CRAFT CENTER WINTER ’91 WORKSHOPS si CERAMICS BEGINNING CERAMICS* Frink Gosar/Peter Meyer This workshop is everything you need for i thorough grounding in ceramics. Wheel throwing, handbuilding, and glaring techniques will be covered, with individualized instruction for beginners and those with some previous experience, dazes and 25 lbs. of clay Included. 18 hours of instruction. Three sessions offered: 1. Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 pm January 15 February 19 2. Thursdays 6:30-9:30 pm January 10 February 21 (except Feb 14) 3. Sundays 5:00-8:00 pm January 13 February 17 FIMO CLAY JEWELRY See Jewelry. DON REITZ Visiting Artist Workshop and Lecture. Set back page Meyer MX)I *S40 Gosar #002 *S40 Gosar #003 *S40 CONTINUING CERAMICS* Peter Meyer For the adventurous spirit who has hail some previous clay experience. Expand your foundation skills and personal expression wiihciay. Inc rease your ihrowing and handbuildmg skills, make specialized tools, amt refine your glazing techniques 25 lbs. of clay and glazes provided. 18 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 3:00-6:00 pm January 16-February 20 #004 *540 HANDBIJILDING/CERAMIC SCULPTURE* Frank Gosar Explore your own imaginative process through playing with clay. Leamancicntmcthodsofclayconstruction coil building, slab building, carving, additive and subtractive techniques. Class provides both directed and self directed opportunities 25 lbs. of clay and glazes provided. 12 hours of insiruc lion. Mondays 6:30-9:30 pm January 28 February 18 #005 *S30 PRIMITIVE FIRING* Frank Gosar From the prehistoric pueblo to modem day craft galleries, "primitive" smoke-fired ceramics enjoy a colorful history. Learn llie secrets of polished blackw arc pottery and apply them to your own decorative or sculptural work. ('lay, terra sigillata and Instructional handbook Included. 12 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:30 9:30 pm January 29 February 19 #006 *529 F'rank Gosar A special, one time firing for intermediate and advanced students interested in experimenting with raku techniques Bring 5 6 pieces of bisqued pottery or sculpture to glaze and fire in litis flamboyant process. Glazes and firing provided. 6 hours of instruction Saturday 12:00-6:00 pm February 23 #007 * 512 COLORED PORCELAIN* Peter Meyer llandbuild beautiful cups and howls with colored porcelain. We will use while, shades of grey and a few accent colors. Colored slips will be available. Porcelain, mason stains and glazes provided. 12 hours of instruction Wednesdays 6:30 9:30 pm January 16 February 6 #008 * 536 GLASS STAINED GLASS* Mark Keefer Create your own beautiful stained glass window! This course will help you turn your ideas into a work of art Design principles and the foil wrap construction method will be taught. Beginning as well as experienced students arc welcome. Tools and some materials presided. Allow a little extra money for glass 18 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:30 9:30 pm January 22-Fcbruary 26 at)(N *$34 INTRO TO GLASS FUSING Mark Keefer Rediscover the ancient bgyptian artform of glass fusing This two session class will cover primary fusing techniques and allow students to create a few small pieces of jewelry Tools and glass provided 5 hours of instruction Mondays 7:00 9 30 pm *010 $16 members January 28 A February 4 »t)l I $19 non members FIBERS NAVAJO WEAVING Charline Durchunek Design ami weave a Navajo rug Iking a frame loom, students with or without experience will set a hxim, design and weave a small project Advanced students will team morccomplicatcd techniques and designs. Cod includes frame loom which Is jours to keep and first warp tarns. You will need to allow extra time and money for materials. 18 hours of instruction. Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm *012 $37 members Jan 14-Fcb. 25 (except Jan. 21) *013 S40 non members IKAT TABLE LOOM WEAVING* Chrystal McOuigan Design, tie dye. and weave your own unique cotton cloth. Ikat is a tie and dye technique used prior to weaving which produces patterns with blurred edges. Instruction in ancient precision and contemporary chance effects of tying will be given Students w ithor without experience will learn the basic preparationof the loom for wcac mg All materials provided. 