Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1991, Page 27, Image 26

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Continued from Page 24
deficit to beat the Bruins 28-24.
Andersen said the Freedom
Bowl was ready to accept the
then 7-2 Ducks.
"The win over IJCI.A was
very impressive, to come back
in the fourth quarter on a must
drive with (Bill) Musgrave
hurt." Andersen said. "The
Ians were going crazy and you
could see the genuine enthusi
asm for the program."
The following week Colorado
State clinched a winning sea
son with a 31-13 win over Tul
sa at home in Hughes Stadium,
and much like Auteen Stadium
the week before, the fans wen
going crazy in Fort Collins.
Colo, hoping that the Rams
could get a bowl bid for tin
first time since HI4H
"A week later," Andersen
said. "Colorado State had
( inched a winning season and
were playing Tulsa after beat
ing Wyoming. The fans on one
side of the stadium were yell
ing 'Freedom' and the fans on
tin? other side were yelling
' Bow 1. ’
"They were genuinely ex
cited about going to a bowl
game also.'' In- said.
Mot only were tin- Ducks and
Rams "genuinely excited" to
!«■ in tin- Freedom Bowl, they
played a genuinely e\< iting
game as well whi(.h made An
dersen's "practical approac h
the right approac h for Freedom
Bowl \ II
Continued from Page 23
gun's f> 1 points
Tin* Oregon lineup lias tin
dergone some changes tulelv at
ter living without the services
ol two starters
Senior forward Trina Mctiarl
net the team’s I bird-leading
scorer and rebounder. Ims been
sidelined fur the past tour
games with a sprained left an
kle that is still healing
I’lie Ducks will be without
sophomore point Vanessa Sel
don for the rest of the season
Selden. who was in charge of
running the Ducks’ offense,
was ruled ineligible due to a< a
ilemii deficiencies.
SixiH«:s II 18 69 28 Walumboin i 18
SO. 16 Wilson 2 1 24 6 Bourn 1 8 0 0 1
Stowefi 2 4 2 2 6 I Smith 2 2 4 4 8 W
Smith Q4 0*0 0 Swadangt 0 2 0 0 0. L" t!-f
0 1, 0-0 0 Campbell 0 2 0-0 0 Davits 0 1 00
0 To1*U»4)i 20 27 67
Stafford £17 25 20 Sell 5 12 00 14
Paimttano(MS MQ. 23. Bate** 4 8 22 12.
Wiki> 4 7 7 12. 15. Dtison V.'l, 0-0. 2 Rob*n
son 0 » 12 1 Hilda 1 2. 2 2 4 Nelson 1 2
1 2 3 Smith 0 1 0 0 0 Total* 3.1-68 23 t*. 94
Of#oon 25 *2 67
California 42 52 M
3 point goals Oregon i 19 iW*»Mwbom
2 6 Bourn 1 8 Campbell 0-2 Swftdtner 02
Stowed 0 1) California 6 14 (Salt 4 9 Baker'
2 4 Wiley Oli touted out Stowed Staf
ford Rebounds Oregon 39 (Sporeten 13).
California 5? (Pabmsano 16) Assists O»o
gem 12 (Stowall I Smith 3). California 16 tW*
lay 9' Total tout* - Oregon 26 California 20
A 438
Sporcich 9 16 2 3, 20 Waflenborn 1 \2
4 5 19 Stowed 3 9 0 0 7 I Smith 2 6 043 4
M Smith t i 2 2 4. Bourn 13, 0-0. 3. Wilson
01 2 4 2 L ilanj 0 2 2 2. 2 Swadener 0 2. 0 0
0 Totals 2‘S so 12 if- 6f
/•eistra 12 1C 33. 7 9 0 ’4
Whiting 4-7 2 i<3 Manning 3 8, ^4 10
Ma. Mufdo 5 6 0-0 10. Nedgpath 2 9 0-0 4
Sedivan 1 2 CM3, 2. Dougherty » 5 08 2. Tay
lor 0-1 0-0. 0 Ricfwcls 0 1 0-0 0
tioodenpouf t 9 0*0 3 Tota.a 36 76. 10-13.
Oregon 33 28 63
Stanford 44 44 $&
1-point gu*** - - Qtf yon 3-12 ftVatMftbom
' 4. Stonvi" 1-4 B0u<r ^ ’ 2 SWNHCNtfHLf 0 2 )
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