Daily Emerald - CLASSIFIEDS JAM AW1 ITIWMIIONV Look tof lit* "Dock Bucks" adtllon. Jon 11 lot loll ol valuabia «?9Vg9"t To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 rniiiifuiatiiHii i»ifr FREE DISKETTE! Jan 7 19 Buy any 2 disks • TDK or JVC or 3v* * and Receive A Third Oisk FRitf lAR 3 auks my»j tw th* ww v» and density No Coupon} Get Yours today at I ho EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (Basement of EMU Bldg j Or At Th* UO BOOKSTORE Electronics Dept _ (13th end Kiocekf) FREE MOUSE! Computer system with herd disk includes, word processing spread sheet end database All to# only S7S9 00 Computer Systems West IfM Willamette M341S3 3 DC Modems Never weed 17S each M7M36 ffni'ICIttiiO JSl Two 12 Pro Series Subs IMOfoboJohn hem. 346 5*31 Sony STR AV 310 Receiver 46 watts a Side With remote 2 Advent Baby II bookshelf speakers 1400 obo (or system Will separate 346 0016 ISO RESAIE CLOTHIMC Gentlemen’s Encore We pey TO A dollar for Mens end Women's clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 NOW BUYING HK'I'HOQj I2L Harl SIM Ittem 1300 060 KastleSlM i«H:m 1300 obo Chad#* 484 S«62 ___ Ro***gnel Tourm^fCro** Country Sh*» (flit S'3‘ tamale). bCM.it* (*•/• 8 8 *•*) and pole* Fir*t HOO tobo) ia*e* it ail' Brea* a i#u' Call __tutu.. SKI BOOTS Rate Me tie*-on pro* ladies »•» 5n lihe nans' 484 4/43 Ski rack *Hh loch* root mount on guttars 850 4» 5744 iw'THfflHIMKEKErriW FREE TENNIS BALLS! With avary tennis racquat you purchane at lha UO Boo*»lor# Jan 7 19 you r#<#♦*# « FREE can of tennis ball*1 UO Bookstore 13tti and Kmcaid Open Mon Sat imiv 200J HOTfHOT!MOT!MOT? MOTlMOTfMOTt INEXPENSIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS MEXICO HAWAII MEXICO _taooSAsma_ On* way tick*' MwWord to L.A.X Jan *H75iobo Call 667 4333 Round t«tp alt lie hat to Palm Springs laav* Jan I7lh Return Jan 2l»t 1250 ot>o 464 9879. laav* mat&ag*_ Round tflp I uyonf lu Twi sun ’ .X) \i \ U2A*\ USOofcO 748 1567 laav* 17 TO ANVWMERf " Two R/T ticket* on Pan Am. good lo any U S daatmattop during January CaH Matt 4683046 BELMilUHU From CorvaM* to Eugana Car pool members naadad weekdays Driving or aspanaas shared 7VM917 evenings : FREE MOVIES! Ona hr/wk postering campus route. Jesse: 343-4650, say latest pm time I can call._ SJiflMMfc HI Baiilil avaU for casual tun jam* may b* o»o* } y»* #>p P**>g*#*v»# un<*#rground«*h dancaabt# 'OC*> fnfl Be*#* Maads Cur# M«nt*try BM» Bush Jonafdon 663 4087 p*#c# post modem band So Q#t oft you* and g**# us a call 348 6311 FREE TUITION CalModay 46V66M You'll f#Ce+— tN Fw Ik(I Oft hot* you con pay lot your coHoqo artth grand, scholarships. loans and moro You could esort grt paid lo 90 to adtooM PICK UP YOUR HOT SHEETS FOR HOT HOT PRICES ON ART A SCHOOL SUPPLIES) Don I forgot to P*C* up Id# MOT SHEETS in !h« Art A School Supply Dap! of Id# UO Boo* M or# In #00* f»on lo Our many advertised special* you If fmd super prices on almost anything you need to start your winter term* Pie* yours up end shop for the best deals today1 UO BOOKSTORE Art A School Supply D«pt Basement Level 13th and Kincaid. Open Mon Sat WOMEN: SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU WINTER TERM VoHmteer Driver* Needed permanent driver*, on* ? hr shift per weefc Alternate driver* era on cell ** neeOed No spec tel license required The** end additional volunteer opportunities *r« available tor credit Drop by our office in the in the ASUO Women* Center. Suite 3 EMU or celt 3464239 for more info Protect Sefertd# i* en affirmative action, equal opportunity employer fffHftrWMIH?. ■UNMM lOM OOTDOOBSI ()*« MU) Openings* NaiuMxl fiikt, Komu. Sand Damp