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Check out our HUQE SELECTION of calendars on the main floor of the UO BOOKSTORE! ■ .. w «■ FUTON BED>»* • *• '• » vjr- table futon cowl be** *ihef» 11 tO Pfea*« v. 4if 34 S 9641 N«w Onkyo «mp 60 waltt $l6S7obo New p»* 1200 tkl * ?OOcm tISC'oho New cuelom white VW wheel* & that WSOcofco Mutt tell Oave 34S6M9 Seely queen tire maflres'i A t- » tptingt New condition $26 - • liy) high quality 190 Ce*< evenings M3 226% 135 BUY OR TRADE* Cash fo# you/ used l evi » SOI Too <-*«1 it o but no big holes A pain! |5 per leant Kay .344 6820 ... .-.. m.— CHEAP* FBt/U S SEIZED M VW $S0 87 Men edeft 1200 IVi Men *•(!(!> $100 Mustang tbO Choose from thousand* starting l?S FREE 74 Hihi< H« .'limy Reneats Oet«»«i*B0t 3792929 fit JtJC U S HOTLINE ( opynght DRUGLORD CARS* IWO 84 VW ISO 8,* BMW 1W U $ s«*< „'<•• StGO Foul* Merged** Corvettes Chevy* Surplus Vout At*« (H60SM7 6000 eit S 9642 (iovemment seized JtOO Corvette? Chevy? Porv h»» .i.'hJ other . on ft seated properties F • Boyer? Gu«J© iftQOt ??2 9712 i>»t S0% Al\<> open evenings A J* WK1.COMK HACK! Cut off the Nee Year with th« ODE Clanvlipils wo; offer y'’ii one FREE • «■ '> ,r) hr. ■■ i-ivr . FREE lib BICYCLES Ctokiic one speed cruisers from VJ0 Okt frames and peris available 142 2999 2 TREK 6000 Aluminum Mtn Biles i6b COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Apple lie • mii =' • ■ ' .« . P-.vn.ej A prog*ar • S40P t> FREE DISKETTE! J.V1 ? tlBu. «n. .’(inks , n, ,, A Th...! Di . £*££> EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE UO BOOKSTORE its COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS FREE MOUSE! Cort'Pulwith h*fTl dis* include* *omJ spread sheet and database AM 1©f only *799 00. Computer Systems West t?$6 Willamette 14? 41S1 Greet t»r*| computer *ayp»o ? 19SK dual (loppy disk Wordstar Program HbO Call 144 8049 no RESALE CLOTHING Bing Chaffy Palace ias BOOKS COMPUTER BOOKS LOOK NOWHERE ELSE! In our BIG selection ot computer books you'll find just what you need! EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE fl*vem«*nt of [U. Bldg Opr M- - a' iso ski e6uipment Ho* signal Tour - ; Ooss Country j S>«»s this ft i temaiff) boots <»«/«* • . H H . and po't*S Fnat S tOO tobo) 1 takes it an' Brea* a teg1 Call bM 9631 ?oo TBAVIL - MOT 'MOt 'MOT'HOT 1 MOT 'MOT'MOT ' INC Driving • - eap*n»e% shared ?*>'$ 4917 evenings mOPPORfuNiTjES- — BEST JOB ON CAMPUS Jn? U of O Teiefu*n1 NNKlS you tarn j SBThour wMIt wrorlong fieatbto day ] and (rrynmg hours Paid lianing provided E*i*i?ll#«! »e*ufl>e job Can ! Wh MX) of slop by ?00i Franfcli" \ . 1 FREE MOVIES! One hr/wk postering campus route Jesse: 343 4650. say latest pm time I can call. RELAX! WITH THE UP BOOKSTORE COURSEBOOK GUARANTEED PROGRAM : UO 11. • ... -jl h*v,- .. a-.-. jnad reading from ?fv-, t«t«i Eased on pr«pu>i:h*»» D» th*} t*X>k a! no caperm U* you until yOu« hook arrives tBooks t>V MlikC* impotlad books or t*X»k* out Of *locA al !h* publisher a»r inyrmpi from the Guaranteed Book Deadlines lo qualify are STUDENTS f ACUITY . 1 . ; len UO BOOKSTORE Coursebook Dept, Second Floor 220 HELP WANTED DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED Triocfc Town \ houfvtat# nighls U> • App 1 1 4pm tftf)9 * »anAhn BJvrt No pbon# *oh ‘ MO OOO/yf RF AD BOOKS ..... rj. n ? Ir>rm f A$Y FRff K*‘ ■ J-'Q act *'9?9?s f.t jLEfi E AS Y ASSE MHlY . i • .a. FRf l .4' ■ ' 8e%i Funtfr*t**r On Campul1 Grp Fac«ti(ilorti - »- 5mJ ’ . 1 .**0*1 J'Q*' mgrnt < .• <,.