Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 07, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Ignore the rhetoric,
Bush lusts for war
With the United Nations resolution deadline of
)an. 15 rapidly approaching, the threat of war is com
ing closer to being a reality. President Hush has
stepped up his rhetoric and continues to say the Unit
ed States will not negotiate or back down.
No matter what Bush's words imply, his actions
indicate he wants to go to war. He has not exhausted
all options for ending the conflict peacefully. Hu is
more willing to send Americans to their deaths in a
war than he is to swallow a little pride and negotiate.
Bush is avoiding a national debate on the topic,
preferring instead to set deadlines and make threats
without public support. Despite what the soldiers in
the Gulf have apparently been told, there is no clear
and unified national support for a war.
But the policy-makers of this country are not re
flecting that divisiveness. Rather they move toward
war full speed ahead.
The United Stales should not Im* moving toward a
war when there is not i loar and strong support for it
Currently there is a naive apathy among Americans
who believe the war will never take place. Hut when
the bullets and bombs start flying that apathy will dis
appear albeit a little too late.
Hush is in for a surprise if he believes he can send
the country into a war of this size without severe do
mestic repercussions The lack of protesting and dis
sent after the Grenada and Panama invasions plays a
part in Hush's arrogance. Very little was said when
violence was used in those cases, and apparently Hush
thinks he can send U S. forces wherever he wants,
whenever he wants. He is in for a surprise
If one American soldier dies in combat in the gulf.
Bush should Im* impeached. It is not his sole decision
to spend the lives of this country’s youth in war.
All of Oregon's congressional representatives are
opposed to war in the gulf except for Republican Bob
Smith. These elected officials should lie trying to bring
the war debate to the floor of Congress every single
day. lx*t the President know he does not have the right
to commit this country to war.
To contact Smith and let him know that his sup
port of the war is wrong, you can reach him iri Wash
ington at 118 Canon Office Building, Washington,
D.C. 20515; (202) 225-6730: or in Oregon at 1150 Cra
ter laike Ave., Suite K. Medford 97405; 776-4646 or
Take the lime to remind the politicians that they
are not the ones who will face death because of their
You are enierind, 3 world of ne\U\er- shadow nor
substance. K world \osb8mid -the e>V\uf-f\e oP
-the Pbreian Gu\r crisis... a black void Known as
IducatiON ,
Jolin once again caught stretching truth
Stale Sen Peg jolin says she didn't lie —
The Democrat from Cottage Grove sent
an emergency fund-raising letter to her con
stituents on November 23. 1990. more than
two weeks after the election. She claimed
she needed $10,000 to cover campaign
debts, including the cost of repairing a truck
damaged during the campaign, which she
forgot to mention was her husband's.
Jolin said the truck was ‘‘rolled” while
(wing list'd to place campaign signs, but she
doesn't explain how a truck can incur
$5,500 worth of damage while carrying cam
paign signs.
Another thing |olin didn’t mention was
the fact that she finished her election with a
$28,000 surplus
The senator already had the money in
her coffers to pay the $10,000 she needed.
She was however exercising her political
right to ask for money after a campaign was
over, even if she didn't need it.
Apparently lying for money is not illegal
as long as the election is over. According to
)olin. it was nothing more than a marketing
This is not the first time Jolin has been
less than truthful regarding campaigns.
In a previous Voter’s Pamphlet, Jolin
published her educational background as
"LCC/U of O. legal assistant major.” But she
never enrolled at the University or took
classes here. She did, however, use the law
library once or twice.
The elections director cleared Jolin of
any wrongdoing, saying that at one point it
appears she intended to take classes at the
There is a clear difference between in
tending to do something and actually doing
it. In today’s political climate it is OK to
make statements even if one does not intend
to follow them up. For instance, President
Bush said. “No new taxes,” but he really
didn't mean it.
Senator John’s excuse in the matter is to
say that others do it also. This still does not
make it right.
If the legislature ever has the guts to
confront campaign reform, they should re
member John's deeds and statements.
AIDS awareness
Mv name is l.isa Buell I am a
sophomore at the University. I
mn writing because I want the
DDK to print more articles on
AIDS is a killer and college
students don't take it seriously
enough An NBU Wall St rift
journal survey found that con
cern over AIDS has had no ef
fect on the way 92 percent of
the population live their lives
In addition. Ward and Ault
surveyed a sample of under
graduate students at the Uni
versity of New Hampshire in
February 19HH and found that
boys and girls in the greek sys
tern were using condoms HI
and 'll percent of the time, re
spet lively
Also, when 1 .aural Itrodlev
mentioned the use of condoms
to her freshman Knglish ( lass
many of them laughed and said
that sex is important and that
sex should tie free and not con
The facts are that sex is not
free About Hit MM) people died
of AIDS in 1990 You are in a
position where yon i <in help
prevent the spread of AIDS hy
publishing more articles on it
which an* educational and out
phasize the importance of the
use of condoms
l.isa Buell
No exploitation
I would like to make a com
ment regarding a certain legs
contest at a < ampus area bar in
the past few weeks As a senior
and as a woman I have seen the
strides this campus has made
in terms of the treatment of
Although we still have far to
go in regards to the safety of
women and the attitudes that
cause their safety to be in jeop
ardy. I feel that our campus is
progressive enough not to toler
ate tins objectifii ation and seg
mentation of women's Iwidies
Furthermore, because this
particular establishment is ver\
involved with the student pop
illation ie student discounts,
spec ials. Dm k llm k coupons.
etc and because it also spon
sors the Ru li It rooks Duck
football show, it should Ik*
sensitive to tin* lineds of stu
dents seeking recreation and a
place to meet without being
subjected to this display of ex
There is no reason to exploit
women, period
lennifer kulle
ASl'O Kvents (Coordinator
Bush is right
The Hush Administration re
cently ruled that many scholar
ships limited to minorities are
likely violations of federal law
Higher education and civil
rights groups are predictably
Hut this time around the ad
ministration is right
The rule is that institutions
receiving federal dollars cannot
discriminate on the basis of
rat e Assistant Sei retarv of Kd
uiation \lii hael W illiams did
not make the su klv and dis
gosling argument of the Reagan
years this society should sud
denly, only now, be a color
blind one.
Williams acknowledged that
access to higher education for
minorities is an important goal.
The administration even went
so far as to say universities can
legitimately tilt their student
aid by giving preference to the
poor, for example.
To protect diversity, univer
sities are also now free to make
decisions in an otherwise for
bidden area race — but it
cannot tie the sole area consid
ered Scholarships can still go
to members of minority groups;
however, they cannot be for
those members exclusively.
This is not just a paper dis
tinction; it instills the vital
principle of equality America
needs to strive toward while re
maining sensitive to needs of
not only individual minorities
but poorer, disadvantaged
The old policy was in place
to theoretically contribute to a
better student mix. Yet the job
can lx? done without the explic
it racial designations that are
offensive and will ultimately
defeat the purpose for which
they are being used.
Michael (xjlson
Political Science
I l»c Oregon Unity Emerald will attempt to print all
letters containing comments on topics of interest to the
University community. Comments must be factually
n< < urate and refrain from personal attacks on the cchar
acter of others.