Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ROBIN J44 07S« GRAD SCHOOL AP PROVED ?0 Y«nti at b4r>QfOund Pull **rvte* f S' pcmt*r 1$ y ear *i eap*f»*nc# (Fra# pick up'd*ttv*ry) Carol* tWMLBS/B T's Typing & Transcription Protaaaional tellable accural* IBM «y«t*m LO Printer P*p#r%! Approved Guaranteed Pleat* call 485 3343 Tht WORD SPECIALISTS * (rtaduak Vhool Approved * IhMfMilmvThf*^ Paper* * IliM < VmtpaUblc 1 >i*i ( ow CfatOA la*cr lYtntihi&trtapAioi * I ditin^R<*unio CAROLYN 'jp^sja a hoy 344-4510 •05 f 13th A** Printed text to computer hies BBatnmanB 74/456^ SUO V*J •] 120 TUTORING Accounting tutCM needed ItO/hour 484 1k>4 ■: BEAT THE “ETSaTs BLUES Tutoring Math B'<«4o$y Cham M your boro* \f hod by Credanti*ied M *> teach** Call Jo* at 345 '496 eeh FUTON FRAMES 3 Powhon T *m% 540 Fults %*J: Qu**n» 160 Delivery Available •154478 H»9h quality queen a*;* Kiton %l> Technics receiver cast pt*ynr and Advent »pn«*er» good >m* 1200 Unbn.sbad pm© taiXft grea? COOd, >30 ConliCt StfMft 345 3114 Jana % Addiction Ticket Portland Tua» 11 Muii tali' 344 9345 New Bond Slraat learner bfi*t< *»a Absolutely btauMut 175 iGost m*? 12751 Custom-made hardwood double bod Ifame 535 4ft*. 4503 New Onkyo amp i»0 *att« ItIVoiw Nat* pre '200 tin t 200cm t15G*obo New cuilom white VW wheel* 4 lire* li'MVobo Mutl tail Dave 345 87T9 TOYS TOYS TOYS Bator* you pay to* much try KlOSTUFf fetal- t be*i b. »*. 13th 404 440« It 5 M , Sal UNtCf f CAROS AND GIFTS on tala today to to 4 at the UO Bookstore* mmmc "I 130 FOR SHE - BIG I SALE UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO Sony • 6 -J Port CO P|«W>< i-ft '■ • Oult>* * S’Ilf •• ■,*’>■' W.tik-’ .* WM A', S. ' ^ AuM • MS T 40A 9 . " T#chn*ct Horn# Audio • ♦*' ••• Was* '■ .• in, {.0 CtHK* Olh#» s«c»r# S ' . 9 91 • Carou^i if Ay Ootign 17*9 :y S«n»ui Oot« owls' • «V v-xx W: *.»" •+ «*<-,<*» • *hu<* tft«y latlf ^1*9^ • 82 *i) ’00 *t»H ‘i, j CS *> 4'.. S 1 ft 09 94 • Hr-». . M.i ... - ' t, Prices good til Christmas! Why go anywhere else when you can shop between classes?! —UO-Bookslore— 2 FREEDOM BOWl ttck*f% *24 each $44 both L*»** me usage $42 2374 135 BUY OR TRADE HELP* ' n##d {-. ,kJ • ***! Love Don 346 9622 O Of LL ISO OAL T AN* FOR F ISH OR REPTILE 4. 2 i 2 SiaO'OBO CALL 51U. «#* 0244 msEamm TERS Good Chmfma* present •« M ' ; in good cows*Mon w luil n*tm«l f-JOG 346 6409 Honda Edit 60 Mill MA'Mimed IbOOul* - Call D*v« at >444799 Honda Elill 60 Only *.n rr.den M condition with foil ,#,i’ Mmr! SROfrobo Call Ftob *i M2 '960 66 Aato SO Scoot** 2nd o*n«i t>i* *€5<» good c oitcMMon Muil $400 Can ;U4 ts.'T2 mmmnzzzz ——.- .-.- -.-i 164 W BroacMiv Eugene. Oregon V740' (S03) 343 3622 FUTONS & FRAMES f-urnishmi:' * 1 ijihlinj: * P"'lcr> * CliMhin); * Jcv»clr\ SHE Rnrtyaslona MB 5 M» Brka 7 wkr< ■ Jd * * astumar* mu%t *mH- S400 P»»ncti 4IS(!>2t*y*« Kon* Ftra Mountain MouM*' B*fce ?t blue A white teia than ?0 miles pt***K t condition include* hype- ylide year* *ryp!.'; lock 4 much m<

