SPORTS Time comes for some New Year’s resolutions Ney\ Year's resolutions .ire like defensive strategies to stop Michael Ionian they look great on paper but are usually abandoned shortly after being implement ed. Being a lowly sports reporter for a daily college neyvspaper. my personal resolutions about studying more and sleeping less would only interest my rela tives and close friends (well, at least my relatives), so I decided instead to conduct some role playing I have created a list of resolutions I would make if I entered 1 help Tarkanian. the NCAA's favorite whip ping hov. recoup some of the money he's going to lose when the Kunnin' Keitels sit out next year’s basketball tournament Being l)nk Vitale wouldn't be easy, but it the job fell to me. 1 would make a resolution to travel west of the Kooky Mountains at least oik e to see a college Iras ketball game and put a face with the names of Terrell Brandon and tUd.A's Don Mai l.ean Indore somebody else beat me to it Sure, the days of Alcindor and Walton leading the Bruins to national titles every year are gone, hut they do still play the college game in the western time /one you just never hear about it If I were Steve Young ol the soon-to he three-time defending Super Bowl champion San o -t'ters. I would resolve to decline free agency and stay pul Making $! I million a year to signal in plays, sub for |o« Montana late in blowouts and be the team's tilth ret fiver sounds like the easy life In me If I began I he New Year as Syrai use basketliall (aiai h |iiu Boeluein. and I'm so glad I didn't. I would make a resolution to resign quit kly and quietly be sides thi- fact that his program is being accused of nu merous violations. Hoehiem should realize that if he can't win the national title with the talent he has had in recent years he will never win it People often make resolutions to get out of a dead end job If I were Terry Bradshaw this resolution would lie at the top of my list What does be have to gain by continuing to work in the studio for (dIS. when he could lie making a name lor himself as a game analyst like |ohn Madden'-’ Brad shews understanding of the game and abilit\ to com munii ale ideas to viewers is rare and to sec him waste il in a spot made tor people like Irv t’ross and () I Simpson seems so degrading If I was Victor kiam. owner of the New Kngland Pa triots, I would resolve to Irv and make sure my team makes headlines in the upcoming year for things that happen on the field during games The only time the I 1!> Pats made the news this year when they were lieing investigated by the league, arrested bv lor al police hiring or firing a head coai li or living thrashed on a Sundav afternoon Maylie get ting rut of I tad publicity magnets like Irvin I' and /.eke Mowutt would be a nice first step Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS I \N|I\KV /VI IK AC l»< >NS: 4 ♦ 4 a SOLD! Run your "For S*l« ‘ (undtf SSOO) ad lor 4 paid l**ue* If II doesn't sail, call u* and wa ll run II again for 4 day* FREE! Check lha Duck Buck* edition. Jan 11 for lola of valuable coupon* ___ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 nmm Pregnant** Decisions to make^ Confidential free testing BIRTHRIGHT 687 8651 PaHies ° Who needs them' We re all together let's have an incredible term* WELCOME BACK ALPHA PHIS! especially to Sarah C Sarah • Kelly K Rachel t and Holly F I 105 PERSONALS ~ Planned Parenthood has a pregnancy lest lhal is 99*. accurate one day after a missed period' includes unbiased counseling Celt 344 9411 Thanhs tor Reading our Classifieds? Cut Out this ail and receive 1 day it fRf'L advertising • the ODE Ctassiheds t3 line Itm'fl) 1 loo*, to' mors \pec>*'5 in tutu'** etM-ons frainre mTYPlW ODE Classified Advertising What a bright ideal nstYhkCSERVig!? Th« WORD SPECIALISTS! * ( mduAtr Ni hool Approved ' * DiMciUltonv'I hoc v hptu * IBM C ompiiiMc, t)»»k ( imvchmii' * I Aid ISiMmg,* <»*phH * * I ditmtokctunif* CA ROL YN _ONO Y JO THE TYPING PRO M360UI IBM WOHO PHOCI ‘>MNO f OlTlNC* IAS’ REASON ABIC lNSOCNTlOUS Printed text to computer hies BBEUZIEuDEi 747 4S6Q i/;o>-oAun «.w »j ns TYPING StRViCt? 'ri>o3 344 4510 60S E 13th A.i FIVINQ FINGERS tyi g <* . •• Fa*l _ ufdto pfOl«S»ior>ai |1 )•; u, 464 9016 Peggy % Typing Service f *{!«' »•' «mJ typ»M ottering «*» i.u IHM ; ompuld' nyslrm aruJ la*v»o l" 'ii0t fti'rtiofniMe *ate* Call Peggy at 142 4S6S 1 The UO Bookstore Carries PAPER PRODUCTS V Ampad Recycled Envelopes (White, #10 and 6V*) Reo SALE 89* 1.29 Ampad Recycled Writing Tablet (#70114,6x9 Ruled) SALE 89* Reg. 1.49 National 3-Pocket Spiral Notebook (#31-199) SALE 2J87 Reg 3.19 { Atlantic Recycled Filler Paper (Unbleached. 100% Consumer Waste, lOOct) S SALE 1.49 EarthCare Recycled Paper Pads (81/? x 11 Ruled & Plain, Unbleached. 50ct) Reg 98V1.10 SALE 79* ■ Strathmore Premium Recycled Sketch Pads (400 Series, Spiral Bound, Asst sizes) 30% OFF RETAIL ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY DEPT.