BRAND Continued from Page 1 "I think we have had an un fortunate incident. learned from it what has to be done for the future, and now it's time to move on and deal with larger issues.” he said Friday in an interview. Sarah Douglas, co-chair of Brand's appointed Task Force on lesbian and Gay Concerns, disagrees with Brand and be lieves Johnson was a victim of discrimination. "If you look at the remedies, they all have to do with issues of discrimination." she said. Douglas said a strong mes South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 v/idd Student rates Near Campus 1 f >RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Share brings together people needing and offering rides anywhere in Oregon or throughout the country For more information call 345-7600. 881 East 13th Avenue • 484-6443 Open Mon-Fn 7 30-6. Sat 8-6. Sun 8-3 Coffee • Espresso • Sandwiches • Etc Recycle v This 1311’ paper sage has been sent that it is in appropriate for people to dis close their homosexuality in a classroom. "There is still a lot of ambi guity of what’s all right to do in a classroom," she said "Brand said he (Johnson) crossed a line, but I don't know what that line is.” Douglas also said she be lieves Johnson's lack of tenure was used to force him into a public apology r Brand said (ohnson may have fr»lt a certain amount of pres sure but that Johnson had been offered a contract for a fourth year as an instructor before the controversy occurred Brand also said that (ohnson was not forced to read an a pul ogy as such, but rather to ex plain his actions in the state merit. Douglas is enthusiastic about Brand’s plan to work with the University's Office of Affirma tivi* Action and Equal Opportu nity to improve the campus en vironment for gays ami lesbi ans She said the report identified a problem that does exist Brand has committed himself to creating an environment at the University that is inclusive, tolerant and welcoming. "No one should feel threat ened because of his or her sexu al orientation." he wrote in the re|>ort. "and no one should threaten or act adversely to ward others because of sexual orientation." Diane Wong. University af firmative action director, said the report focused on the spe cific issue of the University's treatment of Dreg fohnson and not on any broader level Her office is in the process of putting together a committee that will examine ways to cre ate a more welcoming environ ment for homosexuals, she said 1 THE CLASS STRUGGLE You want to leam more about computers. You really do. But with everything you have going on, it's a struggle finding lime to add that extra class. Well, make it easy on yourself. Just call the number below and sign up today for one of our microcomputer classes. We’ve specifically designed our classes to fit your busy schedule, with many of our ten-hour classes offered in the evenings or on weekends. And when we receive your check, or your VISA or MasterCard number, we reserve a computer just for you. That's right There's no computer sharing. Just a lot of hands-on computer learning. So make it easy on yourself. Classes meet at the Condon School Microcomputer Labs at 18th and Agate Streets. OPEN MINDS. OPEN DOORS. Call 346-3537 Eugene-Area Microcomputer Classes reduction to the M»dntosh ^ ^ ruesdays, January 8-29,6. V Macintosh Hard Di* Managomen^ ^ ^ Saturday, January 26, 8.30 a in 1 Introduction to the IBM-PC,Compatible, Tumdayx. January M*. * P "> F“ “ *“ IRM POCompatible Hard Disk Management W “STeLy e.30. a pm F« - *»• MS-DOS: Leeell tIBMI K Saturday, January 12,8.30 a m -l* } MS-DOS: LeveintlBM' ^ Sunday, January 13,8-30 a m. y__ Microsoft Word 4.0: Level 1 lMacintosh) Mondays, lanua.y 7 28. k»*» P »■ f" » _ Microsoft Excel 2.2: Level KMacintob^^ ^ Mondays and Wednesdays, January $53 • a ,i i2 o 22' Level 1 (IBM) asiS&w5*1..52 PageMaker Transition to v. 4.0 IMaci v Mondays and Wednesdays. January 21-30. $53 La5^kn"^ly. I-' y n a-"‘°™ a m ■«» P m Fee u $53 S:u‘k7an°3ay'^"“-*m 4:00 pm F« » $116 plus $18 for materials Ventura Publisher. Level1 .l^J-oo a m -4:00 p.m Fee is Saturday and Sunday, January 26 and 27. $116 plus $18 for materials. Sayx Pm F"“5” Aldus FreeHand 2.0: Level I^*^nl ,2w p m Fee is Saturday and Sunday. February 2 and 3,8.30 ^ ____ HyperCard 12: Level I (Macintosh) riypc1^- will a-'UMHX) P.nv Feels Thursdays, January 10-31. 6.30 *•«» p n dBase III Plus: Level 1 (IBM) .2;0o P m Fee is Saturday and Sunday. February 2 and 3. 8 30 a m. $53 AutoCAD V. 10: Level11 tIBM) ,m a m -4 no : .•d*»*bd°" class begins $53 having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified ’"TIT ■3TT