Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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I’hotti bi Vr*n P»Uan
Diners at the Hanquet for Hunner experienceit "imverty level" meals of rice anil water (right)
while others at the hanquet ate "luxury meals " nl spaghetti, vegetables anil dessert (left)
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Banquet raises money
By Tammy Batey
Emerald Repoiter _
Hunger and homelessness were two issues discussed at the Ban
quet for Hunger which took place Dec 2 on campus. The event,
sponsored by University Housing, raised money for St. Vincent de
Paul's holiday food baskets to be distributed among hungry Lane
County families •
Hunger in Lane County is a widespread problem. Information
provided by Oregon Food Bank indicates that 4!) percent of the
hungry are children.
Although the United States is one of the wealthiest countries in
the world. 20 percent of the food produced in this country is
thrown away, according to a fact sheet prepared by the Oregon
Food Bank.
These figures were just a few of many mentioned at the banquet
The event raised $560 for the holiday food baskets, and approxi
mately 2BO tickets were sold.
Banquet attendants discovered firsthand what it means to go
away hungry from the dinner table. Three types of dinners were
served, each representing a different class of eating.
Students who received the luxury dinner consisting of spaghetti,
green beans. bread and soda should "smile and feel blessed." said
Carol Pelster. St Vincent de Paul Society's western region youth
The middle level dinners, consisting of soup, and the poverty
level dinners which were rice were met with sighs, complaints
and comments on hunger by students. "I'm so happy I can go get
something after this." a student said
Fugene attorney John Van Iauidingham spoke on the problems of
a lack of low income housing in lame County. Van 1-andingham is
( hairman of the Lane County 1 lousing Task Force
There are about 3,000 low subsidized units in Oregon for fami
lies However, these have long waiting lists, w hich are only open
once a year. Van lamdinghant said. The lists are open for a week
on a lottery basis
Also, many homeless cannot afford the $T>00 to $(>00 fee to stay
in the units. Van I-andingham said. Operators of these units can
c barge this amount because no deposit is required. The two fastest
growing homeless are single parents with children and working
families Neither of these groups can pay the fee for low income
The rental vacancy rate is 1 portent to 3 percent, while a healthy
rate is 5 percent, Van l-andingham said. Besides an availability
problem there is an affordability problem
"For lower income people they can't find a plat e'and if they do
they can't afford it." he said. "In I’.IHB over 3.000 people wore
paying more than 70 percent of their income for rent."
Van l-andingham ended his speech by mentioning a homeless
grade school student who drew a picture of a house with many
doors. When asked by his teacher why his house had so many
doors the child said, "so all the homeless people can get inside."
Earth First! to meet
Rainforest Action Group
meets tonight at 5:30 in HMD
Suite 1. ('all 346-0350 for more
A1ESEG meets tonight at 7:30
in Room 310 Gilbert. For more
information call 342-5719.
Et als
Ancient Forest/Earth First!
meets tonight at 7 in EMU
Suite 1. For more information
call 346-4356.
Women’s Sexual Identity
Group meets today from noon
to 1 p in. in EMU Cedar Room
D. bring a lunch. For more in
formation call 346-4095.
College Republicans meets
tonight at 5:30 in EMU Cedar
Room C.
Academic Freedom Forum
will Ih‘ held today from noon to
2:30 pin. in the FiMl)
Gumwood Room. The event is
sponsored by the Gay and Les
bian Alliance and the ASUO.
For more information call
Emily Heilbrun from the
Shanti AIDS project will speak
tonight at 7:30 at the Newman
Center. 1850 Emerald St For
more information (all
Storm the Stairs recognition
ceremony will lx; held today at
4 pin. in the EMU Gum wood
Dead Poet's Society will Ik;
shown tonight at 7 in the Sa
cred Heart General Hospital au
ditorium. Ur Regina McGloth
lin. a psychiatrist, will be avail
able to discuss the film and an
swer questions. For more infor
mation call 342-6478
Oregon Book Connection
will have an information table
in the EMU Fishbowl Annex
from today until Friday, from
to a m. to 5 p.m
Student Mass will be held to
night at 9 at the Newman Cen
ter, 1850 Emerald St. For more
information call 345-7021.
Guest speaker Rev. Margaret
Johnston will speak on conflict
and reconciliation in Northern
An advent celebration will
be held tonight at 7 at the Wes
ley Center. 1236 Kincaid St.
For more information call
EMU Winter Craft Fair will
be hold today and Thursday
from 10 a m. to 5 p.m. in the
EMU Fir Room For more infor
mation call 346-4361.
Deadline for submitting Et
als to tin■ Emerald front desk.
EMI' .Suite non. is noon the day
Mom publication. Et als run
the day of the event unless the
event takes place before noun.
r man