Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS MM ABV ATTRAITIOVv "Tcawr" Min will tw hidden throughout Ihr ClwidnU lhi> awBlh ?»r Mnttftri ,hm* «1» to mn drttite To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 mRfSUECLOTHIKC No Mil. no cholesterol no sugar jun high fit)## great Clothe* Bing Cherry Palace 62 W f3th COMPUTER BOOKS LOOK NOWHERE ELSE! In our BIG selection of computer books you'll find just whet you need I EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE ol C«*U Bldg Op*>Mo« ',r imwilliq. Hon SIN ttScm 1300 oho Kastle 5LM iMcm 1200 oho Charles 484 6882 SKI BOOTS Ran hie H*. on pros ladies »•/« SV> like new' 484 4743 mmmrnam. FREE TENNIS BALLS! With every tennis racquet you purchase «t the UO Bookstore Jen 7 19 you receive « FREE ten of tennis belie' UO Bookstore 13th end Kincaid Open Mon Set _ mfm Airline ticket Eugene NYC layover in Denver March 6 1260 obo Please ceil 686 1961 or 485 8893 One way from Eugene io Atlanta let •v- < all 486 0869 eve* Pound trip i - > ! , , *• 2/24/91 1190 Obo 746 3687 leave message mflmiTliiTm ATTENTION' The Survival center is looking to fill 3 Environmental Coordinator positions 1 Earth Week/Day Coordinator This position entails coordinating all the activities to be held during Earth WeehDay 1991. including networking with A$UO Programs University Departments and Community groups E»tensive coordinating skills required Requires 1620 hours per week 160 OOrmo Stipend 2 Rain Forest Action Qrowp Coordinator This position entails promoting awareness of the desfruc tion of tropical ancient forest including responsibility of group meetings National networking and educational protects Requires 1016 hours per week 125 OOrmo stipend 3 Lands Coordinator: This position entails establishing a naw group lo focus on the destruction of wilderness on public lands focusing on harmful mining and cattle grazing activities m Eastern Oregon and othei simile* a/eas This includes performing research and educational protects Requires 10 16 hours pe< week 126 OOfmo stipend The Survival Cent er is an A A EEO employer Application Deadline is 6 00pm January 23 1991 Applications and position descriptions will be available in Suite 4 EMU and in the Survival Center Suite 1 EMU For more into call 346 4 366 Bassist avail tor casual tun jams may be gigs 5 yrs e»p Progressive undergrounds danceabi# rock Infi Beiew Meads Cure Ministry B 62 * Bush Jonathon 683 496? REPOSSESSED VA 8 HUD HOMES available Irom government from ft without credit check You repair Also la* deimquerd foreclosures Cali 1 806682 7666 E»t M 1464 for repo list your area If you haw something to tall, you haw something to advertise ODE CLASSIFIEDS FREE TUITION Cali today 486 M39 You II receive all the tacts on how you can pay four college with grants scholarships loans and more You could even get paid to go to school' mWBfMTB.. Onamme# ni>ce at Suite 4 EMU ! Deadline Jan 18th The ASUO is an ; A A ( 0 E nip-uyef mwm = MO.OOOfyr* (ICAO BOOKS *r»d TV Scrtf»(» Fill out »«mpie i.k*/ 90S Mf 4000. I>t BM42 INTELLIGENCE JOBS AM b?a* * US Custom* DEA ate now hiring Call O] BOS 9ft? 9000 E»t K 9*4? _ INTELLIGENCE JOBS All branch** US Custom* OCA ate Now hiring Call (1) 906 497 4000 Eat K 9*42 It * easier than you