lor h*« datatU 115 U«< ^ yommg kjlitpcU. Montana }9**0I AMUSEMENT PARKS. Holiday Rosorts Disnoyland 6 flag* are hiring Great tun and go! paid too' Reaorvo position r>y calling 140SSS2 7»So»l K 1345 _ Dane art wantod Groat Alaskan Bush Company EacoOont monoy 10J0 Mary 99 North NHB27 DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED * Track Town Pirn Mutt have own car Flexible hour s/lata nights S6$&Ylour Apply 11 4pm 1809 Franklin Blvd No phone cm>'_ HOME typists. PC ueere needed 835.000 potential Details (1) 80S 487 8000, Cal J 8842 INT CU IQENCE JOBS All branches US Cantomt. OEA etc Now hiring Coll |1* 808887 8000 Est K4842 lit easier th«r< you th.nfc to pay lor you* college education working at Jiggles tscellent money fletibie hours CNI Nancee or Brook tor per sonal mtervrew 3444887 Jaii Bence instructor to tew* begm nmg adult class at Westmoreland Comm Center MTh S 43 7 15 pm start Jan 28 Val Ktme at 687 5316 try Jar' 16 _z MOWXVyr* BEAD BOOKS •r»d TV Script* Fill owl %irr»p»# tifcWOon I i»k* low EASY* Fyo, *1 hom». b#*cri vfttafKXvft Gu«'*nt**d p*ycri*tk FSEE 24 Hou» R#c©ftf»nQ SOI 3792*2* E«! JUB EASY ASSEMBLY *ny hr. S339wk FBEE 24hf R»co»t1*«g R*r**l» SOI 379 2*00 •«( JUH EiptfMncM p*>otc»g*4(iri«f* (Of «r*#k#»v<1 *rork. Mult h#ir* * c mtruttm • r»ormal l#n» *n Application deadline ■» 1?00pm F#t> 11.1991 MAKE YOUR JOB THIS SUMMER AN ADVENTURE* Iuniv nouwng is *n equal oppo*Hin< ty. affirmative action employ** committed to cutfura* dintfmy Nat tonal marketing turn seeks Outgoing personable students to work on special mrfcttng protects on cam pus fie* hf* ft e*cef pay No sale* Cynthia, (600> 692 2121 e*l 120 NEEO STUDENT WORO PROCESSOR to formal document* Muai have experience formatting in Microsoft £*cei to* the Macintosh making bo*es. using column* elc Hour* per week Me*iWe S6 per hour Apply by Monday Jan 14 al the Graduate School 126 Chapman_ SALES' need 4 outgoing dependable people lor enjoyable physical fitness promotional sales Earn 1260 to 1360 wees Will tram Can Tim or Chris at 4as 1624 from I0*m 6pm Part time and lull Mm* TEUEMARICCTIWOf U OOfhour Need 10 people with good telephone voice tor promotional work Will train Outgo mg dependable people call Chn* or Tim at 4U*> 1624 between 1 (Jam 6pm Full or part time Student technician Job requirements include troubleshooting repairing, and calibrating electronic and electro m# chamcai equipment and constructing prototype equipment Fle*'ble work schedule IS JVhr Contact Dave BrumWey at 346 4518 lummar Jobs Coun seior s/Summer Childrens c am paJ Northeast Top salary rm/bd/taundry Travel allowance Mufti have skill in one of the following activities archery crafts baseball basketball, bicycling dance drama drums fencing football golf guitar gymnastics. hockey horseback English tuggimg karate lacrosse nature, photography piano rocketry, rollerbladmg ropes sail boar ding sailing, scuba soccer track waterski weights wood Men call or writa Camp Wmadu 5 Glen lane Memaroneck. N Y 10643 (914) 361 6963 Women call or write Camp Vega. PO Bo* 1271 Du.bury MA 02332 (61T) 9346636 __ Swimming Job* (WlSSummtr childrens camps Northeast Men and women who can teach children to swim swim team beautiful pool and lakes m the Northeast Good salary room ft board Havel e*pen»e Men call or write Camp Wmadu 6 Glen Lane Mamaroneck N Y 10643(9141 361 6963 Women call or write Camp Vega PO Bo* 1771 Dusbury. MA 02332 (617) 934 6636 rnHfip BBS Tennl* Joto* Summit children* camp* North* as I and w omen Who Can teach th*K)ren in the Northeast Good Satary room 4 board travel iipcnM Wom#n call or wnli Gamp Vega P 0 Bo* 1771 Dutbury MA 0«32 (BIT) 9346636 Man C«H or write Camp WmaOu. 