SPORTS Ducks, CSU ‘practical’ matchup pleased bowl By Ashley Conklin E merit id Sport'. Editor ANAHEIM. Calif It was .1 |irnrlital approar h that led In Oregon and Colorado Slate meeting in Free dom Howl VII Don Andersen, the ever utive direr tor of the ()range County Sports Assor ration whir h oversees the free dom Howl, said that the (XISA wanted two teams in this year's Freedom Howl that were happy to lie here unlike past teams "We wanted to have teams that were anxious to In here.'' Andersen said "We felt the best way to do that was to get teams from tin- WAC (Western Athletic t on tereiii e) and the Par HI "These two teams almost refler l the Imw I on their wav up." he sairl "We didn't go to the Dig Hi. or the SEC. or Notre Dame We took that practical approach and it's i.omc together Celling two tennis tlial wanted to he in freedom Mow I \'il was important lor Andersen, who took over as tin1 IX SA ever olive ilirei lor in Mart li ! as well as getting the game into the blai k Cist veal s freedom Howl between Washington and Honda drew onK li.HVH fans and the two schools sold onlv >1.200 In kets Washington B.000 and I'lor i da 1 200 On top ol the poor attendant e figures last year was the tail that onlv Ireedom Bowl III in HMMi between I Cl.A and Brigham Voting turned a profit and only beiausc the home area Hrums were in the game But that all i hanged this year bei ause Andersen's prat In al approach worked Oregon sold more than IH.OlMi tickets to the game and another 1 1 .HOC) were guaranteed by the WAI Paid attendant e at I reedom Bowl VII was a 1. lil t w ith at III HI aiienuani e ai a I -one A crowd of 40.0(H) was needl'd. Andersen said, to make the game profitable While a marquee team such as an Illinois or Michi gan from the Hig 10 could have brought a bigger tele vision market to the Freedom Bowl. Andersen said there wouldn’t be the crowd needed to turn a profit like (Jregon and (Colorado State were able to generate So with the "practical approach" mindset. Ander sen and the OSOA set out to find teams that could bring enough fans to make the game a financial suc cess After bowl scouts were allowed to start seeing teams in at tion Oct It. at least one Freedom Bowl scout was on hand at every Oregon game through the Nov. it game w ith IICLA W hen the I)ut ks overcame a 24-11 fourth quarter Turn to BOWL, Page 27 Prepare for Winter! Bring your car to the Preventive Maintenance Program REPAIR • Close to Campus • A.S.E. Certified Technician Tune-ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection 1917 fr«nhlln BUd hi|rnr,Or 9740% 48SH116 Support Your Local Business COPIES Tte Copy Skop 539 E. 13th 485-6253 Beautiful. Whimsical. Colorful. Artistic, r Silly. Classic. Adorable. Whatever Calendar Suits Your Personality, You'll Find It At The GO Bookstore—Check Out Our Big Selection on the Main Floor! 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 346 4331