SPORTS Ducks rally to beat Stanford In overtime, 81 -77 By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports! drior To the people in the video tape business. Oregon’s Par ifi« 10 basketball game with St.m fnrd Sunday afternoon must have looker! like a combination of ’’basketball bloopers’’ and "Fantastic Finishes There were the Dur.ks film hlinx and humhlinx their was to a 33-23 halftone defir it and trailinx hv 17 points m tin' ser - omi half. Hut the same Orexon team dux itself out of .i horrendous shooting rut and squeaked out an Hl-77 overtime win over the Cardinal The win puts the Dili ks. 2 0 in the Pac-10. into a first plac e tie with Oregon State “I thought it was a real cou rageous effort by our kids." Or egon Coach Don Munson said ''We stood around frtr a while when they were in the triangle and-two (defense) but we fought bar k and I'm as proud as I can be for these kids ” Oregon did little offensively in the first half when Stanford forced the Ducks into shooting only 33.3 percent from the floor (nine of 27), including missing all 11 three-point attempts Point guard Terrell Hrandon carried the Ducks in the open Pac-10 Men_ <«nf (>vt*r*ll W I ft! Oregon 2-0 7-5 Oregon St 2 -0 7-J COLA 1-0 12-1 Arizona It 11-2 Arizona SI I I 10-2 \\ .ishingloll 1 • 1 0-2 Washington Si 1 1 a l use: il ta 2 California 0 2 4 7 Stanford 0-2 7-5 log 20 minutes, tossing in t-l points itul backcourl mate Kevin Mixon missed both of Ins field goals in the half and while Brandon was 5 of to from the floor, the rest of the Dm ks were a ( ool four of 17 Stanford used guards Kenny Autmann and John Patrii k on Brandon and Mixon throughout lht‘ game, and Mixon was never able to gel going offensively "I can't remember when we've shot .333 from the fliarr and been 0 for 11 from the three-point line in the first half." Brandon said It took a while, but with the Cardinal concentrating on Brandon and Mixon in the tri angle-and-two, the Ducks found another offensive weap on in jordy Lvden. "I knew with the triangle anil-two I would have to Mart putting somi' shots up." I.yden said "They recruited mo and saw I could shoot three point ers but they made me prove it Trailing 'id U with more 12 minutes remaining the Ducks started to hit. and used their lull court and half court presses to get the fast break go ing Ku hard Lucas si ored seven points and Brandon fire in an Hi l run that gave the Ducks a 52-51 lead with H Ti logo With Oregon later down by five. I.yden hit a three pointer with 1 37 to go to puli Oregon within t»5-t>3 Then with Oregon trailing Brandon set the game into overtime by hitting a three pointer with 11 set nnds left af ter Stanford had turned the hall over on a five-second violation on an out-of-bounds play. In the extra session. I.yden gave Oregon a 72-71 lead on a three-pointer, but Stanford had a chance to tie the game when Adam Keefe went to the free throw line to shoot three free throws (Oregon led 7H-75) after being fouled on a three point attempt He missed the first free throw and Oregon iced the game when Brandon hit three of four free throws at the end 1 ARCHITECTURE and DRAFTING SUPPLY KOH-I-NOOR $39 95 P0RTABLE drmving BOARD reg $49 05 PORTABLE DRAWING \ BOARD uith a f /■ fa DRAWING HEAD 00.07 (* S7!S 45 Kmksml) VINYL BOARD COVER $5.40-$7.10/ft 20% OFF STAEDTLER LEAD HOLDERS »780 »787 «783 Ttnj SO/l« ALVIN JETBOW COMPASS 7 SET L I FURNITURE ROOM SAVINGS * SE7 BEAM ATTACHMENT $24.39 V rcg $32 50 35% OFF ALVIN OPAL and SPACESAVER TABLES 31x42 TOP. ADJUSTABLE; ANG1-K ond HEIGHT ALL METAL BASE EOLDS ELAT FOR EASY STORAGE 25% OFF ALL OTHER TABLES ALVIN SPACEMASTER & SPACEMASTER JR. 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STANFORD (77) VlarfKJv 7 10 4 8 18 Wingate 6 10 0 1 12 K#et* 8 16 2 4 18 Patrick 2 7. 3 4 7 Ammtnn 6 14 4 4 19 LolWe 00 00 0 Hicks oi 00 0 Dukes 1 3 00 3 Williams 0 1 00 0 Meyer 00 00.0 Totals 3061 13-21. 77 OREGON (*1) Jordan 16 OO 2 File 6 7 0 1 10 Lucas 8 10 36 19 Brandon 1126 9 11 33 Muon 06 22 2 Lyden 6 10 3 3 16 Pati©r*on0 2 00 0 Totals 3066 1 7 23 81 Stanford 33 34 10 77 Oregon 23 44 14 81 3-Point goals — Stanford 4 16 (Ammann 3 10 Dukas 12 Patrick 03 Hicks 0 1) Ore gon 4 26 (Brandon 2 10. lyden 2 7. Muon 05 Jordan 0 3) Fouled out — Fife Rebounds - Stanford 36 (Vlabov 11) Oregon 36 (Lucas 16) Assists Stanford 21 (Ammann 6) Oregon 15 (Brandon 6) Total fouls Stanford 17. 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