SPORTS Beavers use balanced scoring, rebounding to overcome Ducks By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sporls Editor CORVALLIS Teams that win the rebounding twill'' usu ally win basketball games Teams that have a more bal anced scoring attack usually win as well Oregon lost ImjIIi battles Sat urday here at Cill Coliseum and lost the second battle of the Civil War to Oregon State. 84- 70. The Reavers improved to 3-0 in Pacific-10 Conference action and sit all alone atop the con ference standings while the Ducks. 2-1 in Pac-10 play and 7-ti overall, fell into a third place lie with l J(!I.A Terrell Brandon carried Ore gon as far as he could, scoring a career-high 38 points, the sixth-best scoring game in Ore gon history But Oregon State had four players in double fig ures and dominated the Ducks on the boards. 35-27. "The big factor that did us in was rebounding." Oregon Coach Don Munson said. "They hustled and got a lot of loose balls and consequently we didn’t get many transition baskets. "In my estimation." he said, "that was the difference in the Imll game." The difference for the Bea vers was the inside play of Chad Scott and the all-around play of Too Alibegovic that al lowed Oregon State to avenge a 78-71 loss to the Ducks two Pac-10 Men Ofegon St Anrona Oregon UCLA Arizona Si Stanford Washington Si California Washington use Coni Owall Gam» Wt WL Batumi 30 94 31 132 W 21 70 1 21 132 1 2 2 113 1W 2 2 90 1W 2 2 90 1W 13 50 2V» 13 94 2 VS 0 3 8 4 3 weeks ago in land Si oil had I I points and eight rebounds in the first Civil War game while Alibegovic was held to five points and two re bounds. But on Saturday, Scott burned the Ducks inside with 20 points and 15 rebounds, both career highs, while Alibegovic netted a career-high 20 points One of Monson's biggest con cerns coining into Saturday's game was trying to control Alibegovic. who had scored -4‘t points in wins over Stanford and (California last weekend "I had (Richard) l.ucas on him (Scott) last time, hut Teo was posting up so well I put Lucas on him this time because Lucas is a better post-up de fender." Munson said. That meant 6-foot-11 Bob Fife had to guard the (juicker. more aggressive Scott, and that worked to Oregon State's ad vantage with Scott grabbing eight offensive rebounds and scoring 11 of his 20 points off offensive rebounds ■'Child Scott played one of his lies! games,'' Oregon State Coach Jimmy Anderson said. "His force and quickness on the offensive tioards i ould have been the difference in the game " It could also have been a dif ferent outcome if Oregon wouldn't have had to rely on iirandon for half its offense. In the first half, Brandon was all the Ducks had going for them as he scored 22 points and brought the Ducks back from a 37-23 deficit to within <43-39 at halftime. While Brandon kept carrying the load in the second half. Or egon also got some help from Lucas, who had 12 of his 21 points in the second half Hut Fife and guard Kevin Mixon never got going offensively Fife took just one shot from the field and didn't score lie fore fouling out while Mixon took just four shots, and had all five of his points in the first half “I thought we scored enough points." Monson said, “we just didn't contain them and we needed better balanced scoring Terrell showed you what a good player he is. "I guess we relied on him too much," he said. "I thought Lu cas played hard, but they took Mixon out of it pretty well." Surprisingly, the Beavers played pretty good defense on Turn to BEAVERS. Page 14 Oregon's Terrell Brandon scored a career-high 38 points de spite defensive pressure from Oregon State's Will Brantley (left) and (Tiarles McKinney. Popcorn & Pepsi Combo miiim 7SC GET RELIEF NOW WITH 20% OFF ON OUR SELECTION OF OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS Prices Good , Through 1/19/91 I WARM UP YOUR APARTMENT! 20% OFF ASSORTED SMALL APPLIANCES (While SUPPLIES LAST) 4 MAIN FLOOR 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30 6 Sat 10:00 6 346 4331 Mnnrluv lanuarv 1J 1*1*11