INTERNATIONAL First American hostages freed arrive in Germany FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — The first Americans freed under Saddam Hussein's order releasing all foreigners arrived in Germany early Monday. Oth er former hostages prepared to leave Iraq after more than four months under guard or in hid ing. Some of the 175 Americans on the U.S.-chartered Iraqi Air ways jet that landed in Frank furt wen; expected to go to a U.S. Air Force hospital in near by Wiesbaden. Most planned to return to the United States on Monday. Lorin Hubbard. 86. a Boeing Co. executive held as a "hu man shield" at an ammunition plant 35 miles west of Bagh dad. Iraq, said he had waited for bombs to fall. "We were hoping they'd blow the place up. We had no idea when we'd get out." he said "Nobody knew where we were, as far as I know " “Now I just want to set! mom and dad." said loseph Uimmerding, 35. a native of Sacramento. Calif. He said he would like to re turn to the region to help the U.S.-led military effort against Iraq. "1 hope to he back in Sau di Arabia next month." said Lammerding "This is the first time 1 have had shoes on in over three months," said construction worker Karulal Warren, 4‘t, of Charleston. Mo., who said he hid in the top floor of a Kuwaiti apartment building ami went barefoot to keep quiet The flight also carried more than 40 Britons, about 30 Cana dians. and former hostages from Ireland. Greece. Austria. Argentina. Denmark. Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland, said airport officials in Bagh dad. Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 TheODE Classifieds would like to thank it s clients and readers for a very rewarding Fall term. We hope you will continue to enjoy our classifieds in the terms to follow! Have a very Happy Holiday season. mmv 105 P Barn Yard and Alvis. 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