Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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Girl says she lied about bank robbery
15-year-old Kiri has told a fed
eral jury she lied to police and
unpin ated her mother in two
hank robberies because she
hales her
Virginia Barrett, 34. is
i barged with robbing a Yakima
bank in March, and with help
ing her daughter. Regina Mer
cer. and two other teens rob the
same trank in April
Hut Merift testified Wed nos
<i,n lhat she and two male
friends planned and carried out
the April robbery on their own
Barrett wiped her eves and
frequently turned awav during
her daughter's testimony
Men er initially told police
that her mother told her and
her friends to rob the hank in
April, and provided a hand
gun She also said her mother
had confessed lo committing
the March roblrery
Hut Men er told I' S District
Court jumrs she had lied to po
Her mother did not plan the
April robbers or provide the
weapon, she said Mercer, who
was i onvil ted of the robbery in
juvenile court, said she stole
the handgun Imm home
Mercer said she had decided
to tell the truth in court be
cause she did not want to be
prosecuted for perjury.
Assistant U S Attorney Rob
ert Kills asked Mercer why she
had initially implicated her
mother in the robberies.
I feel hatred for her." Mer
< er said.
/father they've been naughty
f or nice> they'll love what
you ge t them from the
UO Bookstore! \
• •
3th & Kmcaid Mon Fn 7
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