Feast For Four Buy a 16” 3 Item Pizza and 4 16oz Pops for ONLY *11.60 (Reg. $14 60) Call Today - 687*8600 Name ____-_ Address__ One coupon per pizza * Expires 12-15-90 Pizza Antwrr atari* aervlng at 4pm M-F, 1 lam i4S Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD POUMD in the classified section. SPORTS Continued from Page 8 record of 1.1 in a game by Sheila Sattiewhitc. who accomplished the feat twice in 1‘tHH “(Selden's) ball-handling is as good as anyone the nation. I think." Helny said Sclden nahlxni one of her four steals in the game and broke away for a lay-in to put Oregon ahead. 15-14. a lead it would never relinquish. A 10- 0 run for the Ducks near the end of the first half gave them a 22-point lead before they surren dered a pair of iiaskets to NMS for a 02-45 half time lead After NMS run-and-gunned its way back to within 12 on an 11-3 spurt early in the second pe riod. the Ducks reasserted their control of the contest by putting away the Roadrunners on an 11- 0 run Bourn's record sixth three-point shot liegan the run and her lay-up ended it as Oregon found itself ahead 93-70. Debbie Sporvich. the Ducks' outstanding fresh man forward, rebounded a game-high 12 boards and hit an Oregon single-game record 15 ol 17 free throws to finish with 23 points. Staci Wallonbom and Trina McCartney both re corded 14 points and nine rebounds the same night NEW MEXICO STATE (92) Kabwasa 6 18 2 2 14, Goettch 3 10 00 10. CQgers *10 0* 11 Spring 5-11. OO. 13 Thomas 3 13. 0 V 7 Thompwn Riven 3-5 1 2 7 Co«# 34 00 8 flack 1 7 00 2. Johnson 2 7, 00 5 Sanders 2 5 2 2. 6 Biuni 2 3. 2 2. 6 Remdl* 14. 04 3 Tolals36 97 7-10,92 OREGON (114) SpOfCreh 4 9 15 17. 23 McCartney 58 4 4 14 Wilson 0 1. OO 0 Selden 4 10. 00 8, Wallenborn MO. 4 5 14. Slowetl 1 6 2 4 5 Bourn 9 12. 2 2 26 Smith 1 4 50 7 Swadener 2 4 00. 6 Campbell 1 1,0-0. 2 OavtsOO OO 0 Totals 3669 3341 114 New Me*ico $t 45 4 7 92 Oregon 62 52 114 3 point goals — New Metico St 10 33 (Spring 3-8. Col# 2 3. Thomas 14. Goetach i 4 Johnson 13 Reindle I 3, Eggers M. Flach 0-5). Ore gon 917 (Bourn 6 9, Swadener 2 3. Slowell 1-3. McCartney 0-1. Wallen born 0 1) Fouled out Kabwasa Thompson Raven Rebounds - New Me*ico St 51 (Kabwasa Eggers 8) O'egon 52 (Sporcich 12i As sists — New MencoSt 16 (Thomas Cole 5) Oregon 24 (Selden 14) To tai fouls - New Me*»co St 31 Oregon 15 A - 617 OREGON (74) Wallenborn 12 18 34. 30 McCartney 7 9. 1 3 15 Sporcich 7 17 24. 16 Selden 3 11 2 3 8 Bourn 2 5 00. 5 Wilson 2 3, 0-3 4 Stowell 13, 04 2. I Smith 0 3 2 2 2 tiliard 2 4 3 3. 7. M Smith 01 04. 0. Camp ben 00.04.0 Totals 36 74 13 22.89 PORTLAND STATE (77) Hughes 4 10. 3 3. 14 Hewlett 3 5 4 5. 12. Northrop 5 18. 00 10 Aschot 1 2 6 3 4 7 KocKlor 3 10 5 8 11, Leary 4 9. 0 0 10, Yungen 34. 04. 6 Bnte 1 3. 2 2 4 Fuller 12 0 0 3. Girt 04 00 0 Boggio 00. 0-0. 