Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    1 _T I 11
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Continued from Page 1
done under local anesthetic in
.1 due tor's office The implants
should I** put in on a day dur
ing the woman's menstrual pe
Once implanted, the capsules
release small dosages of the
hormone progesterone, which
will blo< k ovulation, ultimately
protecting the user from preg
nancy for five full years
The method is reversible,
however At any point in the
five-year period, the implants
can !h> removed and fertility re
stored within a month or two.
Norplant is the first highly
suet essful birth control method
that requires no ac lion on the
part of the user except to sit
through the initial surgery,
which dor tors and birth control
advoc ales regard as a break
"It takes hard work to be
good at birth i ontml." said Su
san T rezona certified nurse
midwife at Women's Clare As
soi tales a Kugene clinic that
v\ 111 be carrying Norplant after
Marc h training sessions
"Norplant is great because
you don't have to think about it
every dav." she said "You
have the surgery and then
you're protected for five
Norplant is more than 99 per
oent effective, comparable only
to the birth control pill The
difference is that to get that
kind of effectiveness from the
pill, the user must remember to
take the medication at the same
time every day With Norplant,
once the capsules have been
implanted, the user need not
do anything for five years.
“You would not believe the
mistakes people make with the
pill." said Cheryl Long, health
educator at Planned Parent
hood. a national agency that is
currently considering the pros
pect of implanting the new
"The biggest problem is
user-failure, but with Norplant
it s not something she'll have
lo deal with every day of her
life." Long said "We think
college women will think this
is great
After 20 years of research in
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ficials have concluded that any
one who is eligible to take the
pill will most likely be eligible
to receive Norplant implants.
"We'll check for people with
a history or symptoms of things
like acute liver disease, jaun
dice. vaginal bleeding, blood
clots in the legs, lungs or eyes,
stroke, chest pain and or heart
attack.” said Judy Anderson.
Planned Parenthood nurse
practitioner. “These are the
same things we look out for
when prescribing the pill."
Norplant offers another ad
vantage as compared with the
pill Since Norplant consists of
one hormone, whereas the pill
utilizes two, the user will prob
ably not experience the head
aches. bloating and weight gain
that are commonly associated
with pill use. Trezona said.
"Those are estrogen-related
side effects, and Norplant is
strictly a progesterone im
plant," she said.
There is yet one more advan
tage associated with Norplant
For a five-year supply of birth
control pills, the user would be
faced with a bill of approxi
mately $400, if not more. Over
the long haul. therefore.
Norplant will be more cost-ef
"Overall. Inis methnd seems
to be bypassing a lot of prob
lems " bong said
Hut Norplant tines have its
u\\ n set ol side eUei ts. the most
notable ol which is irregular
bleeding. The^iser mav experi
ence longer-lhan normal peri
mis. no periods at all. more
than one period in one month
oi mid-cycle spotting
Norplant is going to be
-ftio)i but there is s:
nifirnnt incidence of irreguhn
bleeding." DeVisser said "The
irregular bleeding is a tfhi
sam e hur rt nomdfrv resolves' it
sell after the first six months
Another side ettei I is the
dual visibiiit\ of the implants
f irst the initial implanting sur
gory will leave a '4-inch scar
Set t)lldl\ . bet;ause the implants
are placed direct lv under the
skin there is a chance tli.it they
will push the skin outward,
leaving what will appear as a
lump on the uppei arm
Yi‘t another aspect to t tmsid
or is that Norplant appears to
be most etfei live in women
weighing 150 pounds or less
"That's an issue that's related
to the absorption of the proges
tenure " Anderson said
The last, and obvious ptob
lem with Norplant is that it
does not protect against sexual
iy transmitted diseases The
user will therefore have to look
to another contraceptive ninth
ods if disease puses a threat.
Overall. there is no one pel
feet contraceptive methmi but
we’re hoping for the suet ess of
Norplant," Long said.
All in all, the nihmilages ap
pear to outnumber the di.sad
“This is not the answer for
everyone, but it will sure serve
a good group of people."
Tre/ona said
Medical professionals predict
that this will he the chosen
birth control method among
college women, women spac
ing their families, and women
u ho have had their families hut
do not wish to do anything as
draslii as having a tubal liga
"I think there's a real place
for this." lleVisser said.
Anyone who is interested
arid would like further informa
tion may i onfact the Student
i lealth Looter at .140 444 t.