HOW'STHIS NEW^R'S REsaimoN? mm UN-USE FORCE LETTERS Off track In light of the recent contro versv .it the law si hool and as students at the University, we should keep trac k of what we stand tor There has been little talk that the sexual content of a guv instructor's class discus sion was out of context and not appropriate I know that in structor. and question anyone's judgment who would consider his use of a certain case not pertinent The instrui tor is the first to point out that certain individu als ma\ he offended by certain subjei Is of lavs That does not limit those subjects' impor tance Conflicts of opinion can only be remedied, if at all, through dis< ussion Ignoring or muffling dis< us sion of it. of course, will only do harm I caution the IJniver silv from a< cepting what is stat us quo as what is right I’ubln universities are not to protei t the status quo. but to promote equality. If we don't support minor ities or allow them a forum, we risk losing quality minds such as Creg lohnson s The maturity will not develop, but rather grow stale in their un derslanding of social slrui lures and i outinut! to live well .it the expense of others V\ ithout the resonn es private or even competing uni varsities have, we should fall back on what we stand tor to support the higher education svstem. An open, considerate and non threatening environ ment (.an be more attractive than high salaries Let's not lose track of what we stand tor and let's not lose instructors like Johnson Darren |. Welsh No draft Attention all males between the ages ot 1H and -ti' lake it or not it seems as if our leaders are all set for military action against Iraq Top Washington officials all agree that in order to launc h a successful attack against the forces of Saddam Hussein, the ILS militarv draft should he renewed (Yes. you heard me right a draft!) What many of you may not know is that some tilings about the draft have been changed: mainly exemptions Students are no longer exempt from rnili THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON r Perspectives in nature we rarely enjoy lur\ service If vou are culled Up vou are allowed to Imish mil die term and then uni no Also exemptions for onlv i liddren have been redni ed If vou don't want to kill lor oil I si rough urge vou to conlai I a draft counselor through groups sin It as (llergv and l.aily Con cerned l or information i all •4Hr>1755 Stand up lor pence and sav "N()" to the Culf War Seth Frankel TCFYPeac* studies Give it up lad's review what I am us a national guardsman voting, unthinking, a sheep However nohilitv awaits! Soldiers of the world unite' You have nothing but sour guns to lose' (live Saddam Hus sein Kuwait, or anvthmg else he ( houses' (lurtis Dobbins Student Prepare For Winter! a Bring your car to the h Preventative Maintenance Program REPAIR Clone lo Campus • A S E Certified Technician * 1*1 Tune • ups • Brakes ■ Fuel Injection 1917 Franklin Blvd. • Eugene 4858226 Oregon DULY EMERALD ro. no« m<*» The Oregon Daily Emerald in pubbnhed Monday through Friday oicopf during *'*am week and vacations by the 0'eQOn Daily Emerald Publishing C il (he University of Oregon. Eugene OreQon The Emerald m operated independently ol the University *dh office* on I he third floor of lh« Erb Memo'.tl Union and in a member of fhe Asvh uded Pr».♦*.•» The Emerald in private property The unlawful removal or use of paper* i-. ecu table by lav* Editor a . ... Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Associate Editors Christopher t)i|ir Rot? 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