Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1990, Page 5B, Image 24

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CSU in first bowl since 1948
Team led by running backs, quarterback Gimenez
By Robert Weber
Eme'a'd Sport; Reporter
Forgive tlie Colorado State
coaches, players and fans if
they get a little excited about
their trip to the; Freedom Howl
but the school hasn't made .1
post season bowl appearance
since they faced Or 1 irlental
College in the 1048 Raisin
Coach Earle Bruce, in only
his second year in Fort Collins.
Colo , led the Rams to an 8 -1
record and a sei mid plat ■ fin
isl. in I he Western A hlet 11
(Conference this -< a.son
Colorado State opened the
year with a c.ome-from-hehind
win at Ait I one ke\ in
\' e r d u g o replaced Mike
(limenez at quarterbar k late in
the third quart' and led the
Rams to victory by completing
14 ol 18 passes tor 172 yards
and a touchdown to split-end
Creg Primus with 1:16 to play.
Alter a 41-5 home opener
blowout over Montana State,
the 2-0 Rams ran into some
trouble down in Tempe. Ariz.
Before til,344 Sun Devil fans.
Arizona State dealt the Rains
theii first loss of the year,
11-2(1 in defeat, tailbacks Brian
Copeland and Tony Alford
each scored a touchdown.
The following weekend,
Copeland and the rest of the
Rams literally ran by the Uni
versity of Texas-KI Paso tor a
38-20 home victory Copeland
rushed for a season-high 142
yards and a tom hdown on only
11 carries.
For the second time in two
Mike (Jimenez
road games, the Kains lost
112(1 to a nationally-ranked
team their next time out
Twenty-first ranked Arkansas
took care of Colorado State l>\
racking up 425 yards of total of
fense and tossing three touch
down passes.
With a 3-2 record (2-0 in the
WAC). Colorado State headed
home to knock off Utah 22-lit
Copeland was the offensive star
again as he rushed for ‘to yards
and a score on 21 carries. Full
back Todd Yert chipped in
with 71 yards and a touch
The Rams continued their
home-one-week and away-the
next streak with a trip to Provo.
Utah to face Ty Detmer and
Uth-ranked Brigham Young
Detmer made swiss cheese of
the Ram secondary in RYU’s
52-0 win by throwing for 326
yards and four touchdowns as
Todd Yurt
MY l gained >23 yards ■ >l total
After HYl' Brute and Ins
squad headed home for .1 three
game homestand th.it produced
< onset ut ive wins over New
Mexico 1-17-7), Wyoming (17-H)
and Tulsa (3 1 13). The three
wins gave Colorado Slate a 7-3
mark and taught the attention
of howl stouts around the
The win over Wyoming,
which entered the game ‘Ml, se
cured a second-place finish in
the WAC for the Rams
After accepting the Ixiwl hid.
Colorado State went out and
lost a big lead, and the game at
Louisiana Tei h. 31-30 Hut the
Rams bounced bar k to knock
off Hawaii in Aloha Stadium
and avoid heading into the
Freedom Howl with a two-game
losing streak
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