REGIONAL Republicans predict war debate victory Hatfield undecided about breaking party lines to oppose war for ‘pursuit of oil’ WASHINGTON (AP) - Demo crats from the Northwest said Thursday the United States should give sanctions more time in the standoff with Iraq, while Republicans backed Pres ident Bush’s warlike stance. Sen. Mark Hatfield. R-Ore., was the only Northwest mem ber who showed signs of break ing from party lines, as the House and Senate began debate on resolutions regarding a U.S. attack on Iraq. Hatfield, historically anti war. said late Thursday he was still struggling with the ques tion of "whether it is in our na tional interest to initiate a mili tary action in the Middle East. "I still do not believe that our national interest in this conflict is anything other than the pursuit of oil." he said. Washington Democratic Sen. Brock Adams, Reps. Jim Mc Dermott and Jolene Unsoeld ap pealed for additional time for an economic blockade to force Iraqi President Saddam Hus sein out of Kuwait. tions have failed to work. "If we back away from sup port of the president .. (our) military threat will have be come non-existent." Gorton said on the Senate floor. "Depending on fruitless sanctions is a prescription for defeat of the United States and the United Nations." the sena tor said. “The cause of peace is served best and only by back ing the cause of the president of the United States." Miller said postponing mili tary action will send a danger ous message to Hussein and the Arab world. “The message will be. 'You’ve got another year to pil lage and rape in Kuwait. You've got another year to threaten your neighbors.'" Miller said. "If we wait we increase the risk of a much greater, bloodier conflict at a later date," he said Chandler said Defense Secre tary Richard Cheney and others have convinced him that addi War is not a simple righting of wrongs. It is about tears and pain. It is about lost arms and legs. It is about paralyzed bodies. It is about shattered dreams and shattered families. It is about children losing mothers and fathers — Jolene Unsoeld “This is war or peace," Ad ams said in a Senate floor speech. “Let's not spend hlood for oil." “Why aw we so eager to go to war?" McDermott asked in the House. "There is no sup port anywhere for this war... Thousands of Americans will die. We must admit this to our selves at the outset." Unsoeld said the debate, ex pected to stretch into the week end. is a question of "sending America's children to kill and be killed. "War is not a simple righting of wrongs. It is about tears and pain. It is about lost arms and legs, it is about paralyzed bod ies. It is about shattered dreams and shattered families. It is about children losing mothers and fathers.” she said. Washington Republican Sen. Slade Gorton and Reps. John Miller and Rod Chandler ral lied in support of President Bush's authority to declare war on Iraq, saying economic sane sanctions "would simply delay for six months to a year what is becoming an inevitable situation." He predicted the House will approve by a comfortable mar gin Hush's request to attack Iraq if it does not withdrawal from Kuwait before Tuesday. Congressional backers of Hush offered a resolution Thursday specifically giving him authority to take the coun try to war against Iraq. They predicted it would pass by the weekend Adams helped draft the Dem ocratic alternative, which does not rule out the eventual use of force if ail other efforts are ex hausted but states that the Con stitution gives "all power to declare war" to Congress. "The founding fathers clear ly meant for Congress to have that power. That's not just scholarly opinion but common sense of the American people They know that 200 years ago ABSOLUTE BEST AUTOS 683-0877 Economical Autos for Students From $995.00 6th & Polk Eugene Don't give up the search! Try L05T AMD fOUMD in the classified section. we did not want a kin#." Ad ams said Hatfield's offices received •dH)ut 700 telephone calls from constituents on Thursday, the vast majority of them urging him to oppose military action in the Gulf, press secretary Hill (adder said Some .IH4 calls came into lus Washington D.C. office and only nine asked Hatfield to support President Bush His Portland office received 24.1 calls and 212 of those were op posed to war A similar margin was recorded at Salem, (balder said. Sen. Bob Pack wood. R-Ore . was al his divorce proceedings in Portland on Thursday and could not let reached for com ment. but aides have saiil he is expected to back Hush's policy in the Persian Gulf. Rep. Peter DeKazio. D-Ore., said Bush has yet to make a case for an American war against Iraq. "Until he does, we should work with the international community and let the sanc tions continue to bite. We owe that much to the young men and women in Saudi Arabia whose lives are on the line." he said. Open Early • Open Late kinko's the copy center 1265 Willamette • 344-3555 Open 7 Days K60 E. 13th • 344-7894 Open 24 Hours BIOYCLE SERVICE CENTER I TUNE UP $20 LIGHTS start at $6.50 OPEN EARLY 7:30 6:00 weekdays 9:00-5:00 Saturday GUARANTEED ESTIMATES! I 345-6952 <___ 30 EAST 13tHJ $5 COUPON Wolff TANNING SPECIAL t) ✓ 25 SESSIONS >9\ $45 With this .id Keg. $50 Good thru Jan. 51 1991 c ^f/umcer^ 99 W. 10th. 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown 345-3491 I Picture Perfect. When You Want s' Quality Photos. S' Fast Service. S' Low Prices. 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