Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1991, Page 15, Image 15

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Senator faces foes’ allegations of misconduct
Brock Adams, I)-Wash., slaked
out a politically risky position
on war in the Persian Gulf. Re
publicans say it could make or
break his troubled bid for re
election next year.
Adams says his outspoken
criticism of President Bush's
policy is based on moral princi
ples, and acknowledges it
could cost him his seat.
GOP strategists say it is a cal
culated move to shore up his
liberal support and deflect at
tention from his political liabil
ities. including an uncorrobor
ated 1987 allegation of sexual
Adams has taken a lead role
in opposing an attack against
Iraq, last month he said the
United States should withdraw
half its troops from Saudi Ara
Washington State GOP Chair
woman Jennifer Dunn said Ad
ams is grandstanding to ward
off Democratic challengers in
the 1992 primary. But she said
the plan is politically astute
and could work in the long
"He is in a lot of trouble out
here. He's got to grab some
kind of liberal issue that gives
him support," Dunn said in a
telephone interview from Belle
vue. Wash.
"He needs to do several
things before the election and
this is one of them He's got to
build credibility." she said
"I'm sure it will help him with
the liberals and that's exactly
what he is aiming for "
Adams has been on the na
tional GOP's hit list since a fe
male aide, hari Topper, ac
cused him of drugging and sex
ually molesting her at his
Washington. D.C.. home in
March 1‘1H7.
Police, citing a lack of evi
dence. never filed charges. Ix»st
month Adams made public a 3
year-old polygraph test that he
says proves his innocence
"Brook Adams desperately
needs an issue to deflect public
attention away from the issues
that now identify his tenure in
Kids conquer computer art
AUBURN, Wash. (AP)
They still use the tracing paper,
mechanical pencils, triangular
rulers and plastic triangles.
But high school drafting
classes are going high-tech
these days, teaching students to
transfer their illustrations from
the drawing hoard to the com
puter screen.
At Auburn High School, stu
dents in Mike Newman’s archi
tectural engineering class sit .it
computer terminals program
ming their illustrations.
Then the computer goes to
work. An inking stylus zip*
back and forth on a track while
the printer rolls the drawing
paper backward and forward.
The result is a professional
looking inked illustration of
machinery parts, floor plans or
construction details that would
take hours of work to reproduce
by hand at a drawing board
"Every day 1 watch this
thing, and I'm amazed at what
comes out," Newman said of
the computer-assisted drawing
The blend of computer tech
nology and drafting has been
luring more students, many of
them interested in careers in ar
chitecture, engineering, con
struction or technical illustra
tion. Some of them just enjoy
"The beginning classes are
overfilled. And the advanced
classes are at maximum," New
man said.
Like other high schools. Au
burn shifted over to computer
ized drawing systems to help
students prepare for futures in
a high-tech society.
There's a growing demand
for engineers and technical il
lustrators experienced with
computerized systems. Some
where along the line during
production, there must be a
drawing of every part of every
product manufactured.
The benefit of computerized
drafting is that drawings and
information can be produced
rapidly. And if revisions are
needed, they can be repro
grammed in short time and a
new drawing quickly pro
duced. saving time and money.
Computers also convert two-di
mensional diagrams to three-di
mensional drawings, and art
used to compute volumes of
materials and produt tion costs
"Boeing, for example, is go
ing toward a lot of three-dimen
sional work by computer."
Newman said.
Hut beginning students don't
go straight to the computer ter
minal They start learning tint
basics at the drawing hoard,
then begin plotting more and
more complex drawing on com
puter. Advanced projects in
clude floor plans, elevations or
construction details
A project by senior Craig Nel
son shows a cross section ol a
wall and foundation for a
house, what amounts to a
builder's working drawings for
a structure meeting current
building codes
"For example, we have to
use the charts in the books to
look up the size of the joists we
need to carry the dead weight
of the floor in the house." Nel
son explained.
Like other students in the
class, he hopes to go to college
and study engineering and ar
chitecture Some are more in
terested in construction, like
Wayne Porter.
"Eventually, I'd like to have
my own company, and I could
draw up plans for the houses
we build." said Porter, who
was working to produce eleva
tions of a home.
There are 130 boys and 27
girls enrolled in the Auburn
High drafting classes.
Most class projects, such as
drawings of construction plans
or cross sections of machine
parts, "probably are more of a
male-type thing." said Darcy
Stoughton, a senior in the ad
vanced drafting course
Stoughton plans a career as a
physical therapist, but she's
also interested in architecture.
Newman said an advisory
panel of professionals helped
design the program, which in
cludes projects requiring stu
dents to delve into building
codes and other technical data
A few years ago. students
wouldn't reach those levels un
til college or vocational school.
the Senate." said John (Prison,
president of a conservative
think tank in Bellevue, the
Washington Institute For Policy
"He is searching ahnut for an
issue he hopes will command
such public concern and atten
tion that he can ride it as a poli
tical wave into the 1<)U2 elec
tion." Orison said.
Adams, who is in his first
term, said he resents the allega
tion that his role in the Gulf de
bate is politically motivated
"That's the most outrageous
thing I've ever heard This is a
matter of principle." he said in
an interview "This is a matter
of far greater risk than gain, but
it has nothing to do with ei
Rep. Jim McDermott. !)■
Wash., defended Adams He
said Adams and Sen. Tom Mar
kin. U-lowa. have "taken the
most courageous stand of any
body in the Senate. "
“To accuse him of grand
standing whan we are trying to
stop a war seems to me like the
most cynical political analysis
you could put on that." McDer
mott said
Adams told members of the
Cato Institute, a liliertarian re
search group in Washington.
DC., that most congressmen
are unwilling to challenge the
president while troops are in
the field
"It may cost me my seat, hut
I've long since made up my
mind that had no force with
me I firmly believe this nation
deliberately created a presiden
cy that did not have the power
to unleash the dogs of war."
Adams said
Karen Marchioro, chairwom
an of the Washington State
Demur .rat it Party, said Adams
has long opposed war He
stood up against the late Sen
Henry "Scoop" lack son. D
Wash . in debate over Vietnam,
she said.
"It isn't as if he is some
hawk that suddenly is veering
to the left to gel something."
Marchioro said "If you don't
do anything they say you are
ineffective. If you do some
thing. they say you are grand
Ted Galen Garpentor of the
Cato Institute said Adams has
"done more than any member
of the Senate in recent times to
reassert Congress' prerogative
on foreign policy."
Carlson doubts Adams will
recover from the allegations of
sexual misconduct, regardless
of whether the) are true He
said just as Chappaipiiddlck
kept Ted Kennedy from Ins (lin
ing president, the Clipper affair
will keep Adams from being re
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