Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 245 ROOMS Woodside Manor Quiet »mgie room with private bath * shared kitchen area i bik to campus Female only Avail Dec or Jan UW met Can 3447657 or 485 6515 to rent r?26 Discount on dorm contract Must sell’ _ Cali 3*6 9725 DORM CONTRACT For Sale $25 Call Shawna, 346 6034 Dorm Contract For Sale Plaase Call 346 9620 DORM CONTRACT For Sala* Call Meghan. 343 9781 Dorm Contract For Sale ♦ $20 Cash Cell Maya at 346 9304 _ Dorm Contract tor sale!! Call Kelli tor details 346 6409 PLEASE Ml Dorm contract for male Will give $30 cash with purchase Contact Jett 345 1745 Dorm Contract For Sale! Free dorm si/e (ridge* 346 9776 HEY YOU* Call me lor a great dorm contract Cash bonus! Catherine at 346 9547 EVENTS Tio oorIr bbNtRAbYs MUST SELL DORM CONTRACT $30 Reward given Call al 346 9M7 255 ROOMM)>tE* WAmYTo— Female rmmte 1 bdrm unfurn Share kitchen t>a Storage On btke pain . '• V. \ i’:V> U‘ .mi • Female Roommal* wanted to 5har* quiet 2 bedroom apt in So Eugene Pool A laundry room on premises S23Smo • util Calt Helen at 34!HfoQ3 Qraat location. 1 block from campus Maier female $250 • utH Cali after 6 pm 663 3340 2 bedroom apartment Roommate wanted to share graat *.< bad room house rvaar campui (11th A P it tar son) Call 34 3 3940 To lhara 2 badroom apt close to campus 1262 50 Lesbian Alliance Marlene Drescher. Student Advocacy Clarence Spigner, Community Health Phil Zuckerman, Jewish Student (Inion Demonstration To Protest Bigotry at the G.O. Law School Wednesday. Dec. 5 11 AM Law School Courtyard < WE WILL NOT TOLERATE INSTITUTIONALIZED HOMOPHOBIA, SEXISM, OR RACISM Sponsored by the Gay and lesbian Alliance and ASUO f or more information « all GALA at *46 * *60 EMU WINTER CRAFT FAIR TODAY 10 am - 5:30 pm Music, hot cider, awesome crafts EMU Craft Cantar 140 4301 GRUBB STREET Wed., 9 PM PEGASUS PIZZA ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 DISCOUNT IHOWI Vr Wa 14 Mat ft 1 —i 99t» S. /i*y ? 30 I 10 Jan M*tun • lima TKawyn THE TALL gUY __ *►*»•» roo #10 A Nt>«< Tata 94 **9. p99+9* A MaaaMry Shadow of the Raven :^:0r.sM>-M4gnH^ ly 11 JO TK 5a |4 So «• 1J itnd tfaaaW hi a MonAa* Mm »•*' Mai * VO' LONDE EMANUELLEJ l PM ^*9 1 * 1 *>■/'•» 11 34 Th S« t) Su *• M K> A TWVTM TAU 00 ILUTS AMO MOtTS FRANKENHOOKER MO OM «**»• ' • •.ati.nad b»r«9 ftx# I 0 L. (,ar-»-at w*»t> •"< ARTS 1 ENTERTAIMMEnY FOOD & DRINK 290 (Ned to Pizza Pete si 2657 Willamette 344 0816 . . M M fcilbK .>f .!• ■*n»:>Ik *ix! K Mu H - Up • N.. f; • i • Krtulc this |mprr. 305 INC U ol 0 Crisis Center Helpline 146 4466 e»e« nights & *tM»A*n5 and claim forms may no* be obtained in room 16 of ih* t MU V : »» M Uj rt .h' *> ; - live 1 on 1 talk • 1 9/6 4»*X) • I9 96r' 4ll T Tl #916 723 2/64 • 1 976 62SS • Listen in on hot fatk f 1 96/m.n T Tl #916 223 2/64 • 1 9/6 1939 • f 4v»% 1m{ t uyene* s hottest parly line 24htj tl 16.mm TTl .916 223 2/64 [Til 7r.