Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Ken Habhs. author of 'On the Hus.' a collaborative hook about the '60s counter-culture in San
Erancisto, will read from the Intok this afternoon at 2 and 4 in the EMI1 Hen Linder Room.
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Author promotes book
By Dave McMechan
Emerald Contributed
"Intrepid Traveler" Ken
Babbs will lie on campus this
afternuon. reading from and
signing copies of the new book
On the Hus. a collaborative,
historical documentary of the
San Francisco counter-culture
movement of the mid-1960s.
The event will take place in
the EMU Ben Linder Room at 2
p in and again at 4 p.m
llabhs. a writer, larmer and
Merry Prankster, is the author
of the "Flashbacks" chapters in
On the Hus. He gives first-hand
accounts of the metaphysical
highjinks of legendary car and
bus driver Neal Uassadv.
During the '60s. Babbs
helped orchestrate several
"acid tests" with the Grateful
Dead as the house band He re
lated with characteristic. Dead
Head optimism to the Universi
ty's banning of the Dead from
Aut/.en stadium
"It could be a blessing in dis
guise." he said "I think they
sound too harsh at Aut/.en
They can find a better place
They're not banned from the
Eugene area they i an play at
Veneta again."
Before riding the bus with
the pranksters. Babbs flew hell
copters in Vietnam (luring the
war lie thinks a war with Iraq
would be another mistake.
"Any time you draw a line,
you’re in trouble,” he said.
"And when you draw it in
sand, you're in tugger trouble
because it's not firm."
Hahbs was on ken kesey's
bus, "Further," in 1904 when
the pranksters drove from the
West Coast to New York City
for an awkward reunion with
Heat writer jack kerouac and
Hast Coast LSD guru Timothy
l .nary
This year Hahbs. kesey and
friends revived the hus with the
Grateful Dead chipping in
$5,000 for a sound system. Gist
month Hahbs and other veteran
pranksters drove down to the
Hay area.
"Things are just the same."
he said. "And they've also
changed tremendously. People
reacted more timidly to the bus
this time. Nobody in the (ids
was afraid of the government
"They rose up and stopped
the war Now. after Nixon, Kea
gail and Hush, people are
scared to stand up and speak
out." he said.
"Hut the little kids reacted
the same," Hahbs said "I saw
the same look on their faces
totally joyful."
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