local bookstores. Students are coerced by their more polit ically astute professors to adopt a standardize set of "sensitive'’ vocabulary as one of many in doctrinating measures. These stifling campus au thoritarians assume the pre tense of liberalism, but certain ly their actions suggest totali tarianism in nature. Ryan Blacketter History/English We were good 1 had the pleasure recently of speaking to a class at the Uni versity on the Spanish Civil War and the Emerald carried an article about me in the Dec. 3 issue. It was a fine and well written article but I think I got the wrong message across to the writer at one point 1 believe she did an excellent job of re porting and the fault is mine. The sentence that bothers me is in the first column. “. he can now see that neither side was absolutely good or evil." 1 readily admit that the Republi can army (my side) had its flaws — and what army doesn't — but there was a world of dif ference between the two sides. The Republic was a demo cratically elected government fighting for its life. The rebel lion and civil war to destroy that democracy was supported by Hitler and Mussolini No doubt there were atrocities committed on the Republic side — I never witnessed any — but they were few and opposed by the government and army, whereas on the Franco side. Re publican sympathizers were rounded up and slaughtered as a matter of government policy Thousands wens executed or died in Franco prisons after the war ended. The Republic de pended on the support of the people, Franco won by superior arms and terror. Yes, there was a big differ ence in the two sides. The Spanish Civil War has been called by historians the begin ning of World War II. Our side lost; had it won. the millions of doaths that occurred later might possibly have been pre vented. I was also in the larger con flict of World War II. the lust one our country has been in volved in that I felt I could sup port with a clear conscious. Even there, our government and army had some polit ies that we now regret, the army was segregated. Japanese citi zens were thrown into concen tration camps. more could have been done to save Jewish peo ple in Europe from death camps. You couldn't consider those flaws the equal of the gas chambers of Hitler. We were the "good." not the "evil.’ Bob Reed Seattle Revolution Timisoara. Vilnius. What a difference a year makes. Erica Yungen Psychology | Offer good only with | Marla and Gina ILLUSIONS-! 1311 Lincoln | Willamette Towers Bldg 1 □ PERMS | customized for your hair tvoe 1 ‘includescondrtionery cut l style' SOT QC * WCSSOOO NOW .93 | :30 Mon rri , includes entree Si dinner salad. 3V REMEMBER US FOR LUNCH ON WEEKENDS. 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