ENTERTAINMENT mmm ( *mirlo+% photo The Hull Center will be displaying the prints of Xante tones starting Ian. 12. This particular print is entitlinl "Crabbers, Cape Aragu." Bands to perform all week SONG AND DAXCI-: FRIDAY, JAN. 11 Dharma Blues. a Port land-bast'd Iwml. will per form at 9:30 p m in lh« Community Cunler for the Performing Arts. 291 \V. 8th Co-sponsored by Kugene radio station kKVM, the concert will feature Dharma Blues' unique mixture of musical styles along with their intense stage energy Opening the show will lie Prairie School. Tickets are $ti at the door, ami doors open at 9 SATURDAY, JAN 12 Contra dance, sponsored by the Kugene Folklore Society, will take place from 8-11:30 p m at kel ly Middle School. 850 Howard No partner or ex perience is needed, and musical guests will Ini Dave Coldman. George Penk and Heather Pin ney. Cost is $3.50 for EPS members and $4 50 general. The Fastbacks. Hellcows unci Oswald 5*0 will one h perforin starting at h 30 p.m in the KMU’s Fir Room. This is an ull ages alternative music, show. featuring lxuiuis from Seattle. Portland and Eugene. respectively. Tickets, available at the door only, will be $3 students and $5 general. More Time, a Eugene band, will perform at 9:30 p m in the Community Center for the Perform ing Arts. 291 VV 8th. The concert will feature the bund's strong reggae and world lieat sounds, which carry undertones of Caribbean, west Afri can and jazz styles. Admission is $5 at the chair, and doors open at 9. TUESDAY. |AN. IS Zasu Hitts Memorial Orchestra a 12-piec e or chestra. will perform at 8:30 p.m. in the Commu nity Center for the Performing Arts. 291 W. 8th. The band formed in 1983 with the intention of y.asu Pitts Memorial Orchestra will perform at on Jan. IS. ('.ourlmy photo the Community Center for the Performing Arts doing one performance only, but eight years lat er their true rhythm and blues arrangements are still going strong. The band will do a repeat per formance of this show on Wednesday at 8:30 p m Tickets are $13 at the door, and doors open at 8 VISUAL ARTS AND MISCELLANEOUS EVENTS )AN 12-FEB 12. "Oregon Impressions." an exhibit of Nancy lories' hatidcolored prints, will be on display at the Mult Center, jones, a Eugene artist, has ex hibited her work throughout the Northwest since 1976. A free public reception will be held on Jan. 12 from 7-9 p m (iallery hours are 11 a m. to 5:30 p in. weekdays and 11 a m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. JAN. 6-FEB. 24 "The Creative Arena: Studies by Morris Graves from the Collection,”, featuring 54 drawings and paintings hy Morris Graves, will be on display in galleries 1C and 11) of the University Museum of Art, 1430 Johnson Ln. (iallery hours are noon to 5 p.m.. Wednesday through Sunday. New Eugene band forms, art influences abound Guernica hopes to create music with originality, soul By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Reporter Since its inception, the eeaence of Guernica has been deeply rooted in the arts. Founding members Chris Roy and Rick Mol loy met each other in art class — a professional painter and an art professor are among the group’s parentage. The band’s earliest projects resembled con* cept albums, often based on literary works such as Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night 's Dream and George Orwell's influential novel. 1984. But more than just mere coincidence. Guerni ca’s persona underscores what Roy described as the belief "to preserve music, particularly rock n’ roll, as an art." Changing their name from Crown of Thorns to avoid confusion with an aarly-'SO’s pop group, the name Guernica actually comes from ono of the band’s early songs. That song was named after a famous Picasso painting depict ing the Spanish Civil War. /Sf The music the band members personally en joy is pretty much progressive or^altemalive They used to listen to Top-40 but hajfe strayed away from it mostly because of whaMhey see as the lack of talent and originality. "We have been Influenced by every piece of music which we have heard." Roy said. "How ever. we hold little regard for the bands that have given way to commercialism.’’ Over its three yeer history, the band haa de veloped a signature sound that Is a mix of gothic’ influences In the style of The Cure. Bauhaue end Faith No More, with elements of classical, jaxz and funk. "Guernica is foil of atmospheric, spacious, moody sounds,” Roy said. **»*• kind of like new wave with a Iptof emotional depth.” This diversity stems, in part, from the mem bers’ varied backgrounds and involvement in ‘choral music, several jura ami local hands and the orchestra Drummer Quentin Furrows re cently played in the Seattle Goodwill Games and with the University Marching Band at the Freedom Bowl. Dedication in getting together to actually play had been a little weak at first. Because of transportation problems, the band could only meet once a month. As soon as Malloy received his license however, the group picked up. Since then. Guernica has produced three tapes. The first couple were, as they said, "aw ful.'* All three had been produced on a bor rowed multi-track recorder, but with little knowledge of how to use it Gradually, things improved and the third tape was more of a suc cess. Several people even asked for copies of it. while other hands complimented their work. Some people, however, don’t can- tor their lyrics, passing them off as pretentious, mean ingless and pointless, because the group tends to reach beyond But they put it this way: “We don't want to become just staid chroniclers of everyday activ ities, like boy meets girl, bov gets alienated, or boy loves to rock n’ roll. Instead, we like to loosen the chains that tie down our imagina tion and let go of everything that lies within our minds." 1987 saw the beginning of a series of changes that would jump start Guernica as a hand to be reckoned with. Molloy moved to the suburbs, putting down the guitar to play drums while discovering key boardist and vocalist Garrick Antikaiian. Then, drummer Quentin Furrows was recruited, forc ing Molloy back to guitar before opting out al together after leaving for college. Guernica's currant lineup includes Furrows. Antikaiian. Roy on guitar, violin and vocals and Travis Harrison on electric bass. But aside from the release of an independent cassette, things only realty started rolling for the group six months ago. At that point, they started making several active recording demos Eugene’s latest band. Cuvrnica. consists of band members (dock wise, starting from lop left) Travis Harrison, (iarrick Antirakian. Chris Roy and Quentin Furrow. of new songs in a home studio, playing more local gigs and getting more airplav on radio sta tion KRVM. "With personal commitments reconciled and with more time to really gel the group going, we hope ull the hard work and exposure will eventually attract a recording contract with .1 quality label." Roy said. Now You Receive A FREE Can Of Balls With Purchase of A Racquet! Check out our popular brand name racquets: you 'll find a good selection at great prices! 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