4 MP 28 S Calculator P*-■■yrammat -< r-'-trf*c arrQfaphu *> he«» ' Save |too Only S’TC fan Y4i 22'* IBM PS 2 Modal 30 ". me software ?Lotus t?j Hazard WF t ? * S&S&obo 345 iMsiuTSUiPMSMT K 2 200 L oofc bindings Quit# mw Comas with bay 5125 oho 405 1946 lib Tactmologia* litigator *'• • Brand mw wo bindings S' ’ Wi 9624 j*uKi Ottn 070 s In 190 5 75 obo Ross 405 9639 Shi racks tor Saia M0/obo Call 603 0032 POO TRAVEL MOT«MOT'HOT'MOT« MOTfMOT'HOT* >Nf XPCNSlVf SPRING BR£ A* TRIP* MEXICO HAMAH ME* > O 1000 M.1 9206 Miami Florida (.Me W«y plane ln>t ! E#t>ru4U> .'7 Woman $1?C ^egotiafrl* 345 T;M Om way plan* iKkOl IO N*Mr folk Ctly *< f uQ*n* on December 16 $2 .'Mr. to C#uJohn >44 9166 On* way plan* ticket * ’ Eug«- < ' i.v4" ty. M4 93‘4) One way ticket t . Sj Erancisco v*i*cj 'i ' D*r tilth $1*6 Can U6 4469 iOa*» PLANE TICKET Eugene S F LA 12/14. one way $80 Chm 346 9010 Round! . .. to Bt> ( a > 746-9702 1 way ticket I W!*»*n« *1 ' E and Hr'' on 0* 20 $ 120 00 M.cf aita 346 51 9e tday Si 2 Atrlme Tickets 1 p a i, P’KJ tu i Diego 1? 15/90 $65 .’ach $150 froth 485 5502 215 OPPORTUNITIES Don t know w?i«tt you n* t the tie*! 5 people at our Merry Wf!MH)»V !#*>«# (in the EMU lobby 11 30-1 00} and yOu «»tl Q«l your Me ry Message* pec%o«4tf ad at>*o ie<, FREE* Don t m*»a thfu-meeting f#h#t> plana, (raining I 4H-.il supervising clients and •'Maintaining community contracts : Mai fetors degree in Human Services ' }paifin’ nwn 3 II 30 pm JiOftimo 1 «'lh banf' is Rasutnai to ?I4$ Centennial Pla/a Eugene 97401 AA/EOE Dancers wanted (»r#-.at Asankar Bush C • oany ( . *n#nt money 1030 «*y Delivery Drivers needed Famity help#* wanted ' help 1 ' * , ■. jg«* 4 A ' Musi fse mature 'r, - : ».;• If* a»Hl * »<- ch»‘d»t*n dependable And fietibie hours Mus! be available som* hobuay* and war altons References please $-3 ’Vht • atari 143? t^M MOMf TYPISTS. PC users needed *35 000 potential Details OIMS-M7-MOO E«t B <164? it's easier man »vhj thins fn pay f • you* coUtQt education working at Jtggie* t»< ©Pent money fie * >t>fe hours c-ait Naftcwt Of Brov* !ui per .t tfe'v.rw 344 6497 OVl HSl AS JOBS *900 2000/mo Sommer yr round ail countries ell fields Free info write tJC PO B* ; 0RO3 Corona Dei Mar ( A K 2 (ad©% K 6 ?0 .’KVweefc $4 lQ%7 06 [Hit hour Full job description* and applications a* '6* North A St Spnogtield Mon Fri i H am h pm Applu atron deadline Dec it t WO t Of STUDENT POSITIONS (2) PROGRAMMf R V • VAhrDOf Install maintain and upgrade PC soft a are eg N .ell Net a an- DOS TCP'iP f mail Wmdowa and related applications programs Install hard ware boards. dift* drives PC ft yet err s printers et» Must have go d {■ 1 i- • siivtng arid customer interface sMl* and e* penance with PC DOS *mput©r networking end PC hardware to the tv it d l» west of campus t bdrm furnished 1320 Lease to June 15th 735 £ 17th 34 3 2114 3*4 1583 Campus area *’ txfrms b*0 a Bus to campus j496/mo Ay a. I Dec 687 13^8_ UNIVERSITY MANOR SO. 745 E 15th On* two and three bedroom units available winter term Call now and get your name in for upcommQ vacancies' Prices