„ume DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS MIDNIGHT STROLL TOUR t I A N D . THE MEMPHIS HORNS with ip«€i«i qmii LLOYD JONES STRUGGLE Dec. 11 Hull Center S18, $19 Reserved 1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer, ACROSS 1 Slags direction 5 Halt a ballroom dance7 8 Modilmd plant formation 12 Marrow's rival 13 Robot drama 14 Ourrowur 15 Southern bread 17 Part of WATS 18 Pavarotti, o! al 19 f mod in the memory 21 Toady's word 22 Bedouin 23 Circle segment 26 Snub nosed do 28 Ware house 31 Social pe 33 Handle clumsily 35 Israeli seaport 36 Concur 38 Hit o! goo 40 Caustic substance 41 Require 43 Martin — Huron 45 loiter 47 Eats away 51 Anagram tor lair 52 Mxtwest region 54 Vain 55 l omon follower 56 Otherwise 57 Bosom buddies 58 Young boy 59 Spare DOWN 1 Splinter group 2 Indian 3 Love follower 4 Irritate 5 Deceive 6 Attild was one 7 Hotel palm 8 Come forth 9 Unsophis treated 10 Away trom the storm 11 tye or head load in Solution lima: 21 mins. Yesterday's answer 12-5 16 Type ot school 20 Mina output 23 In the manner ol 24 f quip 25 Lnglish county 27 Wander about 29 'To rob Peter and — Paul* 30 Nice season 32 Teases 34 Vacillated 37 Conger 39 Mural dance site 42 translor design 44 Prure giver 45 boring parson 46 Verdi haroino 48 l ake out 49 She was born (roe 50 British gun 53 Harem room FREE Movie Rental with rental ol equal or greater value VCR & 2 Movies 48 Hour Rental only S595 valid Wed & Thurs only thru 12-12 1495 E 19th 342 4972 TERIYAKI j ALLEY | 1/2 Teriyaki Chicken w/ rice and salad $4.50 (bring in this coupon for a free soft drink) 1306 Hilyard • 345-9555 INITIATION ’91 Race your orders now lor special gills lor your little Sis or Bro and we ll have them ready when you return in January * Sewn on Letter Sweats ★ Brass Pin Boxes * Acrylic Boxes With Crests ★ Paddles ★ Lavaliers * Engraved Discs and Charms CAMPUS CONNECTION 720 E. 13th (next to Dairy Queen) 344-3439 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson VW*T 00 100 GtT »4WtK 1CW CHO^S CANVM.OOtt. XlO* L»SS>L: * MfclOH-COUtl BASM ' GtT \T AHWAHA / WAN hHH * eOfl/QH.' UK^HAM.' ll I s ML JVJST ocfcSNV MMtr to tK.t UP TO TUt TACT THAT tu 8L TWfc Lift of t'if.CW PWITI \ Hudson van Curen by Michael Russell REceuny, iwc Pl/MVfP AS A LOYE OfJkT A s\jy mmid 'Paffgp. v ■' ^ PiMsf N’oTf That 'Hwm VA Hi OltiEhl" is CfUpcVitlt O&JfCTlFlCATlON OF WOHfN' I HOT MnifLy MiTury's wsjii/t Vicr/M... r—-—— r..r*i a fun Fianf?' ^ (K. war sniff Mr want v cnr ymtN Wt: TXHS 70 trc»Cf/ize amp Ursnr PMT/tt/ey>i/e pmks. W hi if I'M A Tool ik puivruiNO fin Master, THfUCs A tor Monf TO Mf. HC<* FfM v r*M it.nry /yrcteo-ryr/HS - hwr fOPNP IN CAt-TOONS, MvSR fcv"t> Hlt~t : Hi 'N£tf; MKf f