OPINION Freedom Bowl proves Mickey really can fly Ah freedom, that abstract concept that all of us here in the United States of America cherish so fondly. Hut what does it mean really — especial Iv in connection with the Free dom Bowl in Anaheim. Unless you were on the foot ball team, the band or a mem ber of the press covering the game, nothing was free. The smog-filled highways known as the Los Angeles area offered many activities to kill time before and after the game. Of course there is the obligato ry trip to Disneyland — where you get to pay $27.50 to hang out with sweaty kids wearing costumes reminiscent of acid flashbacks. Disneyland, also known as the happiest place on Karth, ob viously caters to people who enjoy standing in lines and go ing to malls the day before Christmas. The best part of the theme park was when Alice in Wonderland gave Mickey some mushrooms. He climbed to the top of Space Mountain claim ing he could fly. swooped down off the rollercoaster, bit off Coofy’s head and spit it into the Ix>s Angeles River. A word of warning about the Park. They have a crack securi ty team seeking out and and re moving anyone who is just too happy for the happiest place on Karth. So be careful. One overly-happy tourist was strapped into the Pirates of the Caribbean ride while not being allowed to show that he was bored after the first 30 seconds — truly inhumane. Parties, official and unoffi cial, abounded in the land of real suntans and non-peroxided blonde hair. One Luncheon fea tured long lines, limited seat ing. a buffet of cold-cuts and beers costing an additional $4 each for a mere pittance of $18.50 admission — a bargain at twice the price. The Alumni Association has received sever al complaints and is asking for an apology from the people who catered the event. Hut, to really get the spirit of the Freedom Howl you have to talk to Colorado State's mascot, the ram. He has the best deal of /take! CHARGE (VISA or MASTERCARD) livery weekday you can charge your classified ad either by phone or in person' ('<11346-4343, Mon Fr. Ham 5pm Qrrt*m Ouil\ EMERALD Room 300, Erfo Memorial Union (EMU) Recycle This Paper mi. fit* Ret s taken care ot. in cluding meals and a place to live, and all he has to do is run up and down the side lines when the team scores. Of course, no one has ever asked the ram if he would rather feed himself and find his own place to sleep, but it sounds like a good deal to me. It is also rumored that after the game the ram was the main course at a $100 a plate fund stadium. While staring at tin; backs of the band’s uniforms was spiri tually uplifting, it certainly wasn't worth the cost of their southern migration It would have bean cheaper to play a Milli Vanilli tape, set the uni forms on a bunch of coat racks out on the field and let the ram rearrange them periodically. Obviously, the biggest let down of the Freedom Bowl was The Fine Print bv PAT MALACH raiser to think of a mascot that isn't already being used by a professional team. Duck fans accustomed to paying $18 T>0 for cold cuts, snapped up all the tickets to the event minutes after they went on sale. Another good deal was re ceived by the Oregon marching Hand. The band got an all-ex pense paid trip to the bowl game and hardly had to play a note. The tradition of playing "Louie. Louie" after all Duck touchdowns was not contin ued And (luring the halftime show “one of the premier col lege marching bands" did not bother to play one song facing the Duck inhabited side of the Instant passport pictures. Flattering passport pictures in full color m |ust 60 seconds Campus store only 849 E 13th 344-8890 the contingent of fans from the University of Oregon Not only were they loo cool to do the wave, they got out-screamed hv half as many Colorado State fans. Anyone can yell for a winning effort, but the team needs the most support when they are down on their luck. Maybe next year if the Ducks go to a bowl game, we can bus in fans from Oregon State. They're used to cheering when their team is behind On a side note: Thanks to Coach brooks for going for two points instead of settling for one I don't believe anyone traveled to Anaheim to watch the game end in a tie. Catering to the Otecrtmlnatlng Coltector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CD's FROM SS.95 TAPES FROM S2.95 In the Fifthpearl Building ?07 E ath Avenue OPEN ’DAYS* Sui 1230-5 343-9000 Oregon DAILY EMERALD Ml B*m MW. leaver.