•■> (.ail N#ni w " B'>«-* for {>«' ■ • • .» a 344 64197 ' MAP OUT YOUR SUMME H PLANS NOW Be » UO SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Announcing 10 Conferem «» A'i%i*t*nt pofut»ont> anth Univruktly j : loom (•< i jul *€-»•► ly & v#lu i job mj»fi»ncc Dulip* Astus. ! j i*ru. # with workshop* CAtmrwJ j ] «rv*ola> A u*'.Hl#nl tor'IftiWKM A . : youth camp* ftequrrum+nt* strong : >nl#r#st A iiparivnct working wilts ! : group* ability to work w#M uncj#' pr#s*ur# A during long irregul*' i j hours of «* t»ri ukJ fc - wirKtgr t 1 S th# UO A EuQ#n#/Spring held com j muf ily Hospitality or ftev-jvtu. v , H#H #»pr»rt#me f#comm*npbOn A Ap{><>. at tun available • it Uruv h vuMftg Cohl###hC# !»#rv«t #* i;.M Oougiait* Hat' Wait'.'1' ; Compi#< MB 4.?BS Application t ! deadline i* 1200pm Feb li 1991 MAKE YOUR JOB THIS SUMMER AN ADVf NT URE * National maik#fmg ' ■ ?20 HELP WAWtEP - Easy work' f* > ’■! pay , products at home Call for mformalion N04 fe4i JJQ03 e«t 99ft2 *» a »• • , woik study qualified student*, a*> Qfi’te assistants to lyp* ' <■ \ " e S5 50 per hour Opt 'tuf 'W l *•..«'*' ?• , t*’ £>Hf> *>< 14 Summer Jobs Top salary rm hd *»■>’>&-, Tcax- P •■ «*• •*’' •" Mw&! have * th O ru- of the foitOAirtg .» t./rtw*; afr.he', cr»?ls baseball Mem i' NY I0M3 i'J14? V♦-.« i-Q jv . i//t 0u■ tu<'y MA Swimming Jobs iWSI>1 *" • • r.... . • Northeast V- »-hi o who ; *n teach children to •,wiin swnr» teem beautiful pool and !,!*••*» m the Northeast Go d salary ’ •• A boerd Pavel ♦*»{>«»••.«• Mr . or ante Camp Wmedu 5 Glen lane Marnarone. ►NY t0f>4Jt914> wrtti Vega PO Bo* t//1 Du«bury MA Q2VS2 (617 934 b*>M> TELEPHONE PROJECT CALLERS Ceil (WOIPe#d travel e * pen s«? Women i .ill o< wide l amp Vega P 0 Bo* 17/1 Ov*bury MA 02332 f61/t 9344636 Men i all or amte Camp Wmadu 5 Glen Lane Mamaranec k NY tOS43 (SM4) 361 6983 Summer limploymeni 1,1 Alaska HotH van* «• w-« Hr. Uunmw •<•> *»« «»««***** ««] (**?-%« .»•» tn«Tv»*«*» *o •"*'* •>a'J ■' »* . /u»«jr k« * '*» »*>e t«*«*M* *«1 w*«» Mj.Uar-t * !**“**> »t Mukl xtane r«* M1* ■*•*' »*OSI TIOW5 W INC Of 91 m 0 * MGKI AUOMOH ' HAHTIND4 H * COCK I Art * BUSFtWSOW * OTSMWASm H •caswa m * SUPlHVtSOHS • coon • ttSKCUMK • lAUMDAt ' MLAMTI NANCt • NOUSt-fct-iPING • WAITSTA#f •GIFT SMOF> Stmmof MASOT) Mjy CiAp**«CNN »c* »rcJ imJCinON c*» U. • 10 Sununw Ha* Pragi*m Wa**m*rt »nr* 300 I fc>e A*«* Wmi t0t/ WttfNv*"1 9S1T9 4)99 417? PROJECT COORDINATOR lo establish Pioiected Class Council (RCC) tor lh# Community Mousing Resource Board tCHRBt. * Fan Mousing organisation PCC will locus on strategies to lostei tarr housing Part t»m« lor appro* 8 month* starting lata January Service area include* Eugene Springfield. Cottage Grove Junction City Main*burg Monroe & the Cent4096 Closing date ", j 1 1191 Equal Opportunity i Employer Women anfl minorities | encouraged to apply j Seeking mature student to serve as receptionist m a clinical setting Enel lent communication skills A ability to work independently are essential Evening duty hours 10 12 hrvwk $5 OtVhr Ceil Donna 85 MF 146 J418 tor information Student Media Relations position open tor academic credit or qualified work study pay Works with News Bureau direi tor on media projects and background research Application Ri>« Mall _ WOODWORKER Workstudy certified1 Woodshop supervisor positions available at the EMU CRAFT CENTER ground floor l MU 146 4361 Work Study student wdh training or experience *n accounting needed lor Winter & Spring terms 10 15 hours.