BIC'YCLE SERVICE CENTER ! 345-6952 TUNE UP $20 LIGHTS start at $6.50 OPEN EARLY 7:30-6:00 weekdays 9:00 5:00 Saturday GUARANTEED ESTIMATES! 30EAST 13th Valentine \s Campus Travel is relocating STUDENT FARES STILL OUR SPECIALTY CIEE and STA Representative Same Day Ticket - Delivery Call Today 342-3170 For all your travel needs Did you take a crash course in neck pain? 1 hi* pain \«m ItH'l (oduy t unlit lie i aused hv an injury you suffered years ago ur just ywlerdiy. Whatever the c ause, i himprni tit i are i .in give you relief "Ithout drugs or surgery All autuniohile msm.ini e covers i hi mprni ti< care 100%. Serve es offered an' individual treatment, i hmiprac In ilia nipulalion. therapeutii massage and therapeutic stretching If you have a ipiestion i uni erning your t htroprai lit i an' needs call ('raig Haller III' toilay for a frit' phone i (instillation The Chiropractic Mealing Center 1872 Willamette . hugene . OK 342-4520 UNIVERSITY Fire causes dorm room damage A small fire started early Sunday morning iri a first flour room of Karl Hall's Young dor mitory i aused the evacuation of ■ill students and an estimated $200 in damage. Young dormitory Resident Assistant Kirsten Kappaport said the fire started shortly after midnight when a student stepped out of her room, leav ing a candle burning inside The Office of Public Safety was tailed but the fire was out by the time an officer arrived, Rappaport said All students were evacuated as a precaution as soon as the fire was detect ed. she added. The fire did not spread out side the room and the damage was confined to a bed bolster and a side wall. Rappaport said "The bolster on one side of the room is charred." she said "If we replace the entire bol ster. it will cost $140 That side of the room needs to hi; paint ed. so it will probably total around $200." The student will be held re sponsible for tho cost, Kappa port said. No one from the Office of Publii Safety or University Housing was available for com ment Sunday. Women for Peace in Gulf meet tonight NIKKTINCS Student Projects. Ini Imartl ul ilirri tors meets toda\ from -t In •> |> in in l-Atr Cimturv Koorn K Call ;t-tt> t72‘J for nmni Inn Et als Women for Pen e in the Per sian (.nil will hold an organi national meeting tonight from r. to t> ttl p m in 1 Alt' ( Vnlurv Room B Call Wcndv (airran at 485-2!)7,r> for more information Students for Creative Anach ronism will hold an organiza tional meeting tonight at 8 it) pin in Agate Room 1 For more information < all 485-8(108 or .144-74 17. KRMA Campus Radio will hold a general interest meeting tonight at 8 p m in the KMC Hen Finder Room For more in formation. i all 142-7080 Deadline? for submitting Et ■its to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite .100. is noon the da\ before publication, lit als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon: items run only once Items for events ( barging ad mission or a donation w ill not run. Events running closest to the University will be given priority. The Emerald reserves the right to edit Et als lor gram mar and style Start Out The New Year With New Hair Trends AT JUST-4-U $8 Haircuts $10 Haircuts s2850 Perms s2500 Weaves (men) _ (women) (Includes cut and style)* 5 Tans for $8* 10 Tans for $16 ‘Long hair $5 extra 14 10 Orchard (right behind Bean complex) 342-2165 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT at the UO Bookstore. it r t i h r l it 11 c t Graphics JOOtIMU * 346-43HI CONVENIENT. FAST & AFFORDABLE With our professional tic sign, typesetting and cam era services tee'll give sour — Resumes Posters Ads Booklets Business Cards Brochures etc... a professional look at a price that agrees with a student budget. Daily Kmcrald Classified Advertising Placement Order HOW DO YOU REACH 45,000 READERS EVERY DAY?! JUST FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW! Classifications Available 100 Connections 10$ P#'*on*is 110 L0*t & Found 11$ Typing Services 120 Tutoring 1?5 Induction 130 fo( Sale M « 135 Buy Of Trad* 140 P«!» 145 Car* ISO Motofcyci#s.'Scool#'* 155 B'Cydos 160 Aulo R#p*ir» 165 Computer*; fleeironies 1 70 Sound Sy9!#• 00* WUyt Phono . (mutt be given) Todays Oslo_ Zip Fill out bale* if paying with Credit Card Purchase Order: EiotraUon dale /_ PO * VISA MC • Receipt mailed upon request Rates/Billing Amounts: (for office use only) Total • of lines _ 1st day charge 2nd day charge Eatra Charges . TOTAL COST. Payed by cashchecW.. Ad placed at BKS MD _cc_po_ OOE L_ BOX 12 orv* day ch«'y« GREEK LETTERS t2 Of* d«y eh***# CAll 346-4343 PLEASE WRITE AD EXACTLY AS YOU WANT IT TO APPEAR' OOt CANNOT BE HUP RESPONSIBLE FOR ILLEGIBLE HANDWRITING' Mailing Addiesi Room 300. EMU P.O. Boi 3159 Eugene. OR 97403 gi*)if act rplffd b*fo<« 1 r m o«« bwtM>M»M <**» lo >.i&«fliOn OitpKi. gi*J- , * »pi«j b«lo«« 1pm. two bu»>n*t« day* pnot to mftprlton To place, cancel or correct your ad cell 346-4343 9 a.m. S p m. dally