6 G»#n Lao# M#m»roo*c*> N V 10643 (9t4| Ml 6963 The ASUO Wants You Tl># ASUO •* now accepting application* tor tha Elections Board T rvara are 6 opening* The E board % in Charge ot organi/mg the ASUO election* Application* and turthef into are available in the ASUO oft»ce, Suite 4. EMU Oeadiin# tor app* will be Frida* Jan tfts 5 00 ASUO «* an AttimiAtive Actton/Coual Opportunity Employer Join the Women'* Center Administrative Support Team! SVhr to hr* weekly Applications at EMU Suit# 3 A 4. *64096 Closing date is 1/11/Bt Equal Opportunity Employer Women and minorities «ncowwa>d » jpiUy_ YO! ml Now hiring wort study quaMIM students m office assistants to type file A general office duties f5 50 per hour Opportunity to leern computer word processing stilts Celt Janice. 34^2514 ._ 1 Night Dispatcher position available for Protect Saferide $1 7Vhr mm of 12 nrvweek Apphcations/tob descnp tions evaii ASOO Women s Center Suite 3 EMU Applications due by 5 00 pm Jan 11 AA.EOE Seeking mature student to serve as receptionist in e clinical setting Excellent communication skills 4 ability to work independently are essential Evening duty hours 10 12 hrvwk VSOOiht Call Donna 05 ME, 346 3418 tor information_ WORD PROCESSING ASSISTANT School of Architecture and Allied Arts has work study position available for a word processing assistant 10 « hours per week Winter end Spring term Word processing experience. computer skills helpful Musi be work study eligible Applications at 125 LAW or Call 346 3697. Work Study student * " ' i experience in accounting needed 'or Winter & Spring terms 10 16 houtVwk. S52Shr Computer spreadsheet experience necessary (preferably lotus 1 2 3) Possible position for next year Contact Julia Meydon. Deans Office College of Arts & Sciences Room 110 F nandfy Nan 346 3905 4 ♦ Bedroom. I960 00 per month « deposit 27Q7 Mityard Cali Terry $4? $424 UTS/bti^Ltk^ M5 Club Wash Apartments 1 bdrm UuiM >n desk 337*timo plus Ut'iut & cleaning dep Great location' 342 1727 FIR TREE APTS Ittt Ferry 1 bdrm apt avail now New carpet balcony end laundry Form shed/un form shed 338$ STUDENT PLAZA MS E 19th Nice 1 bdrm apt lees than 1 bill trom UO Com-op laundry on site OM street parking Only 134$ M3 4219 o« Mike 344 $99$ GREYSTONE T0WNH0USES 211 BriarcMVI Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Close to buslines' 339$ Call 6890667 553 E. 18th Quad available now in smalt compiea Parking laundry private bath 1260 Jermings+Co 4M E. 11th Am, M12271 [iifl’Mia* znk\ ALOERWOOD MANOR mO Alder Street Acc*p»«r*g applications tot 1 A 7 bdrm apartments in tictiMmi campus com pie * Call Mike 344 5695 tor details Jennings a Co IU42H GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES 211 BrtarcNff Newly remodeled two bedroom townhouses Ciosa to busline? Plenty o« pacing 1395 CoH: 666 >—7. Large clean 2 bdrm i bik to UO Furn diahweshendisposai. lots of parking, new carpet, vinyt 683-6919 Ig 1 bdrm apt available immediately Quiet compter Vt block from campus I must get out of my lease and require no dap. no last months rent & will supplement the 6399 by 650rmo until it empires in June Doug, 344 5280_ LG.STUDIO TO SUBLET. 5 BLKS TO UO, QUIET S275/MO. 342 6912. Mill Manor 2 bdrm apt. 6560 dean new carpet, close to campus, laundry, covered park Call Maureen. 464 3178 or Dr Newman 746 6797 PLUMTREE APTS. 1SSSW 16th St Large 1 and 7 bedroom units available now Dishwasher breakfast bar lots of yard space1 6470 325 W. 12TH STREET Beautiful 1 bedroom flat' New carpet paint, mini blinds, appliances 6346 Jtnnlngf ■ Co . 4UE. 11th Ait 1 M3-2271 Spacious 1 bdrm «pi dose to campus deck 1320/mo ♦ deposit 34341Q9_ Sp*ctout 2 bdrm 4 i.it*« oveMookmg Willamette River & park W/D 1596 Fum 1 bdrm Walk lo campus 1296 Studio by Skmner* Butte 1286 VON KLEIN PROPERTY MQMT 570 Lawrence • 109 48S7778 Slud*o. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available 2 blocks from U of 0 library 484 9022 STUDIO AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 1346 (ncludas otilitie*/cable Eugene Manor. 1060 Ferry 484 7441 for manage* Banna 11 Myml Co t»15 Oak St, Eugene 445 8991 Studio tor root 1276/month Available 1/19 Call aMar 9 30 4860963 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E 15tti CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1 4 2 bedroom units still available1 Parking, on sue laundry, and landscaped courtyard for Spring 4 Summer sunbathing' 1396/686/596 Cad; 8880729 Very nice 1 bdrm Fully furnished Walk 4 btks to campus Covered park mg Dishwasher/dtaposai Upstairs unit 1386/mo Available now 1200 Ferry 344-3191 or 3466949 WILL 00 FASTI! 1 bdrm apis ivy biks to campus New carpet 4 paint Start mg at 8345 Colt 34S-22SS NOW!' eVewts .— 1 bdrm 1 bath In 4 pt« Located 606 N 4th Spfd Water & garbage paid $285 » 1260 dap 669<>479_ 1 bedroom Vi block from center of campus Quiet Off street parking Laundry S3 TO 667-0821 2 bdrm apt. to share w'female St90 and no deposit or fees Ctoaa to campus Can Amy Zumwatt. 465 9686 Campus Araa Quad $209 plua deposit 3414101 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E. 1719) EXCELLENT CAMPUS LOCATION* Contemporary units with ALL UTILITIES PAID Prtvata room with shared common areas $250 Lease required Call: 344-9290. Large rooms close to campus Utilities pd $220/mo 1666 Hams St Mgr 9 3 TYLER PARK QUADS 529 Tyler St Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid’ $245 Call 3439215 Wlllowlree 1560 Lincoln St. Quad living at its best* Private bath Shared common area Biking distance to campus $24V$255 Call 663 4219 Z«5 BOOMS Room for rent in private home 2 meaUMday provided Laundry/cabie TV provided Available now 2774 Potter CONTRACT DIRT CHEAP Plus bonus Male or female Call Ale». 3430337 _ Dorm contract for sale Call Jeff 686 9419 Dorm Contract • $20 free' jCali Angela. 346 8813__ Dorm Contract with on# case of FREE beverage CaR Lon. 346-4308 Dorm contract for sale Choice of one case of beverage of your choice Jenny or Natasha, 68^3463 Dorm Contract Deposit Paid Call Brett 346 8487 »s RA6MMAT» WART1B FEMALE CHRISTIAN ROOMMATE 3 bedroom house near campus KtOrmo > Vy util 485 8958 Female roommate wanted for single bdrm in large coxy house On bus line, 10 min bike ride to campus 342 8433 Quiet responsible female wanted to share turn vintage home wrfemale • 2 cats W/O storage large yard No pets smokers, drugs Campus 1 mile 1275 . HOP dep Util met 484 2922 Roommate lor nice clean condo w/pooi & laundry facilities $200 ♦ v> util 4047 Donald 683 I503 " '%tSl *JNC. ’/TYOf MLK, Jr. Celebration Week, January 15-21 Get your brochure now in EMU Suite 2. (include* all Celebration Week activities). Cafl J4M000 ter mors dstaWI Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 50 WHAT POTOUMARE Of THE LAST a TWOC&fS, SOLDIER T I DON'T KNOW... / ! ! I I IT ALL SEEMS LIKE AN INCPEPIBLY STRANGE DREAM, LIKE TT NEVER REALLY HAPPENED' I MEAN, THINK ABOUT TT, 1 / MEG... TWO CJtAZi KJPS WHO. AGAINST AUCCPS.FHPMCHOTHtKON a awtse ship in The MIPOE OF A (AJAR ZONt! amp they CUCK! /S THAT UiU>r you SOUND me you'za PnCHINb A Hcwe. i— 0H..5ORM. I PO THAT. rMMTHZBIZ. Cash For Textbooks Mon Sat Smith I amil\ Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651