thin* to pay to* you* college aducation working at jiggia* EicaUant money fleuhtt hour* Call Nancaa o* Brook to* (M*i*t>nai interview 3444997 JAN (TONS Immadiata opening* 7S 30 hrvweek 6 00pm 10pm 14 7Vhr Previous janitorial *»p**»*nca preferred Sand resume to SWEEP Janitorial ?146 Cantanniai Pla/a. Eugana 97401 AA/EOC__ Jan danca instructor to teach beginning adult da** at Westm«>*atar>d Comm Cant a* MTh 6 45 7 IS pm. start Jan ?ft Vat K»m# at 697 S316 by Jan 16 Over VIP Opening*1 National Park*, fomti, Eire C r*w* Sand ilamp lor baa laiatk. 11 J I ait N* ynmtrtf kaiuprtl Montana 54901 Nanny tor Conn I amity w'3 ch»td»an age a 7. 3 1 Avail now Mult drive weekends olt. walk to baach NYC 1 hr away Call (203) 2S43343_ NOTE TAKERS needed for PSV 130 ANTH JU. and TCF 2S4 Muat have fas an the ctaas before Start at 1?5 5Gfwk Apply at Footnota* Rm B?1 EMU tCOC) SALES* naad 4 outgoing dependable {>aopie for enjoyable physical fttnaas promotional saias Earn *260 to USQrweefc WlH tram Call Timor Chn* at 496*9?? from YOamApm Pan time and »uit time TELEMARKETING' (9 OCVhour Naad 10 people with good telephone voica for promotional work Will train Outgo mg dapandabte paopla call Chn* or T.m at 48649?? balwaan fOambpm Full or part time__ HEART THROBS ( iiminK Irtiiuin 14th* Summer Rmployment kBgyy; m Alaska M fuu we ww»vg ihuM HoUrt fcww.e H*Qnn■ I i»v«. luwvnw •*»> we "<•*«**» and p*wiwwl to work haul •* »• ctunge tor a lav wage ar«J UeneWn and whu Mhbevi • •* would «v*.i*nv yoe ««*> W« *> POSH tons B( arc o# ft at o * MONT AUCXTOA * 9AAHMOIR ‘COCXTAA * BUSPtRSON * DfSMWASMf R •CASMRH COOK Of SK CliMK IAUHOMT * MAMTlNANCf * NOOSI Kf I MNG * WAITST AM * G* TSHOP May Septan** • SUPE RVtSORS F« eaumwaon and APPLICATION cei « > Tien mar Hire Program Was**ark Inn Skagway —^rocAA 300 ER Be Watfwgtor 99H94199 (?0*>?Ji 517? 2*mmm — Make woftty •( horn* with you' personal computer E»eitingFREE information 24 fit message SOS/3710123, •** 14SA_ Student technic ten Jot. requirement* include troubleshooting ••pairing and c«J«tx»f>ng •tacttome and electro m# chamcai equipment and constructing prototype equipment FtrnW* work schedule 85 TVhr Contact Deve Bn>mb*ay at 34S4S16_ Sum mar Job* Counselor VSummer Children* campvNodheast Top safety mv’bdi'iaundry Travel allowance Must have *litit in one of the following activitia* archery craft* baseball basketball. b*cyctmg. dance drama drum* fencing football golf guitar gymnastics hockey horseback English juggling karata tacro»*a nature photography, piano rocketry, roller biadmg ropes sal board mg * ailing stub* soccer track waterski. weight* erood Men can or write Camp Wmedu S G»en lane Mamaroneck N V 10543 (914) 381 *>983 Women call or write Camp Vega PO Bo* t??i. Du*bury MA 07332(61T)WMS» _ Swimming Job* (WSJVSummer children* camps Northeast Men and women who can teach children to swim swim team beautiful pool and lake* m the Northeast Good salary room ft board travel expense Men call or write Camp Wmadu 5 G»en Lane Mamaroneck N Y 10543(914) 381 5963 Women ceil or write Cemp Vega PO Bo* 1271 Du* bury MA 02332 (6 I T) 914 8536 Tennis Job* Summer children* camp* Northeast Men and women who can teach children m the Northeast Good salary room 8 board travel e*pen*e Women cell or write Cemp