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OPS has no suspects. • Hunting equipment and other property valued at $1.1)22 was reported stolen Dei 3 from a pii kup truck parked in the Heart Complex parking lot A hunting bow, arrows, boots and a camera were taken after ac cess to truck's interior was gained through a wing win dow OPS has no suspects Police Beat • A wallet iind ((intents valued at $72 .50 reported stolen from the KMU on Dei 4 OPS has no suspects • The theft of a chair from a lounge in (Caswell II.ill was re ported to KPD on Dec. 5. The chair was valued at $200. • A power saw valued at $150 was reported stolen from a Uni versity's employee's car parked in the Physical Plant parking lot on Dec. t». EPD has no sus pects • A $500 Yamaha guitar and a carrying case were reported sto len from a dorm room in Rob bins Hall on Dec. 6. The gui tar's owner said the room was locked. OPS has no suspects. • OPS officers arrested a Uni versity housing resident for criminal trespassing on Dec. ft. Jason Andrew Marshall of Will cox Hall, was taken into custo dy in Clark Hall about 1 a m. for harassing residents and for disorderly behavior. Earlier RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS at c, fe Out START AN IMPRESSIVE RESUME WITH A COLLEGE ELECTIVE. Take an introductory course from Army ROTC Military Scwnc* is a one-hour elective during your beahman and sophomor* year. There's no obligation and you'll begin to acquire the confidence, decisiveness, discipline, and lead ership skills sought by employers of college graduates. And you'll leant how you can place "Army Officer" on your resume when you graduate. Set a course for success this term. Register now lot an Army ROTC elective Find ewt mere. Contact Major Bob Hartnett, 1679 Agate Street, 34S-HOTC. ARMYROTC m SMARTEST COLLEGE COOISt TOO CU TAIL that night, OPS officers re sponding to a complaint told Marshall to leave Clark Hall and not return Marshall came back and was arrested after he gave a false name to an officer. • An attempted burglary was reported at Delta Gamma soror ity house. 1584 Alder, on Dec. 8 A resident of the house awoke about 4 a.m. and ob served a white mule standing near a fire escape outside a window in the sleeping porch. When verbally confronted, the suspect put his hand through a hole in the window screen and then fled on foot. The suspect is described as about 24 years old. 6 feet 2 inches tall with a thin build and brown hair. He was last seen wearing a navy parka and jeans. • The University Bookstore re ported two charger adaptors valued at $150 each were stolen from a floor display on Dec. 11. EPD has no suspects. • An incident of public inde cency was reported to EPD on Dec. 11. A woman observed a man masturbating in a stairwell in Condon Hall. The suspect is described as a white male wear ing jeans. • A laptop computer, printer and scanner valued at $2,200 was reported stolen from the Knight Library on Dec. 13. The victim left the equipment in a carrying case near a card cata log and returned 25 minutes later to find it missing. EPD has no suspects. • A transient was arrested for trespassing and assaulting an OPS student patrol officer near 15th Avenue and Agate Street on Dec 17. Robert Carlyon Mill er. 28. was taken into custody by EPD after he hit an OPS offi cer who had advised Miller to leave the Bean Complex area. Miller, who had been sleeping near a trash bin. became verbal ly abusive and then physically violent when questioned. The officer suffered minor injuries to the face. • A $354 word processor was reported stolen from the Uni vcrsity Inn on Dec. 18. The vic tim said the word processor was stored under a bed in a locked room. EPD has no sus pects. • A transient was taken into custody near the law school on Dec. 20. EPD arrested Joseph Michael Srain, 41. for trespass ing. OPS officers had advised him of trespassing laws earlier that night. OPS had given Srain a letter in May stating he was no longer allowed on campus. • Parts were reported stolen from a motorcycle parked near the covered tennis courts on Jan. 3. Reported missing were shock absorber caps and a ferring, valued in total at $500. OPS has no suspects. • A tool box, tools, tire chains, ski boots and poles were report ed stolen to OPS from a car parked in the Bean Complex parking lot on Jan 3. The items, valued at $175, were sto len after the trunk of the Volks wagen Jetta was pried open. • A computer scanner worth $130 was reported stolen from F.sslinger Hall on jan. 2. OPS has no suspects. • A Sony camcorder valued at $3,000 was reported stolen from Pacific Hall on Jan. 4. The camcorder was stored with oth er electronic equipment in a locked classroom and was tak en sometime between )an. 2 and (an. 4. EPD has no sus pects. • OPS officers were called to investigate a domestic dispute in Carson Hall on )an. 6. The dispute involved a boyfriend and girlfriend; an informational report was filed. • A custodian found a stolen wallet and credit cards in a men's restroom at the law school on )an. 7. Cash had been taken from the wallet, which was returned to its owner. • Also, seven bikes were re ported stolen to OPS; none was recovered. Northwest Insurance Service Announcing: A new computerized insurance rate compari son service that w ill shop the market to find the lowest Health Insurance & Short Term Major Medical plans available. Call today for a free phone consultation. 747-6922 5925 Main St. SDrinqfield SHOW THEM JUST HOW GOOD YOU ARE LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS professionally showcases your experiences and skills for potential employers. . 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