Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Pholu b» \mlrr K«ni«rl
/Vo/ only do student Marine reservists Andy Harris (right) and kirt Fuller have to worry ahtiut
going to the Middle blast, they've got three days to call family and friends and wrap up academ
ic business before being shipped out.
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Student reservists get
the call for gulf duty
By Catherine Hawley
Emeiald Associate Editor
University students Andy
Harris and K irt Fuller always
knew as members of the Marine
Corps reserves they could be
called to active duty at any
time, but they never expected it
to happen.
But Saturday, they will re
port to Salem with other reserv
ists in Company A of the 6th
Engineers Support Battalion
Monday, they will go to Camp
Pendleton. Calif., where they
will await further orders.
Harris and Fuller, both re
serve combat engineers, said
they joined the reserves for col
lege money "and maybe for a
little adventure on the side",
the possibility of active duty
seemed, at most, remote
That all changed Nov 27,
when Harris and Fuller re
ceived telephone calls inform
ing them their company was
being activated
Since then, both have been
scrambling to finish their class
es. to contact friends and fami
ly and to prepare themselves
mentally for military duty
Both said they believe their
chances of being sent to the
Middle Fast are high
"From what I know, the one
other company in our battalion
that's been activated is now in
Saudi Arabia." Harris said.
The recent call-up of the Eu
gene-based 6th Britlge Compa
ny may indicate that the con
struction and demolition skills
of combat engineers will lie re
quired as well, Fuller said.
"If they’re sending bridge
builders over there, they're go
ing to also send all-purpose en
gineers." Fuller said
The call-up is difficult to ac
cept for Harris, who had less
than a year left to serve He
said hi! has changed since he
enlisted more than five years
ago. and he disagrees with
President Cleorge Hush's deci
sion to deploy troops in the
Middle East.
”1 sympathize with the Ku
waiti people and those that are
suffering as a result of Iraq's ag
gression," Harris said "But 1
would rather see this solved in
the Arab League or in some
other manner. I would rather
see Hush have a little more pa
tience with the sanctions, even
if it takes waiting up to a year "
He said he believes Hush has
sent troops to the Persian Clulf
for the sake of U S oil inter
ests. not democracy
"If American men and wom
en die over there, it won’t be
for democracy in Kuwait." he
said. "It will be so Americans
can drive Winnebagos and Cad
On the other hand. Fuller
said he's not "gung-ho" about
going to the Middle Hast, but
he sees a parallel between Sad
dam Hussein’s invasions of
Iran and Kuwait and Hitler's
invasions of Poland and Czech
oslovakia that led to World W'ar
"As far as just letting a man
Turn to RESERVISTS, Page 9
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