range from $415 for 1 bedrooms to $696 tor 3 bedrooms call Michael at _WMm_ 15th ft Oliva Apts Spacious clean studio. $375 ft 1 bdrm loft $406 Close to campus and downtown laundry parking ft most utilities included Mgr 484 6633 rSSTi^si jaw 1 bedroom furnished Laundry 97t Hilyard $310 Studio laundry 1911 Kincaid $280 t bedroom 425^ E 12th $225 Studio j Off street ParkmQ»No Pets*By Appt [ 686 1130_Spyglass Associates j 1 bdrm furnished Walk to campus »>r shopping Clean well maintained dishwasher disposal carpet drapes covered parking, $.365imo Avail Dec t or 16th *200 Ferry St 344 3191 If not home please leave message 1 bedroom Townhouse spacious clean quiet close to campus, ideal for coupta $415' 't 2 bdrm on 15th ft Hilyau: dishwasher garbage disp Avan Jan 1 $595 * utH 344 8752 2*0 QUADS Campus Area Quad S209 plus deposit 343 4109 Campus Court Quads campus utilities included no deposit necessary Call 464 7J40 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Contemporary furnished quad units m e»cevi«nt campus location Off st'eet parking on site laundry and ALL UTILITIES PAID* required through 6-30'91 Call 344 ‘KHJC DESPERATE1 Must sell Dorm Contract Will Give Reward" Call Emily al 663 1030 346 I3M Help me get out of my qh ,-*d f'ei’i.i - only great roomies dose t< ampus’ S239rmo including utilities Call Stacy 343 6976 tarter 4i 1 talk from campus %2 ■'-) • " led. • utils Private bath Parting Ava.r alt* Dec 15th 344 5677 ask lor Quang TYLER PARK QUADS S2S Tyler St Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid’ 1246 Cali 34 3 9235 Willowtree 1560 Lincoln St Quad living at Its best Private bath Shared common area Biking distance to campus S24VS265 Call 6A3 4219 mROOMS" ” - ALDER ST COOPS WE OWN THEM Alternative living in houses fun by for members Now accepting appn a tiOf'S for winter and spring Janet Smith 1790 Aider 633 3777 Campbell Dub 1670 Aider tso3 34•> LOT an Manor 1646 Alder 6£ i 4-M CHELSEA HOUSE CO OP 3651 Onya St Wintar. Spring terms 34 3 2 6 74 Private bath, new bed i spar < us quiet quad w/iaundry parking on sdr S269rmo Avan 12'15 466-8516 Room in 2 bdrm spar:iom basement apt w/W6D 15 mm waik/5 msn b408. female prr’erred Spacious, convenient campus 2 mos leale available Cali Gmny. 7466433 evenings/mormng* BY GARRY TRUDEAU Doonesbury F«ST.L£7 Me S4y 1 PtPN'7 START OUTTO UP9YNGH. I JUST umiEWOBt ei£cm? PRUSIPBNV The TAX. fUPtf: CAMt UP IN me Htat oe me campaign, i NeeptPA cotMcnoN. mexe tuA&n tim£ TopemopoNt oe mom, soi gave voice to SMpcte \ ^ "'c7<'iL=£SP BUT, HEY. THATS AU IN THE PAST, OKAY7 FROM NOLO ON, THE ONLY PERSON YOU'U BE HEAR! NO FROM & QECROE BUSH' I PJIU NEVER, EVER AOAiN UPSYNCH TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE' 9R.AR5 YOU PCX NO n now* THLRE-'LL 8E A SHORT transitional TtRJOP, YES. 7 A WW-—W BMBM PMLltM CHINESE RESTAURANT 1275 ALDER ST. 683-8886 441** ttfrf* SERVING FAS! LUNCH, BEST CHINESE IM ORIENTAL BUFFET M TH 10 30 8 00 Fn 10 30 8:30 Sat 1130830 Closed Sunday DINNER SPECIALS EVERYDAY!!!