Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS MM Am .vrUUCIKEVi: "Trawf” «di will be htddrn throughout Ihr Cltwflnlt tht* m..nlh I hoi k «mr ( Uwifli-d hfesa»i>nai *t Ottpage up 44I0M JO THE TYPING PRO U1I0U IBM WORD PROCESSING/C DITING FAST REASONABlf CWlSCiENTfOUS Peggy ft Typing Sefvtt* Ca penanced typist oMeong on IBM compute* system and tate* printer Reasonable fetes Call Peggy at *47 4M4 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land US 3*43 fit TUTMIN6 WORD PERFECT On*onOn« AttorcUbl* Tutoring 485 0660 mun Aimoet naw goggta* 1)0 OO/060 Call MS 4472 Amilfad Ptitonal Compute wfprmtar Great Wofd procaaamg with Span CNKk## l?6QlObo 4M M0« Canon Aft 1 »r»f^Rowar Winder Dale Back Flll*r» Small Bag 1326 otoo 342 499.1 FOB SALE Sharp portable electronic typewriter UOrobo 344 7254 (eve* > For Sal# Smalt wood Kitchen »aM«* ftS »tudent metal da** 146 metal ahaives 120 4 drawer wood 140 (.ail V44 * 1 V4 Hardwood malal b#d framaa t?Vea 200 padded K»vt * 14 ahippmg enee lop#* VO' -ea Coat matt 74 44S4S43 RING FOR SALE !4 Karat gold ring w/channel *et emerald and diamond* Retail value 1400 Will tall tor 1400obo1 446 4606 - CHEAP* FBt/U S SEIZED 44 VW 160 8 7 Mercedes 1200 86 Mercedes |100 46 Mustang 160 Chooft* from thousands starling 126 FREE 24 Hour Recording Reveals Dataila 001 3/9 7929 E*t JLJC _U S HOTLINE copyright_ ORUGIORD CARS' 1100 44 VW 160 4/ BMW 1200 U S seized FREE 24nr Recording 401 3/9 2930 eat JLLC Ooramwant sabred vahictaa from 1100 Ford* Mercedes Corvettes Chevy* Surplus Your area <1)40S4«7 4000. ait S9442 SEIZED CARS, true k» boats 4 wheelers mot or borne* by FBI IRS DEA Available your area now Call t 406442 7666 Eat C-1210_ tOOt Ford Tempo 4 d» sedan air AM t M cait automatic Excellent shape 16 000 Scott, 6491449__ 14 Che* Cavalier RS Rad/btfc alloy wheels 6 *pd. aunroot. superior condition. 16990 Ja*on 3449144 89 FORD F 150 XLT Loadad. kept vary ctaan IMOOtobo 44S04S2 iwMOTOkCTCUS/M 15 Jayro Scootar 1 700ML Etc cond Mual tall 1326/obo 346 / 349 mi mu *00 Sakai -Bath PttoT MB 1371 naw. sacrifice lor ItZVobo MS 4444 taava FREE MOUSE! 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Qel great writing experience r,« money meet exciting people and aee your name in print I Freelance writers needed lor Student Activi ties/Student Gov t beat lor Oregon Daily Emerald Lots ol work avail able' Cali Paula at 346 5611 or 3424)049 lor more information The OOt is an allirmalrve ectiorv equal Opportunity employer SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tnitron waiver plus monthly stipend lor Qualified persons interested in earning a master's degree and special education certification For more details write to Sandi Davis. 175 Education University ol Oregon mmum : Cruise Ship Jobs HIRING Men • Women Summer/ Year Round PHOTOGRAPHERS TOUR GLflOCS. RECREATION PERSONNEL EiceAempay plus FREE traw: Carftbean Hawaa. Bahamas South PauSc. Meuco CALL MOW I Call refundable 1-20ft-736-7000, Eat. Christian family desires loving, energetic, mature live in nanny References and physical eaam required (301) S04 SS41 affiBB1 SDMMCI IOBS OOTDOOUt thtf VJCW Opwin»! Nation*! Patkt. frwrm. 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DC A eic no* hiring Call Block from Campus 3 Br. laundry. 16S0 Tony at 343 &97A GREYST0NE T0WNH0USES 211 Brlarclitf Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close lo busline1 Plenty • . a-x j *395 Call 689 8667 FIR TREE APTS 1149 Farry 1 bdrm apt avail rw* N«*w carp*! balcony and laundry FurnishacPunfurnishod 138ft STUDENT PLAZA •45 t 19th N«ca 1 bdrm apt Lass than 1 brt t»om UO Comop laundry on site OH st»aat parting Only 134ft 6434219 or Mika 344 &«9S QREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 BrlarcllM Nearly HftlOdtlid taro bad room townhouses Ciosa to bualmas' 139ft Call 689 8667 553 E. 18th Quad avat lose u- t an < pus deck $320mo ♦ deposit 3434109 Studio, t and 2 bedroom apartmer.ts available 2 blocks from U of 0 library 45+5522_ SludKk/large 1 bdrm near Music Bldg $?9V$370 reieren as Call after 2 pm Ridgewood Apart manta. 55+5755 STUDIO AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY $345 includes utilities/cabie Eugene Manor. t060 Ferry 464 7441 tor manager Bennett Mgmt Co 1915 Oak St Eugene 445 4991 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E 15th CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1 & 2 bedroom units still available* Parking on site laundry and landscaped courtyard tor Spring & Summer sunbathing* $395*A5*95 Call 543 0729 Vary mce 1 txi'm Fully furnished Walk 4 bika to campus Covered park mg Dishwashar/disposal Upstairs unit $36Vmo Available now 1200 Ferry 344 3191 or 345 5949 WILL OO FAST ft 1 bdrm epts 1 v» bihs to campus New carpet & paint Start ing at $375 Call 345 2256 NOW*?_ COE UiiWMim UL 1 bdrm. i bath In 4 pli Located 608 N 4i »■ D«. K tag's H—!■ • Tm—day, JuMsaty IS* # • MLK. J« Catofctaltea Kkkaftf * Caka. • Cavimuaaalai Back*. Ilk Baa Uadav Im*. 1 p at • “Salt at ttw Earth/ vkwi^kcuMiaA, Mary Immo, IMl Walaut Bn—. 130 la >00 pji • Black Studaat L'aiaa Vigil, bagta 7 pm laa Mihm HaU la Gartiagar Lauaga. tacludiag Gaapal Quaita | • Wadarartay. Jaauary itth 0 • Tha Buaiaaaa at Halt. Fraak Gaftaat. Baa liadar Baai. 2 la I • Thursday, Jaauary 17th. Piawaali^ Diacriaiiaaliaa Watkahop. 3 JO - *S talar, Cm I Spaak Fw Ysu." ft Barisai Pm4 7J0 p a MLK. ft Calaktftiaa Waak. faaaary 1 Vll • Call Mi 1000 It dalalklj Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ( H£R£ UJ6 \ GO. MAH. TIH Se&CfVbT) [JANUARY ft... — NIN5...BI6HT... sevM... six... Five ... FOUR... 7HRf£.. TWO... ONB.. MIPNI6HT.I / As