0 Totals 26 69 17 22 77 Oregon 44 45 89 Portland Si 43 34 77 3-pomt goals - Oregon 4 7 (Wallenborn 3 3 Bourn 1 1 Selden 0 3) Portland St 8 20 (Hughes 3-8 Leary 2 5. Hewlett 2 4 Fuller 11, Bnte 0-1 Northrop 0-1) Fouled ou1 Northrop Rebounds — Oregon 51 (Sporcich i9i Portland St 39 (Koehler 9i Assists — Oregon 25 (Wallenborn 11) Portland St 26 (Leary 6) Total fouls — Oregon 17 Portland Si 21 A - 378 Turn to RECORD. Page 12 EFFECTIVE FALL 1990, the University of Oregon will calculate a GPA. It is explained in the information below, which will be in cluded with your grade report. ACADEMIC STANDING Good Academic Standing: UO cum. GPA at least 2.00 and current term GPA at least 2.00. Academic Warning: UO cum. GPA at least 2.00 but current term less than 2.00. Academic Probation: UO cum. GPA less than 2.00 and current term GPA less than 2.00. Students with fewer than 45 total UO credits will be continued on Ac ademic Probation for two terms before being disqualified. Continued on Academic Probation: UO cum. GPA less than 2.00 and current term GPA at least 2.00. Academic Disqualification—Criteria: 1) currently on Academic Probation*; 2) have a UO cum. GPA less than 2.00; AND 3) have a current term GPA less than 2.00. * Students with fewer than 43 total UO credits will be continued on Academ ic Probation for two consecutive terms before being disqualified. Disqualified students will have their academic records reviewed by the Scho lastic Review Committee at the end of each term. Students whose disqualifi cation has been cancelled will be notified by the Office of Academic Advis ing and Student Services. For advising and/or additional information, visit the Office of Academic Advising and Student Services. 164 Oregon Hall. 346-3211. Sec below for explanation of how the UO GPA is calculated. UO POLICY ON CALCULATIONS OF GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) (iradt's/Marks Points A H C l) I 4 The GPA is calculated by dividing the total points by total hours 3 of A.B.C.D.F. Only UO work (including UO nonadmit 2 work) is used to calculate the GPA I Plus ( + ) and minus (-) marks will have a .3 value and be 0 included in the GPA for credit earned beginning Fall 1990. N. P. AUD. W, INC. X. Y are not calculated in the UO GPA. Repeated Courses: Only courses designed repeatable in the Schedule of Classes may be repeated without deduction of duplicate credit. All earlier grades will remain on your UO transcript regardless of subsequent achieve ment. If you repeat a course for which you previously received credit, only the most recent griule atul credits are used in calculating your UO GPA. Please note: P's and N's have no value in calculating the GPA. If your first or subsequent grade in a repeated course was an F. the credits and 0 points earned each time will be averaged into your UO GPA (see point scale above). Separate grade reports will be issued for undergraduates and graduate course enrollments. SUBARU TOVOTA 1SU7U BMW PQRSCHt MAZDA DATSUN HONDA ACURA HYUNDAI z 5 < NEW PARTS — USED PARTS SERVICE CENTER Winter Maintenance & Tune-Up Special I *52” V«M», '71 mn4 #599B 4 eyl. *64M 6 cyi. FREE Brake Inspection and 20 Point Vehicle Check (most vehicles). 683-6475 SMALL WORLD AUTO CENTER 2090 W. 11th (Across from Waremart) M-F 8 to 5:30 Sat 8 to 5:00 • Free Courtesy Bus Available* YOUR COMPLETE IMPORT PARTS AND SERVICE CENTER o o z c/l > z $ PACIFIC NAUTILUS fitness TAKE A BREAK FROM THE BOOKS... —Check out our equipment— • Stairmasters • Concept II Rowers • Olympic Lifting Platform • Olympic Free Weights • Complete Line of Nautilus • Whirlpool & Saunas • Open 7 Days a Week offer expires 12/20/90 10 Sessions for $1900 WOLFF BEDS 189 W. 8th • EUGENE • 485-4475