REGIONAL Environmentalists criticize Beuter appointment WASHINGTON (AP) - Environmen talists criticized the timber industry's links to an Oregon forestry economist newly appointed to a top federal job overseeing the U.S. Forest Service. Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter on Friday appointed John Beuter of Cor vallis as his new deputy assistant secre tary for natural resources anil the envi ronment. Beuter. a former Oregon State Univer sity professor who now works for a for estry consulting firm in Portland, will become the top assistant to Assistant Agriculture Secretary James Moseley ef fective next month. "John has many years of experience in forestry management and econom ics.” Yeutter said in a statement from the international trade talks in Brussels. Belgium. "He will be able to use his back ground to help promote natural resource conservation and work with state and local governments and other federal agencies involved in this task.” he said Bcuter, 54. is a forest economist for Mason, Bruce and Girard Inc. of Port land. a leading consulting firm in the timber industry. Environmentalists said Friday his work on behalf of some of the nation's largest timber companies may bias him against efforts to slow logging in the Northwest's old growth forests Karlier this year, the activists accused Neuter and other co-authors of an indus try study of exaggerating anticipated job loss tied to protecting the northern spot ted owl. Sydney Butler, The Wilderness Socie ty's vice president for conservation, said Friday that Neuter's "work on Iwhalf of the timber industry is well known." Tim Hermach, executive director of the Native Forest Council based in Eu gene said, "Clayton Yeutter wants to sell all the trees to make a buck and has chosen a good man to help him.” Andy Kerr, conservation director of the Oregon Natural Resources Council, said Reuter's timber supply studies have been overly optimistic and misleading because they suggest that the national forests can make up for timber shortfalls on private lands. ‘•His two timber supply studies were not critical in nature, in that they as sumed for example that the Forest Ser vice will spend more money per acre than Weyerhaeuser does to grow trees." he said. Reuter, in a telephone interview from his Portland office, said the criticism was unfounded. "That's an inaccurate representation of me. My interests are professional for estry I'm a forester." Reuter said JUimo 484-0920 IgaI This card good to and from Eugene Airport expires 2-1-91 Date: Driver CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call us TODAY! 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