THE POSSIBLE DREAM Oakway Mall West Wmg Houis Mon Sat 106 AccensomnB and mshiom tO* rut IA*Of* WOMAN WINTER CLEARANCE (Savings up to 75%) SEE OUR NEW SPRING FASHIONS! WEDNESDAY IS SKI NIGHT AT FRESH FUN FOR '91 *Win ski passes for different slopes in the area *Ski movies showing at 7:00pm *Free Chinese munchies / -no cover charge 343-4374 A 2222 Centennial Blvd - (Next to Aut/cn Stadium) LtTTtR P t R f t C 1 Graphics • TYPESETTING • PASTE UP • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • t nit ) t f4tt KH W‘ 'K Al i 'N 346-4331 M t SPORTS Stoudamire may be joining Ducks By Robert Weber EmeiakJ Spoils Repoilei Two years after becoming thi* first Oregonian to enter Georgetown University on a basketball scholarship. Antoine Stoudamire appears close to completing the details for transfer to the Univer sity Gist month, Georgetown Coach John Thomp son announced that bis Hoya team would be without the services of Stoudamire for the re mainder of the season Since then, rumors have been circulating that the t> foot-3 sophomore guard would surface in Eugene. As a senior at |esuit High School in Portland. Stoudamire led the state in scoring at 23.3 points a game and in reliounding at 14 a game. He ex pressed an interest in playing for the Ducks but no scholarship was available until now. Stoudamire. who was expected to arrive in Portland on Tuesday, declined to be interviewed until his academic records are received by the University and he is accepted as a student. Oregon Coach Don Monson said Tuesday that he was unable to discuss the matter but did say that as far as he knew. Stoudamire was in the pro cess of filling out the forms for University admis sion. Reportedly, if Stoudamire is accepted by the University, a liasketbull scholarship will be avail aide. If he enrolls this week for winter term. Stoudamire will lx* free to practice with the Ducks although he wouldn't be eligible to play until after fall 1991. Stoudamire's signing with Georgetown made big news around the state, and when he saw ac tion in 29 games as a freshman, he appeared on his way to becoming a key part of the Moya at tack. As a freshman. Stoudamire, known for his soft shooting touch, averaged 3.1 points and 1.1 re bounds per game, but he connected on only 39 percent of his field goal attempts He did manage 15 of 45 three-point shots and eight of 10 free throws in his first year, Mis best game came against Florida Internation al. where he hit all seven of his attempts in the first half on his way to 24 points, four rebounds and five steals in 22 minutes of play. The majority of last year's Moya guard core ei ther graduated or transferred, leaving Stoudamire as one of the more experienced players, but he missed a month of preseason practice because of a virus and never fully recovered the time he missed. In five games this season, he averaged 2.4 points and 1.4 rebounds while shooting 43 per cent from the field. Me had a season-high six points in the Moyas' loss to Ohio State early in December. Oregon fans are hoping that Stoudamire will In; joined at Oregon by his cousin. Damon Stoudamire. considered the state's best prospect. Me has visited Oregon but decided against sign ing a letter of intent during the early signing peri od last fall. Wrestlers triumph over Bakersfield Oregon's wrestling team caused u mild upset Monday night, beating Kith-ranked (lal State Bakersfield 22-1,'t in Ba kersfield, Calif The l)ui:ks, ranked 21st. got off to a quick start and sealed the win with victories by Curt Struhm and Cam Strahm at !‘H> pounds and heavyweight, re spectively. Oregon, now -t-l) in dual meets this season, won its Ifith straight dual meet in the past two seasons. The nation's top-ranked 11H pounder. Dan Vidlak, got things rolling for the Ducks with a 0-4 decision over i’al Higa. Koh Stone. Scott Glenn and Pat (Tiiig followed Vidlak's wins with victories of their own at 134, 142 anti 150 pounds. respectively Stone squeaked out a 3-2 decision over Tony Beavers, while Glenn won by an 8-3 count, and Graig won his match 6-3. Oregon also got a draw at 158 pounds from Darren Gustafson, hut Bakersfield came back with wins over Mat Sprague at 167 pounds and Jeff McCoy at 177 pounds. Sprague was deci sioned 7-5 by Brian Malavar while McCoy lost 10-1 to Mark Cheff. The Strahm brothers helped ice the take with a pair of easy wins. Curt Strahm won his match 26-10 while Cam Strahm had an 1 l-:i win. The Ducks wen- at Cal-State Fullerton Tuesday night, but results of the match were un available at press time. Oregon wraps up its five-match, seven day swing through California Wednesday at Stanford. Three words to describe a great workout Oregon West Fitness ^ Unlimited aerobics ^ Stairmaster ^ Universal Super Circuit ^ Complete spa & locker facilities ^ Aerobicycles, Lifecycles ^ Tanning Adjacent to jogging & bicycle trails 1/2 OFF INITIATION! GREAT HOURS 7 Days a week/6 a.m. -11 p.m. 485-1624 *NEW YEAR’S SPECIALS > P^ySTERS“”get $5 poster FREE with any purchase over $ 15 TAPESTRIES I CONVERSE ALL-STAR SHOES & * U ■ on sale for $24.99 ^ • 20% OFF all t-shirts Expires 1/31/91 ’ *LAZAR’S BAZAR 57 W. Broadway, Downtown Mall 687-0139 * ILLUSIONS 1311 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg C! PERMS customised for your hair type iny'tuoes condition#?* cut 4 srvte1 S47 AC BK $50 00 HOW wn** oi and OMtM M« nun MMr| □ LOOP RODS • SPIRALS imcluoes conditioners cut & sty** _ etc $6500 startiuc; At *39.95 □ HAIRCUTS >rK ruori srwKnpoo & conon toner «CS1SOO Offer good only with Marla and Cma NOW s7.00 i I •ILLUSIONS • 345-1810' jari Mariafc*eii Shnia Baker Ooui tiaker Mary Cameron &rv» uttiefreta Good through February 9.1991