Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 10, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Our Ski Packages:
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Duck women hold record opener
By Jake Berg
EmeiaW Spoils Reponei
In a record-setting home opener Friday, the Or
egon women's basketball team outgunned New
Mexico State 114-92, anti squeezed by Portland
State 89-77 on Saturday.
('.oming off the bench against N'MS. senior )en
nifer Bourn sparked the Ducks with her game
high 2ft points and school-record six three-point
baskets The guard’s six treys tops the previous
Oregon record of five set by Michelle Kble in
1989 against Southern California.
"We know she can shoot like that; she knows
it.” said Ducks' Coach Klwin Heiny of his play
er's ft of 9 shooting from three-point range.
Bourn's performance was not the only part of
the game that went right for the Ducks. In fact, al
most everything went right for Oregon, now 2-2.
With the win over N'MS. Heiny. in his 15th sea
son. has now won every home opener since the
1976 season The victory over the Koadrunners
saw the Ducks hit 52.2 percent (3ft of 69) of their
shots and was Oregon's second highest offensive
output ever, second only to the Ducks' 121 points
against Hawaii in 1979.
Ducks' point guard Vanessa Selden directed
the Oregon offense by handing out a club record
14 assists. The sophomore topped the old school
turn to RECORD. Page 10
Photo by Em Evan*
Senior guard leniffer Bourn came off the
bench to score 26 points, including a school
record six three-pointers, in Oregon's It4-92
victory over New Mexico State.
From Discovery To Application
Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Career Open House
Downtown Red Lion Hotel
310 S.W. Lincoln
Portland, OR
Friday, December 14
10:00 AM • 4:00 PM
Saturday, December 15
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Battetle Pacific Northwest Laboratories in Richland
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Systems and Energy Sciences departments will be on hand presenting seminars directly related to how Battelie goes
From Discovery To Application " Learn how you can become pan at the Batlelle loam We seek candidates with a minimum
ot a Bachelor s degree and specialised talents in any one ot the following areas
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Seminar Schedule
Friday. Dacamfcaf 14
1100 AM Distributed Computing at Batteile Pacific
Northwest Laboratories. Presentor S K Moon
Manager Computer Systems Support (Also
Sat /10 30 AM)
1:00 PM Computer Systems Engineering Presenior JC
Brown Pro»eci Manager Environmentally Related
Systems Integration (Also Sal /I 30 PM)
2 00 PM improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Through Computer Simulation Presentor J S
Schhesmg Research Engineer II Building
System Performance
Saturday. December 15
9 IS AM Computers and Commercial Buildings Presen
lor DB Crawley Senior Research Scientist
Building System Performance
10 30 AM See Friday. 11 00 AM
1145 AM Visualizing Science Presentor JJ Thomas
lead Scientist Computational Sciences Depart
men! Chairman ACM SlGGRAPM
130 PM See Friday. 1PM
2:30 PM Computing »n the New Decade. Presentor S K
Moon Manager Computer Systems Support
Working al the Laboratories in Richland Washington you will enjoy big city amenities and a small town lifestyle Our
community otters affordable housing quality education a pleasant climate and year round recreational opportunities
It you are interested in learning how to take your talents From Discovery To Application but are unable to join us at
our Career Open House, forward your resume to Battelle. Pecitic Northwest Laboratories. Dept. HSCOH. PO Bo«
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