SPORTS Ducks should fight for bowl bid again next year By Ashley Conklin Emerald Spoils Editor ANAHKIM. Calif With two straight howl appearances, the Oregon football team has established itself as a legitimate howl contender Now. the next step for the Dm ks is to continue their up ward i limb in making it to big ger and belter Ixivvl games eat h year Steps one and two are in place with bar k to hack appear ames in the Independence and Freedom Bowls. Step three is to make another bowl game next year, one with more national recognition and exposure than the Freedom Bowl In the moments following the disappointing Freedom Bow! loss to Colorado State, it was hard for (loach Ku h Brooks and the players to reflect on what was an otherwise great season fur the Ducks Hut despite the .'12-31 set hack Oregon still had a great season, in fact better than