21 Isiurs of instruction Allow extra lime outside of class for completing vour project Wednesdays 6 (K) 9 (K) pm January 9 February 20 #014 *S47 SPINNING AM) DYEING* Chrystal McCuigan Explore the possibilities of yarn design while creating your own handspun wool Start on the drop spindle and move rapidly to the spinning wheel All phases of wool preparation will tv covered. Natural and chemical dyeing will be introduced C 'osl Includes fleece for you to dye your favorite color. 18 hours of instruction Tuesdays 6:00-9:00 pm January 15 February 19 #015 *$37 KNITTING Kya Have you always wanted to learn how to knit'* Knitting is a perfect w ay to relax while creating beautiful garments. After learning basic knitting techniques, each student will select a simple project such as a hat. scarf, or afghan This class is for students w ith little or no experience Needles and some yarn prm Ided. 10 hours of instruction Wednesdays 6 30 8 30 pm #oir> S20 members January 16 February 1 3 »ol7 S23 non members SPEED Ql'ILTING Kinky Kroven Tukahushl Classic quilt patterns and modular piecing techniques combine to |itoduse a traditional quality quilt in a fraction of the usual time Select one of the follow ing patterns Snow Ball, Bla/.ing Star. Around the World, or Log Cabin The first class meeting will include discussions of patterns, color and fabric requirements and selections. All levels of experience welcome. Out of class sew mg lime may he necessary. 12-1/2 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00 8:30 pm #018 $24 members January 15 February 12 #019 S27 non members — 2. Wednesdays 6:30-9:00 pm HIKES / SKIS WHOLE BIKE HEALTH llerv* Bexon/Frank Schwab Never pay high bicycle shop rales again! l-carri to overhaul bearing sets. adjust gears and brakes, and true your wheels. By the end of 6 weeks your entire bike will be overhauled! Bring your bicycle to each class. 15 hours of instruction Two sessions offered: 1. Tuesdays 7:00 9:30 pin January 15-February 19 #028 S32 members #029 S35 non members Instructor: Schwab #030 $32 members Jan 16 Feb. 27 (except Feb. 13) #031 $35 non members Instructor: Bexon SKI DOCTOR Craig Smith You know as well as anybody else that you can't go another season without fixing the hascsof your skis At tin- first session the good doctor will demonstrate base repair, edge sharpening and hot waxing At the next session, participants will work on their own skis under the w atchful eye of the gifted doc tor of ski abuse. Bring skis (alpine or nordic) to the second session. 4 hours of instruction Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 pm #032 $5 members January 8 & 15 #033 $8 non members APPALACHIAN & SCULPTURAL BASKETS Ardfct Lett) A class for beginners and experienced students. Beginners will make an egg basket in the Appalachian tradition. The experienced (and/or adventuresome) will work on sculptural forms using the same basic construction and materials. Reed, handles, rush, and sea grass will be provided. Students may bring other materials, such as plant fibers, feathers, etc. 6 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 pm #020 $17 members January 15 -29 #021 $20 non-members BEADWORK Kira Balsam Express your creativity with colorful beads! You will learn traditional and contemporary beading techniques, including Peyote stitch, Comanche weave, lace stitch, loom beading and others. Individualized instruction and guidance will enable you to design and create projects of your choice, such as earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, anklets and pouches and more. All levels of experience welcome. Cost includes a bead loom for you to keep, warp threads and needles. 12 hours of instruction. 1 Mondays 7:00-9:00 pm #022 $29 members Jan 14-Fcb. 25 (except Jan. 21) #023 $32 non-members 2. Sunday's 5:00-7:00 pm #024 $29 members January 13-February 17 #025 $32 non-members PAINTING ON SILK* Jane Reyer An introductory class on silk painting techniques. Paint your own silk fashion accessories, art objects and clothing using beautiful, high quality French silk dyes. Students will learn the “Gutla Serti" resist method and design their own projects. One-half yard of silk, gutta and dyes provided. Bring water color brushes. 6 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:00-9:00 pm January 30 & February 13 (no class Feb. 6) #026 *$21 BATIK* Rya Batik is an ancient method of drawing, painting and stamping hot wax on cotton fabric before dyeing to create unique and beautiful patterns and designs. In this class you will learn several bank techniques including resist dyeing techniques of West Africa Yoruba peoples. One-half yard of batik material, dyes and wax provided. 12 hours of instruction. Mondays 6:00 9:00 pm January 14 February 11 (except Jan. 21) #027 *S34 r JEWELRY INTRODUCTION TO JEWELRY TECHNIQUES* Gary Dawson An overview of jewelry making techniques including both fabrication and casting. Demonstrations include design, design transfer, cutting, filing, piercing, soldering, finishing, textures, wax model making, spruing & investing, casting & cleanup. One or more projects can be completed during class tune. Practice materials provided. 21 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30-9:30 pm January 16 February 27 #034 *$40 LOST WAX CASTING* Brook Stone Gain amore thorough understanding of metal casting using the lost wax/centnfugal injection method, instruction includes design, wax model making with a variety of waxes, alternative mold making techniques, spruing and investing, and casting in bron/e, brass or silver. Students will have tune in class to finish several pieces. Some materials provided. 15 hours of instruction Thursdays 6:30 9:30 January 17-February 14 #035 *S29 FIMO CLAY JEWELRY t’arol Walker-Morin M ake unique jewelry usmg colorful FIMOclay. Mix your own colors and learn techniques of marbling, millefion and incised design to create heads and brooches. All materials provided. 6 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:30 8:30 pm #036 $15 members February 6 20 #037 $18 non members n*l mvcrtuy of Orcf on .fTiim. *nd actively pn«n..e» the right, of .11 individiuls u> equal opportunity in education and employment aiifaiainsUiuboA wnhout regard «° ct'u» n*u,,n*! «'*“>• V *“'»*• h"'d“«P- “•••<•"" »c«ual .moMUiw, or «,» other eiinnc.Hr. con.wkr.uon m. directly and tuh.unli.llv rr..ledlocile.u.e perform.nee thr.po.ny unnlemcnu ..1 applicahie federal.nalc and locallaw.. reguUuona uu.c order, Direct ref.lcd inqutnea Uj ihc Office nl Affirmative Acuon Office. -J 2 Oregon lull. I mternty of Oregon, fugcnc, OK 97403. telephone (H)3) M/v 3123 DRAWING Mark Zlmmerer If you can see, you can draw! Geared towards heightening visual perception and observational skills, this course takes several exercises from "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and other sources. We'll also look at examples of work by masters of the art of drawing. All materials provided. 15 hours of instruction. Tuesdays 6:00-8:30 pm *018 $29 members January 15 February 19 *039 $32 non members CALLIGRAPHY Helen Liu Learn to write beautifully in Gothic SeTipt. This introductory class will cover the basics of this decorative style. Developed around the 11 th century, it eventually became a model for the first typefaces used for printing in the mid-15th century. All materials provided Including pen and Ink for you to keep. 8 hours of instruction. Class meets twice a week. Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-8:30 pm #040 $17members January 15-24 #041 S20 non members CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING Li Shuang Would you like to paint something in a very special way? Sumi-c is a traditional Chinese painting technique you can use to create a "color" world with Chinese brushes and black ink. We will learn to paint mountains, flowers, bamboo and more, step by step. Come join u*—you will gain lots of skill with fun. Cost Includes two brushes which are yours to keep, paper and Ink. 18 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm #042 $39 members I January 17-February 21 #043 $42 non members | PAPERMAKING I y Almee Yogi 1 Winter is the traditional lime for papennaking We'll have a | short slide presentation on the history, process, and plants used for papennaking Then we'll make papers using 4 methods: I Tapi, Himalayan, European, and Japanese All materials t provided and a source list will be handed out. 6 hours of instruction. Saturdays 10:30 am-12:30 pm #044 SI5 members j January 19 February 2 #045 $18 non-members PAPERMAKING II Almee Yogi We start cookin' in tins class! After an introductory w alk around I campus to sec thcdiffcrcnl plants used for papermaking, students will cook and share pulps gathered from the fields. All materials provided. 6 hours of instruction, i Saturdays 10:30 am 12:30 pm #046 $15 members February 9- 23 #047 $ 18 non members PAPER MARBLING & BOOKBINDING Marilyn Mohr Experience the unique colors *ml designs achieved in paper marbling using oil colors on a paste size. These decorative papers will provide us with materials for our second session, in which we'll tic it all together with a simple non adhesive binding. Japanese and pamphlet sewing techniques will be covered. Cwt includes most materials. 7 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:00-9:30 pm *018 S17 members January 23 & 30 #049 $20 non members T-SHIRT & POSTER SILKSCREEN* Peter Meyer Print your own T-shirt. poster, or cards. Learn the photo emulsion method of silkscreen stencil. We'll discuss various inks, stencil methods, papers ami fabrics. Allow $6 $12 if you want your own screen. Ink and Nome stencil material provided. 18 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6:30-9:30 pm January 17-February 21 #050 *$39 UKRAINIAN EGG DECORATING Jane Keyer Make unusual Easter and equinox decorations and gifts from eggs. Using traditional tools and methods you will learn the beautiful art of egg decoration, with wax as an applied resist ami dyes for color. Instruction includes folklore ami symbolic designs, patterns, waxing, and dyeing. You will finish one or two eggs. All materials provided. 3 hours of instruction. Saturday 2:00-5:00 #051 $10 members February 23 #052 $13 non members gf I SPECIAL!!! Offered Winter Term Only! PASTEL MAKING Julia O’Reilly L)o you use pastels in your drawings or paintings? Have you experienced the rich color, intensity and velvety texture of handmade pastels? Join us for a unique chance to make your own sucks of soft pastels in a variety of tints and blends of vibrant colors. This one day intensive, hands-on workshop will present you with the techniques and heallh/safety precautions involved with being your own pastel manufacturer. Most materials provided. Students will need to bring a small short handled rubber spatula, a plastic putty knife, and cotton rags. 7 hours of instruction. (NOTE: To allow time for ordering materials, I week prior registration Is required. 100% refund will be given if sutdent withdraws from class 1 week before class. 0% thereafter.) Saturday 9:30 am 5.00 pm (1/2 hr. lunch) January 19 #053 S45 — - PHOTOGRAPHY BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY* Annette Gurdjlan/Rebecca Thompson Learn how to use your camera, develop B&W film, and make B&W contact prints and enlargements. Photographic composition, the camera, and darkroom techniques will be covered. Bring your empty 35 mm camera to first class. Klim, chemicals and some paper provided. 18 hours of instruction. Three sessions offered: 1. Mondays 6:00-9:00 pm Thompson January 7Fcbruary 25 (except Jan. 21 A 28) #054 *S42 2. Tuesdays 2:00-5:00 pm Thompson January 15 February 26 (except Jan. 29) #055 *S42 3. Thursdays 6:00-9:00 pm Gurdjian January 24-February 28 #056 *$42 INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY* Annette Gurdjian This course is designed for the photographer who is already acquainted with general darkroom procedures and has an interest in fine tuning the process of exposure control. Learn aspects of the Zone System and use a variety of papers and developers to produce prints with desired contrast and depth. Aesthetic considerations, subject matter, and composition will be included. Students will need to provide their own black and while film and paper as well as one roll of color slide film. Bnng cameras to first class. Chemicals will be provided. 18 hours of instruction. Sundays 5:00 8:00 pm January 27-March 3 #057 *$42 COLOR PRINTING* Andrew Harvey This class will start out with a short overview of color films, use of filters and color theory. It will then proceed to "hands-on" printing of your color negatives for the remainder of llte course. Prior experience in the darkroom is necessary. Chemicals and sumr paper will he provided. 18 hours of instruction. Fridays 5:00 8:00 pm January 11 February 15 #058 *$45 HANDCOLORING B&W PHOTOGRAPHS Annette UurdJIan Add color lo your BAW photographs. In this two week workshop, we will explore traditional and contemporary methods of handcoloring prints. The in class studio umc will help you perfect your techniques. Previous photographic experience not required. You will need BAW photographs printed on matte surface paper (RC paper will not work). Color pencils, oils and practice prints will be available. 5 hours of instruction. Mondays 6:00-8:30 pm #059 $14 members February 11 A 18 noftO $17 non mcmbcTs COMPOSITION AND LIGHT Rebecca Thompson Responding lo photographs is largely a matter of personal taste. The elements of a photograph somehow combine and strike a chord for one person, but not for another. Yet some pictures have a quality that everyone can rccogni/.e and appreciate. This class will idenufy some of these qualiues through adiscussionofcomposition and light. Basic knowledge of camera use required. Slide film will be provided. 4 hours of instruction. Wednesdays 6:00-8:30pm «KXSI $12 members January 16 A 23 *062 $15 non members m WOOD BEGINNING WOODWORKING* Alan Halleck. Brad Nile/Tom Urban Materialize your ideas in the wixxl shop Create a project while learning power tool use and safety Instruction will cover project design, wood properties, hand and power tool use. and joinery. You may want to allow a little extra time and money for your project. 17 1/2 hours of instruction Three sessions offered; 1. Wednesdays 6:30 9:(X) pm Halleck January 9 February 20 #063 *$35 2. Sundays 5:00-7:30 pm Nile January 13-Feb 24 #0M *535 3. Tuesdays 4:00-6:30 pm Urban January 15 February 26 #065 *$35 CONTINUING WOODWORKING* Tom Urban Spend six evenings of open shop with an experienced woodworker. F.xplorc new techniques, get help ami advice on your pet project, or finish that project from a previous class The class includes demonstrations and discussions on design, router work, dovetails, and mortise and tenons The shop is still open during this lime. Mondays 6:30-9:00 pm ’Free with January 14 March 4 (cxccjit Jan 21 A Feb 18) membership WOODCARVING Scotty Sleeves This process oriented class will cover design, woods, tools and finishes Whether beginner or advanced, utilitarian or sculptural, your ideas and skillscan bo advant ed and problems tackled! Some tools and scrap wood provided; other tools and carving wixxls are available for pure hasc Nonetheless, bring your own if possible, and come prepared to work' 9 hours of instruction. Saturdays 12:30-5:00 pm #066 $19 members January 19 & 26 #067 $22 non members WOOD LATHE Itrent Baker Various wood lathe techniques will lie demonstrated including between center turning (furniture legs, candle holders, rolling pins) and face plate turning (bowls and plates) Discussion on design and finishing methods will be included Time will be allowed for hands on practice Materials provided. 5 hours of instruction. Thursdays 6 8:30 pm #068 $15 members January 24 A 31 #067 $18 non-memhers LIGHT TABLE MAKING* Alan Halleck Architecture and art majors spend two Saturdays making the ultimate light table A new anti improved design incorporates your Maylme and Borco into a shape Unit Ills studio desks in Lawrence. Lockable, portable, and functional, tins table is a must for your studio space Wixid and screws pros Itled. 9 hours of instruction Two sessions offered: 1 STARTS KARLY!!! Saturday, January 5. 9:00 am 3:30 pm (1/2 hr. lunch) Saturday, January 12.9:00 am ntxin #070 *S28 2. Saturday, February 9, 9:00 am-3:30 pm (1/2 hr lunch) Saturday, February 16. 9:00 am noon #071 *$28 GAIL FREDELLSMITH Visiting Artist Workshop and lecture. Set back page HOURS Monday-Thursday 10:00 am-9:30 pm Friday & Saturday 10:00 am-5:30 pm Sunday 12:30-5:30 pm WOODSHOP HOURS: Schedules will be available after the first week of the term. * Starred Classes Require Craft Center Membership. ——————————————— REGISTER EARLY ! ! ! Class sizes are limited and preregistration is necessary to assure your space in a workshop!