** $5 2V fn Computer spreadsheet «■ penance necessary (preferably Lotus t 2 3j Possible position for ne*t year Con tar t Juha Meydon Dean s Office College of Arts A Sciences Room 110 Fnendly Hah 346 3905 WORK STUDY NEEOED Office Assistant $5 6/ht Dean s Office A» hiiecture arvd Au.ed Aits 105 t»A'«nc« Halt 346 3631 S 10/hour Professional photographer seeks male/ female, old/young. beautilul, unusual, interesting, or athletic types tor a collection of gallery portraits. Send photo: Applicant, PO Box 367, Veneta. OR 97487. ?35 APTS/DUPLEKES FIR TREE APTS 1149 Ferry j i pdrm apt avail now New carpet j j balcony and laundry f; urn shed-'unfurnished $365 STUDENT PLAZA 94SE 19th j N'. e i Ddtm apt less than 1 bi* from UO Com op laundry on trie ! Oft Street parking Only $345 683 42T9 or Mike 344 S69S GREYST0NET0WNH0USES 211 Bnarcltff Neviy ten-.i Kieied tw bedroom lownhouses Close to buslines' $395 Call 689 8667 553 E 18th j Quad available now m small j complea Rarking laundry private ! bath $260 Jennings Co 466 E 11th Ave 663 2271 ?35 APTS/DUPLEXES ALDERWOOD MANOR Accepting applications tot 1 A 3 tKltm apartments m e*c#ilent campus ■ imple* Call Mike 344-569*> fof detail® Club Wash Apartments 1 bdrm Bi • desk 1375;mo plus 1st 'ast 4 cleaning dep Great location' 342 1 727 large clean 2 bdrm 1 bik ! UO V .■ dishwasher'disposai lots of parking new carpet vinyl 663 8919 Irg 1 Bdrm Close to Campus Sep ba/vantty large walk in closet bd/lvgrm/util closet Spacious kitchen In a clean quiet comple* Call 484 4103 tf>5!> W 18th St large t and 2 bedroom units available now Dishwasher breakfast bar lots of yard space' $4 70 325 W 12TH STREET Beautiful i bedroom flat1 New I carpet paint, mini blinds I appliances $345 i860 Alder Street Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 PLUMTREE APTS. Jennings • Co 4M E 11th A«r M3 2271 1 blk lo campus Lrge turn 2 bdrm apt Dshwsh? disp new carpet/hnoleum $635.-mo . dep 345-6586 Spacious 1 bdfm apt close to campus deck $320/mo • deposit 343 4109 Spacious 2 bd»m 4 pie* overlooking Willamette River & park W/D $595 Furn 1 bdrm Walk to campus $295 Studio by Skinne'S Butte $285 VON KLEIN PROPERTY MGMT 570 Lawrence • 109 __ 485-7776_ Studio 1 and 2 bedroom apartments available 2 blocks from U ot O Library 484 9922 STUDIO AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY $.U5 includes ulilities-'cabie Eugeni- Manor 1050 Ferry 484 ?44i for manager Bennett Mgmt Co 1915 Oak St i ugene 465 6991 Sub leasa spacious (urn 1 bdrm w/pnvate bath 4 shared kitchen Clean carpet tresh paint, prepaid dep 1 block from campus $259 mo all utilities paid Call 342 6963 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO 745 E 15th One two and three bedroom units available winter term Call bow and get your name m tor upcoming vacancies' Prices range from $415 for 1 bedroom*. ' $695 ' ' 1 bedrooms c all Michael at 683 0729 WILL GO FAST" 1 bdm apts 1 t#n to campus New carpet 5 pamf Start ing at $345 Can 345 2255 NOW* 1 bedroom block from enter • am pus Quiet Off street parking Laundry $J/G 68/ 0821 340 QUADS Campus Area Quad $209 plus deposit 343 4109 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E t7th Contemporary furnished quad units excellent campus location Oft street parkimg. on site laundry and ALL UTILITIES PAID' lease required thr...ugh b 3ft-9t Cab 344 9290 TYLER PARK QUADS 528 Tyler St Large furnished quads wth private tiatbes Alt utilities paid' $245 Cat! 343 9235 Willowtree 1560 Lincoln St Quad living at its best' Private bath Shared common area Biking distance to campus $246/$2S5 Can 683 4219 Furnished room »n arge 'amity home $225 Ail utilities phone, washer dryer Share kitchen 484 509b $275/mo New SW Mills 'u-' Quiet (lose to bus non smoker Kitchen privileges private ba 484 6564 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU BP^'rOU Alj Hi J-E HAPPEMN' : fOR ME. MAN! TOOK *600 Of-h ‘jQM£ ■ 6OO! HAN. : HAP A STRf rAK GQtK THAT JUOT iWUUTK'T oum SCHOMP YOU AIAa£ s an, MAN’' UM.. \ PRETTY UBU If you’re tired of the Movie Theater Shakedown % H & DELIVERY DOLLAR DAYS y Every Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate