RESERVISTS Continued from Page 9 mg from their classes with a full refund of their tuition, said University registrar Herb Chereck. However, "because it is so close to the end of the term, some students are able to com plete their courses and salvage some credit." Chorek said So far. eight to 12 University stu dents have been affected bv call-ups, he said. If U S. troops are involved in a shooting war in the Middle East. Fuller said he hopes re turning soldiers are not treated with the scorn that greeted vet erans coming home from Viet nam 20 years ago "Some of us did make con st ious det isions as tar as going over there, whether we liked it or not." he said. "We did do some soul sean hing. and we're not I h e s e unthinking. unconscientious pimple that somt" people would like to charm terize us as Harris said he hoped those who oppose military action in the gulf would express their opinions to lawmakers "I would encourage students here to put pressure on those policymakers in Washington that can make a difference for us and bring us home as soon ns possible," Harris said. Stretch your dollars .... by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Emerald, &jrp Continued from Page 1 cessitatinR more < lasses in which students can enroll to fulfill the requirement. I.lnllx) said IIuIIki also said the deci sion about which i lasses count toward the require ment is not done arbitrarily. There is a list approved by departmental faculty, fol lowed by a review of the proposed class, before a class is cleared, he said "A teacher cannot just de cide to teach a t:litss «ind it automatically fulfills a re quirement,” HoIIki said Ilf* added that the classes will eventually lie-in to filter out. Holho said them will !«• no special review of the re quirements, outside of what ordinarily takes plat e after a new requirement is im plemented. Hailey said he would like to see a review take place now the requirement has been in effect for one term I Take note of the latest music news 3 Watch for Friday’s Entertainment Section Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ios PEW Is To Juli* G From your Secret Santa Sit' LK Guess who1 _Friday 5.00. Bubba's EMU WCF hat great things to otter discerning gift shoppers EMU Ftr Room. 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