Dally Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 iUElilLUU* uL ROSIN, S4447M QUAD SCHOOL AP PROVED 20 yo«f tn«».*KJit*#»1«!ton background Full »Mum# M>rv»c« Editing L<—f printing ON CAMPUS' JyploQ. word procMstog. d#»*«iop pubiiftMng graphic* printer IS • ymm* esponocK* (Free p*ck uprdolnfry) GaroNr 6SSAS7B_ r» Typing A Transcription Mmlml. lUttuM*. kcinM ISM 10 Print* Papun/fdltMQ. thuurt. dltMIMIem fw pKl up t OtHwtti Tum, MMW._ woao pnociuma FAST. 11 pwptpu MUMS___ Auputl W«i Word PfOCPMtng UMf PnnlM • Idil.ug • Dm tup Put F«l • AroKUMftp *U MJJ DIAL A TYPIST •ssrm_ FLYING riNOIHS ?>p*ng **nr»c:e P«0t. accurate proteeaionat si 0(Vpape UP 4I4HM EAGLE EVE TYPING. 444 7SM A JO THE TYPING PRO !!) ««« join force* Cell anytime PROFESSIONAL TYPING AlftO erord pfoceMmg. editing fraw? pichuptoelnrery Rond#. 936 IMS_ Prink'd tent lo computer hies SBOHJIZJOOO 7j ' J ‘ • f . , t ■ MATH • STRUCTURES • PHYSICS C«H if you need tutoring individual* Of g*Oup» Cm.Iy 464 M08__ BEAT THE -FINALS" BLUES Tutormg Math Biology Cham at youf home or school by C redan haled M S itacNH _Cell Joe a t 3457m Wlnlet Quarter Require the services Of tulOf fof psyth 304 hour* per wee* Pay rata MatNtn Vi lA par hou» depending upon eipenence t qua'ifice lion Call Hilary Gardes .>46 3211 Oregon Hall or R»c 342 6441 .-: Whet do BOB MARIE Y. PAUL SIMON. OAVIO BYRNE. A PETER GABRIEL know that you don’t? World Popular Music Claes of farad Winter farm include* Reggae. Salsa. Brarti, A fro-Pop Township Rock. Chinese, more Tuesday. 3 36670 Music 407 Open to alt Or Paul Frtedtaoder for sale wise ~ mFOWSMt BIG SALE UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO t+mr •02 Port CO Play#* $149 OS • Outbacfc WUkm*n $1)9 93 • CiMiit Walkman WM A12 $20 95 Aiwa • MS 140A Walkman $79 95 • HP AJS6 Haatjprvon** pnc#» $120 95 • St PCM 5 0<*c Changar Caroufai Hay d*««gn $249 95 Santul Ooaaoult' • HZ 5000 50 fault WKilW (wh«i# may last) $179 95 • B" 2 way 100 wall spaah*«« (ntca cabinet) $150 00 pi Sharp • 6 diac CO chang#* 20 hay ramo-la control $ 199 95 CAR STEREO Ptonaar • K£m01OOOR Ml Po*a< Pull-out Ciaan pur# found 1299 95 • OEM450 Mi Powa? CO Playar 4 iimat ovaraampimg $399 95 • CO* fm*6 6 0i*c Changw • r#mott’ WM aft) to AM * radio $54$ 95 Option • 9177 RT Ht-Powor Pull Owl lowaat prieo *v#f nara' $279 95 Infinity Sjpaafca** • Kappa Sooaa CS 5 5*« K \ fwwatar $19995 • AH Ralaranca Standard Inlmily Spaakar* 20% off' Prices good ‘til Christmas! Why go anywhere else when you can shop between classes?! -—UOBookstore»-» J FUTON BCD *<>. »td« ut>l« futon co*#f book *Mrtt tiro S**^*47 FUTON FRAMES 3 Portion. Twin* $40 Full* >50 Qu—n% SAO D«M»v#ry Av«ii*bie KM4Tt_ FOR SALE WISC f .* CARDS GIFTS A® \) C ome Lose Yourself in Our Ir Small World of Old Favorites & "y ^ New Wonderments! *' 0Boxed is Single Christmas & Hanukkah Cards 0 Imported Christmas Gift Wrap 0Gift Hags 0 Kihbons & Bows (J Ornaments 0 Deinrated Tins 0 Novelty Candy 0 T-shirts 0 Stuffed animals 0 Mugs 0 Stationery 0 Wmd-up Toys 0Gag Gifts 0 Storking Stuffers Galore! 0 CAMrl’S I MX Hilyard St (across from lXur\ (Jucrnl Moa-Wed.S«. 9:304 a Thu.Fri 9:30-9 Sun, 12 5 SOU In 111 WIN h 2815 Oak Si (in the Southumvr Shoppes) Mon-Sat. 10-6 Sun, 12-5 High Quality. goaanti/a futon. $50 Tochmct raca**#' cast piayar and Advant apaafcart. good cond $?00 UnftntftfMftd p*n# coffaa labia great cond $30 Contact Svtan >46 3114 Must aaM t Roba* Cray eoncati ticket tor Oac tt at Muti Cantar 4th row *aa! I can t go tug final It you want if cal» Broo* 346 9646 ^ Huga ong*«ai Manmafcko tramad prints $60 Cutton> mad* hardwood Ooubft baJ l»«m* $36 *66 666,1 Naw Onfcyo amp BO watt*. US/obo Naw pra 1300 HH 200cm. tlMVobo Naw custom whit a VW whattt A twt» *7Wo6o Mutt tad Oaaa. MM7YI O OCU 150 OAl TANK >091 FISH OK REPTILE I t Tt 2* S1MWOBO CAU STU m 0244 TOYS TOY* TOYS Bator* you pay too moch.iry KIDSTUFF ratal* at .it bati" 62 W 13th 464 4466 It 5 Mon Sat 2 twin bada Mas* of fat Naad to aafi bafora t>r*#s 34? 