Vega. PO Bo* 1/71 Du* bury MA 02332 (BIT) 934 6536 Men cell or write Camp Wmadu *> Glen lane Mamaroneck NY 10543(914) 381 5963 University of Oregon Chrtchment Program tor Talented 8 Gifted Student*. Eugene June 19 July 20 e Teacher* Wanted e Teacher* must have eapertise in * specific subject end the ability to teach Qitted student* salary •* It t SO 113 50 per teaching hour For application contact Bobbie Blackwell Ed Anne* College of Education Eugene OR 97403 346 3084 Application deadline is February 15, 1991_ Y0! The ASU0 Wants You The ASUO is now accepting application* tor the Elections board There are 5 opening* The E board is in charge of organizing the ASUO elections Applications and further info are available in the ASUO office Suite 4 EMU Deadline tor apps will be Friday Jen 18 5 00 ASUO is an Affirmative ActiorvEquaJ Opportunity Employer $ 10/hour. Professional photographer seeks male/ female, old/young, beautiful, unusual, interesting, or athletic types lor a collection ol gallery portraits. Send photo: Applicant, PO Box 367, Venets, OR 97487. Tutor needed m Spanish for 12 yr old Call 344 1893 South Eugene W0RKSTUDY JOBS Do you love the Outdoors and Wilderness recreation'* The UO Outdoor Program needs workstudy i edified people who can work 12 1 5 hrVWtek Call Bruce or Dan 346 4365__ i Night Dispell her i.ailable to» Project Safende 84 7Vhr mm ot 12 hr*; week Appiic ebons/job descriptions avail A$uO Womans Center Sude 3 EMU Applications due by 5 00 pm Jan 16 AA/EOE Law student »Mki no* smoking house male to share 9pat*ous clean 2 bdrm house WfWMtW A dryer $245>‘mo • Vy ut.i . >130 deposit 663 3236_ 4 a Bedroom. $960 66 per month « deposit 2707 Milyerd Call Tarry 342 6424 HE] uamumt ALDERWOOD MANOR 1690 AMo« Slroot Accaptmg applications for 1 & 2 bdrm apartments m excellent compos compion Col» Mike 344 6696 for details JenrUnge ♦ Co._663-4219 FIR TREE APTS 1146 Ferry t bdrm opt Avail now New car pot balcony and laundry Furniatvod.'unturniahod $386 STUDENT PLAZA •46 I. ttth Nice 1 bdrm apt Loss than t bik from UO Com-op laundry on site Off stroot parking Only $346 6634219 or Mike. 34+5665 GREYSTONE T0WNH0USES 211 BrtarcMff Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines' $396 Call 6898667 553 E. 18th Quad available now in small compie» Parking laundry private bath $260 lennlngs+Co 466 E 11th Aim. 666*2271 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 BrtarcMff Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close lo busline1 Plenty of parking $396 Colt; 61 >667. LG. STUDIO TO SUBLET. 5 BLKS TO UO, QUIET $275/MO. 342-6912. PLUMTREE APTS. 15SS W 16th SI large t and 2 bedroom units available now Dishwasher breakfast bar lots of yard space1 $470 325 W. 12TH STREET Beautiful 1 bedroom flat1 New carpet pamt mini blinds appliances $346 i+Co 4M E. 11th *M M3 2271 PLUM TREE APARTMENTS 1555 W 18lh Large nice t and 2 bedrooms Dishwasher disposal appliances laundry off Street parking $395 $4 70 _3436000_ Spacious 1 bdrm at1 m ? . i deck $32G>'mo * deposit 343 4109 Studio ' a-! .' t*-'V " available 2 blocks from U of O library 464 9622 Sfudio large 1 txJim near Mu& < B dg $296/$370 references Call after 2 pm Ridgewood Apartm#*1a. 6665766 STUDIO AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY $345 includes uliiities/cabte Eugene Manor 1060 ferry 484 7441 tor manager Bennett Mgml Co 1915 Oak St Eugene 485 6991 Studio for rent S. Available t t9 Can alter 9 30 486 0963 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E I5lh CLOSE TO CAMPUS i & 2 bedioom units Still available' Parking on site laundry and landscaped courtyard for Spring & Summer sunbathing1 i • i*. w-Ar t‘ Call 683 0729 Very n»ce ’ Mil* fuily fuflMihed Walk 4 blks to campus Covered park mg Dishwasher/disposai Upstairs un«t $366rmo Available now 1200 ferry 344 3191 or 346 6949 UiiWMim m. 1 bdrm, 1 bath in 4 pU located 608 N 4th. Sptd Water 4 garbage pa»d 1285 « >250 dap 6840479_ 2 bdrm apt *•'?*> bale Avail now Take over tease tin June 850 bonus * <:»m n‘>8MuiSt Cov»r«»iprfcQ 345 0772 2 bdrm apt. to share w/femaie St90 and no deposit or tees Close to campus Call Amy Zumwslt 485 9686 'Iijlu: Campus Area Quad S20f phis deposit 34*4101 Campus Court Quads 1 block from campus $239/mo Inc I utils With cable & ^ bath Can 344 2816 __ CEDARWOODQUADS 441 E. 17th EXCELLENT CAMPUS LOCATION' Contemporary units with ALL UTILITIES PAID Private room with shared common areas $250 Lease required Call: 344 9290 _ TYLER PARK QUADS 528 Tyler St. Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid1 $245 Call 343-92*5 Willowtree 1540 Lincoln St. Quad living at its best* Private bath Shared common area Biking distance to campus 8245/S255 Call 683 4219 Room tor rent in nice house near campus $200/mo ♦ v« util 683-7187 2L 'T'Lr.F'm.T.w Dorm Contract ♦ $20 free' _Call Angela. 346 8813 Dorm contract for sale Choice of one case of beverage of your choice Jenny or Natasha. 683 3453 Dorm Contract Deposit Paid Call Brett. 346-8487 DORM CONTRACT ♦ $30 FREE I Call Chris or Andrea at 344-4529 or Jay at 447 9234 ROOMMATES WMfni Law student seeks non-smoking house mate to share spacious clean 2 bdrm house w/washer & dryer $245/mo ♦ V* util * $130 deposit 683 3236 M/F wanted for 4 bdrm house near UO W/O $180 « dap 683 9572_ Quiet responsible female wanted to share furn vintage home w/female • 2 cals W/D. storage targe yard No pets smokers drugs Campus 1 mile $275 $100 dep Uttlmct 484 2922 Roommate wanted to share Irg c lean quiet 2 bdrm furn apt with dshwshr and fireplace 2 blocks from campus 684 9361 486 5186 meg_ FEMALE CHRISTIAN ROOMMATE. 3 bedroom house near campus $210/mo . util 485 8958 Roommate wanted $197 50 to share warm 2 bdrm apt Call 741 7606 or 344 0149 leave message __ Share 3 bedroom apt across street from campus $255/mo • '■* utilities Can Melanie at 343 9102 Avail Jan 15 Roommate Student 2 bdrm house Yard Quiet neighborhood $275/mo • dap 345-4254__ $22S/mo spacious 4 bdrm house quiet neighborhood Lg yard, no smok mg. we have pets 461 4649 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU MHADOA W THINK? 60NHA HfiPP&l, MANT^ f BCATS Me. 1 RAy. IRAQ'S] OM 607 76V MINUTE5 UFTTDPUU. ouTQFKumr axnse. even if hostiuties break our, me won't be in n for a Fewaavs. meeeno err next anp e/$ten to the 1 i / CARPET 30MB INC-. rrs UKt B6jng insipz a die \nPW6AMZ, RJOHT, MAN7 RIGHT. RAV. snu.,iv Gou/nh-me HUMtT / II you're (tied ol the Movie Theater Shakedown. *• 'i A QBJVIRV DOLLAR DAYS tvery Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate