CRISIS Continued from Page 1 "Hut they would never give us any spe< ific complaint cou pled with a time and plate llovv (.an you tight that kind ot thing?" Hailey said such spec ific in formation is not necessary for the ASl tO to request a perfor mance audit. "The reason we decided on the audit is that we felt we didn't have enough informa tion a make a decision (about contract renewal)," Hailey said "It s not a serv ice I wanted to see go under.” he added. "We were being as critical as we could be without being unrea sonable." The loss of money from Uni versity students, coupled with insufficient funding from other grants and contributors, forced the network to disband perma nently, Ilolm said. "We simply did not have the funds to continue operating." she said. "Money is tight out there There aren’t enough (lu nations Everybody wants the sen’ll e. hut there's not enough money." Holm said board of directors has requested half of the S1 1.700 alloi atnd by the ini i dental fee committee for scr vices the center rendered from July through Dec ember But Iteoause the network op (•rated during time without an ASt'O contract, the nrgani zation is not legally entitled to any of the money. Bailey said, hut one-third of the total lias lieen offered "The ASUO felt that was a good faith offer ." Bailey said. Other crisis and counseling centers in the area are prepared to fill the void created by the sudden absence of Rape Crisis Network, which had served Ku gene since 1077 Shirley Wilson, acting direi tor of the University’s Counsel ing Center, said the center and its nighttime < risis line will "till in the gaps in available '••mu's until something else i an l>e put in plan- " The Counseling Center will temporarily expand its sen1 ires for rape victims temporarily and respond to individual call er's needs as necessary, she said The crisis line can he real lied at .Mti-4-tHH Wilson said she does not want the Counseling Center to Itec.ome the only resource for students and hopes to work with the cifnimunitv tit estab lish a new rape crisis center The University's Unwanted Sexual Behavior Task Force plans to discuss the issue .it its meeting today at 12:40 p m in the FMlf Walnut Room Whitehird Clinic, a 24-hour i risis and counseling center, is also responding hv inc reasing rape counseling training of its staff. Whitelnrd Director Boh Uritz said The Whitehird crisis line i a n h e reac h e d a t KH 7-4000 Outdoor Clothing & Equipment . Liquidation This is our biggest sale of the year. We have combined merchandise from all of our OREGON STORES. Everything from footwear to camping to ski clothing. Don't Miss This Huge Event Lane County Fairgrounds Jan. 11, 12, & 13 MKENZIE * MJNDCRUDfD * GRE A1 » OR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5CVIDE0 GAMES All. GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION >1 SO STM STRUT PtttllC MARUT lUSilftUlMM Great food with a Mexican Accent DOS RATOS watch for daily specials' 1219 ALOER STREET ATTENTION Art* wr mature enough as a species to know the truth at)out religion/ THE BIBLE fait or fiction - Important new evident e answers this question beyond doubt t very person, religious or not, must be come aware of this startling new information uncovered by the Reli gioos Research Institute ol Oregon Write lor free information to R R I of Oregon. I574 Coburg Road, #251. Eugene. 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Letter Perfect Graphics 346 4 361 Northwest Insurance Service Anmuint ini; A new computerized insurance rate compari son service that will shop the market to find the lowest Health Insurance & Short Term Major Medical plans available Call toda\ tor a tree phone consultation. 747-6922 5925 Main St. Springfield O PLANNED PARENTHOOD Professional • Convenient • Affordable • Pap/Pelvic Exam • Infection Checks • Birth Control • Pregnancy Testing • Counseling 134 East Thirteenth Avenue • Eugene 344-9411 CIVIL WAR BASKETBALL OREGON VS. OREGON STATE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Mountain Bike Giveaway Register to enter a contest to win a Mt. Bike at Women's Basketball games. Courtesy of Collins Cycle Shop Friday. Jan 11th at 7 JO p m in Mac Court THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 1 Yeah, Clem, I hurt. But y know, it’s a flood kind ot hurt.''