6406 For tala Ouaiity naarty naw maffratt and bo* spring Hollywood t»am*. $260 CaH687-A3»4 HKLKf i naad Daad tictoti for fata Dacamfear shows l ova Don 346 96?? .:z 1006 Ford 4 door $696 Good Condition. CB Radio included 346 623? HI fM Detaun 700 SX 5»peed nice cm ret>u»t1 engine 5495 747 4W7 imMOTOWCTCIES/SCOOTEM Honda CNM *tft Only 120 milea Mint condition nrith full lac* helmet idCXVoho Colt Rot»t 347 i960 MOT if D ’MS Honda'fine 1S5 rmi condition run* excellent 5399 726-1735. days only mm Kona ”Fke Mountain 19 Mountain U«na 21 speed Woe 4 *h»t* teat than 20 miiea perfect condition Includes hyper Qhde gears Krypto lock 5 moch mor» Only 5350' Ay on 344 7075 Mutt Mil Woman * 10 speed Good condition $5Oo0<> Call Lama 343^9070 evenings mUMKHtli/tlltlMWI FREE MOUSE! Gomputai system *itn n«*d disk include* word processing spread sheet and database AH tew only 5799.00 Computer Systems West 1754 Willamette 542 415)__ GET FREAKY Commodore 64C 1571 disk drive modem megatons oI hot software Barely used* All tor 537V060 Kyte M375M iME word books dory bocks poetry boohs tong boohs-cchanng boohs ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN JAPANESE SPANISH ¥UST UIMAGINE... JL CHILDREN'S BOOKS 2819 Oak Sira* Eigna.OR 97*05 Mmwmg ramma "No lie cm litre forever. Let us not despair. The universe is ' with us. Work together, children. Don't get weary. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Volunteers and Proposals Needed An the term end* and people go off to do what people do over the holidays, now is the time to plan for the beginning of Winter Term. The MLKC Committee is offering you a chance to become involved in the MLK Celebration and Conference, January IS thru SI. To submit proposals for aesaions at the Conference on Monday, January 21,1991, to volunteer for events, or for more information, call 346-4000. DON’T BE LEFT WISHING YOU HAD! AST 2M Irwo w/40mog hd & 1 ?m#g floppy AmO#f monito#/gf*phic* cafd «nQ >1000 Slav, 3*4 9967_ Smith Coma olocffonic poMabta typo wrttor EacoMOnt condition* 1100 obo . CslUSte^lMrJML_ IBM PS 2. Modal 30 compute with »om« ftotlwa’a (lotus 123. Mavafd WP 5 1) SS50*Obo 345 7299 iiK'MillQ K 2 200 look bindings Quito now Comot with bog 1125 obo 4«51«4« _ Rot signal Tourmg/CfOtt Country Skit (fits 5 3” tomoioi, boots (t) and polos Firm 1100 (obo» takas it aiP Broafc t log1 Cali 688 9631 Ski racks lor Sale MO/060 Call 603 001? tni'nw.T.M.rT^mM: Lightning ROLLER BLADES Wm s shoe si/e 7 6 Used once excellent cond $170/Obo 346 1624 mm HZ Female rd trip air ticket. Pt»d to NY. NY Leaves Dac 30. returns Jan 6. »200/obo 344 5161 Ply Anywhere U S or Caribbean Good until 3/31/91 Call 346 9179 or massage al 346 9632 B 0_ MOT'MOT 'HOT 'HOT’ HOT'MOT'MOT' INEXPENSIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS MEXICO HAWAII MEXICO 1800 543 9306 Leaves Dac 20th, returns Dac 26th Non atop Portland to Dallas Famaia t»i 746-23*7 or BBB-m?._ Oneway airline ticket *rc»m fugene ! Denver on Oac 20th $ 150 7410646 Ona way ticket to St Loots or Cleveland from S F Must sail by Dac 12 366 Cad Eugene at 344 3615 eves. or Chris 1464-7436._ Ona way plane tickat from Portland lo Chicago 10 Syracuse Dac 19 1990 SlSO Mornings 726 1104 PLANE TICKET Eugene S.F LA 12/14. ona way 660 Chris 346 9010 Round trip plane ticket Portland to l A 12/25 (O 12/30 3176 Leave message at 3440676 United Plight Dac 20. Eugene Danvar Newark Naw Jersey 3212 00. 346 6526._ United tllght leaves Dec 22 to Bakers fiaid Return Dec 27 from Bakersfield 3260_726 4690 Can attar 7 pm. 1 way plana ticket. Eugene S F • 1 A leaves 12/20 $170/obo Call Don 73^/661 o» Kim 486 0246 2 A.rime Tickets Diego 12/16/90 366 each $150 both 465 5502 2 one way Untied Airflna tickets leaves 12/17 Eugene SF Fresno VSOobo leaves 12/16 from Orlando Denvei Eugene 326 Kevin 346 9694 EH IHEFI3MO* Want a ride to me FREEDOM BOWL? Pay share of the gas Call tor more into Kevin, 344 674j fliiiiiiflruire Don’t know what you re going to do ne»I term? Mow about considering being a nanny for a year 3176 a week end up Airfare paid Paid vacation and travel opportunities on the East Coast Cad Oregon Nannies. 343 3755 Custodial T r at ner/Supervisor laurel Hitt Canter has an opening for a self starting experienced mdividu at Responsibilities include implementing rehab plans training and supervising clients and maintaining community contracts Bachelors degree m Human Services desired Hours 3 11 30 pm 31083/mo with benefits Resumes to 2145 Centennial Plata. Eugene 67401 AA/EOE aoUtiHMiTB Aquatics currant WS» hfaguard training, CPR. first a*d raguirad 20 hours afternoons M F Call 344 2247 Mf 8 5 DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED Musi have own car hours/late nights $6 $8/hour Apply 11 4pm. 1809 Franklin Blvd No phone calls!__ Family helper wanted to help cate for 2 boys age 4 & 7 Must be mature responsible and love children Need dependable car And flexible hours Must be available some holidays and vacations References please S3 75/hr to stan 343 2194 FOOTNOTES is now accepting applications for NOTETAKERS for WINTER TERM Hiring will be Jan 3 4.7 Apply Rm 21, EMU (EOE) HOME TYPISTS, PC uttri nNdtd $35,000 potential Details (1) 80S 687 6000 Ext B 9642 INTELUQENCE JOBS. All branches US Customs. DEA etc Now hiring Call (1)805 687 6000 Ext K 9642 It's easier than you think to pay for your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money, flexible hours Call Nancee or Brook for per sonal interview 344 6897 Lifeguard Early morning hours Must be current in lifeguard. CPR and first aid certifica lions Approx 16 20/week Apply at River Road Park 1400 Lake Dr Eugene 6664052 STU DENT POSITIONS (2)~ PROGRAMMER $6 to 16/hr DOE Install maintain and upgrade PC soft ware e g , Novell Netware DOS. TCP/IP. E mail. Windows and related applications programs Install hard ware boards, disk drives. PC systems printers etc Must have good problem solving and customer interface skills and experience with PC DOS. computer networking and PC hardware to the board level Macintosh and UNIX experience desirable ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN 15 50 to 17/hr DOE Electronic and mechanical construction electronic and PC repairs custom cable assembly, mstai lation pickup/delivery, stockroom, and related work Must be proficient with mechanical hand tools and soldering Prefer CIS or Physics students that will be on campus for one to two years or more and can work 15 20 hours/week while school is in session and more during breaks Please bring your resume to Technical Science Admin Room 15 Pacific Hall EO'AA Institute committed fo cultural diversify Join the Women » Center Administrative Support Team! 15-/hr approx 10 hrs weekly (work study) Applications at EMU Suite 3 A 4 *64095 Closing dale is 1/tl/9i Equal Opportunity Employer Women and minorities encouraged N>App»r _.- -. _ Ottice manager On Merit! Studies Program Psy Dept Challenging position 1015 hr» per week *5 /5/hr Computer, spread sheets manage accounts library searches, etc 346 4900 (Robert) ALOERWOOD MANOR 1M0 Aider Street Accepting applications tor 1 & 3 bdrm apartments in excellent campus com piex Call Mike 344 5695 for details Junlnge ♦ Co. M3 42W Available now! 2 Bedroom, partially furnished 1400 725 E 14th Von Klein Property Mgt 570 Lawrence *109 465 7776 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU OKfii.FOU^. PAPS dA6KTO£XPlAN7he\ CJ6B1TS LATEST OUTXA&- TAUCJNO | (AMSTMAS CARPS mvfsexrsHiuP1 rrsAm TH/S6 BUT AS \am&, mu. \ #£ ARE 5IMPLY 0ff&9N6MIU tA&Xff.WENT* ThtChANCETO \ etfJPWRUMV 0€APe&0H twtma&p i Kt^A6C-mPB , THIS ATTRACTIVE \hOUWCARP' 1 KINOA MAK£S YOU" M&MAndORO HI. IWV/I COUNTRY, DOtST/T FOR CHRIST- IT, SONY MAS, I RANT 1 QAPPY, STUART . hit me1 \/HOT' If you're tired of Movie Theater Shakedown... the DOLLAR DAYS Every Monday & Tuesday 342-4972 19th & Agate